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No meu SERVICE ninguém MESH

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Cláudio de Oliveira Sr. Software Engineer @ zup innovation K8s, Service Mesh and Golang enthusiast lead organizer CNCF Campinas ● ● Golang Campinas & Soujava @claudioed on Twitter /claudioed on GitHub

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Tiago Angelo Sr. Software Engineer @ zup innovation ● microservices and service mesh enthusiast ● organizer of and @kurtisangelo on Twitter /angelokurtis on GitHub

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Agenda 1 - Few words about microservice 4 - AuthN & AuthZ 3 -Service Mesh 2 - Security challenges 5 - Mutual TLS

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Few words about microservices…. language heterogeneity reduce time to market, if you compare with legacy system helps in path to digital transformation helps large companies to delivery software with confidence

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Security Challenges

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Microservices enable different services with different languages, in general, it is recommended, it is called technology heterogeneity. Problem Frameworks have different concerns about security

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Teams have different worries about security, some teams have strong expertise on this topic and others not, sometimes we’ ve got different security levels in our MSA Problem Team expertise

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There are two things when we think about security Authentication and Authorization Problem teams have no idea about the difference between these topics

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Service Mesh

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Definition “A service mesh is a configurable, low‑latency infrastructure layer designed to handle a high volume of network‑based interprocess communication among application infrastructure services using application programming interfaces (APIs).”

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let’s zoom in a little bit…...

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ALLLLLL services interactions happen over to sidecar a.k.a envoy proxy

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The Sidecar as Policy Enforcement Points (PEPs)

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we already give the platform a chance to handle our deployments let's give a chance to a platform to handle network for us, a.k.a security concerns

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Step Back

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Kubernetes is a very successful platform to help developers to deploy their containers and manage their workloads. The important part here: the kubernetes implements a sort of patterns to achieve it

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All the deployment decisions are made on the platform Kubernetes Our applications don’t care about the cluster workload, kubernetes does it for us

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Istio & Security

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Security by default: no changes needed for application code and infrastructure Defense in depth: integrate with existing security systems to provide multiple layers of defense Zero-trust network: build security solutions on untrusted networks

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End-User Authn & AuthZ

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It verifies the original client making the request as an end-user or device. Istio enables request-level authentication with JSON Web Token (JWT) validation and a streamlined developer experience for open source OpenID Connect provider

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it integrates with OpenID Connect provider

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End-User Authz

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Each Envoy proxy runs an authorization engine that authorizes requests at runtime. When a request comes to the proxy, the authorization engine evaluates the request context against the current authorization policies, and returns the authorization result, either ALLOW or DENY.

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let’s recap the Istio Request Flow

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Istio Request Flow Istio Request Flow

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Service-to-Service Authn Service-to-Service Authn

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Transport authentication, also known as service-to-service authentication: verifies the direct client making the connection. Istio offers mutual TLS as a full stack solution for transport authentication

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Provides a key management system to automate key and certificate generation, distribution, and rotation

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Choose your mTLS flavor!!! Strict - Hard Permissive - Soft Disabled - Very Soft

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Fine grained control policies Mesh-wide policy Namespace-wide policy Workload policy

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Final Words about Service Mesh Final words about Service Mesh

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Zero code changes is not a 100% true Are headers propagated???

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Can your service run with a sidecar???

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Readiness and Liveness Probes???

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