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Reclaim Wonder Imagined Futures of Resource Sharing Resource Sharing In Tomorrowland, ALA Annual 2016 Angela Galvan | Systems Librarian | SUNY Geneseo

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This is a mech. Related: robots, dinosaurs, and rocks are still the coolest. Alien tripod illustration by Alvim Corréa, from the 1906 French edition of H.G. Wells' ‘War of the Worlds’.

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In this talk… ● The distributed future and scholarly communications. ● Fearless, flexible imagination. ● Anticipatory choice and integration.

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“The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed.” -William Gibson

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By distributing scholarship, we are distributing the future.

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The future is deliberate. Hendrik Wijdeveld's 'Cityless City' (1927)

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We make the future of libraries. Not futurists. Not thought leaders. Us.

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That makes the future kind of scary, no? 'All good things of this earth flow into the city’ - Pericles' Funeral Oration, via BioShock

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Real Adult Fears

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‘A Forecast’ (1910) Imagine better

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Chances are, ILL can do that. Discovery Reformatting Metadata Subject expertise Scholarly communication Resource management Copyright User experience Logistics Collection development

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Resource sharing is wish fulfillment.

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No content

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Everything we do erodes, maintains, or strengthens connections.

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This means you care about systems. This is wish fulfillment for you, too.

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Because we kcare, the future is more integrated. Nicola Diulgheroff's 'Lighthouse to Celebrate the Victory of the Machine' (1927)

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Chances are, ILL is doing it anyway. Discovery Reformatting Metadata Subject expertise Scholarly communication Resource management Copyright User experience Logistics Collection development

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Thank you. Find me @panoptigoth, be part of the future today with IDS Project, or come be our next director!