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CCIO Leaders Network CCIO Summer School 4-5 July

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Developing Clinical Informatics Leadership Dr Susan Hamer Organisational and Workforce Development Director, National Institute of Health Research Dr Joe McDonald Chairman, Deputy Medical Director CCIO Leaders Network, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

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Developing Clinical Leadership Joe McDonald 07803040470 @comparesoftware

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Ashleigh Ewing

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Mid Staffordshire  In the trust’s drive to become a foundation trust, it appears to have lost sight of its real priorities.

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Have we dropped the leadership baton?

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Success Failure Clinically led  Simple  User group  Cheap  Existing Product  User/developer in same room  No Data Migration  Gradual  Cake first Not clinically led  Complex  No user group  Expensive  New Product  User/developer on different continents  Data Migration  Big Bang  Icing first

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Leadership IS the new black  Darzi 2008- leadership neglected – this must change  GMC 2012- requirement for all doctors  NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 2012- doctors have intrinsic leadership role and REPSONSIBILITY to contribute to the effective running of healthcare organisations  RCPsych 2013- Psychiatrists are uniquely placed to provide leadership within mental health teams, services and organisations

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So You Wanna be a CCIO?  Whackamole

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“The Leaning Tower of Bullshit”  Monitor  CQC  NHSLA

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Do You Feel Lucky? Go ahead , change how I work

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What makes a good CCIO?

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Not Afraid

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I’m not a Luddite but……..

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Good People Do Bad Things  Nothing corrupts like loyalty and friendship

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Not Too Scarey

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Lessons Learned

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You Don’t Need A Rolls Royce

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A fancy title is not power F*** You

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National Mental Health Informatics Network  1) Get 8 Key People together  2) Appoint leader  3) Get support from the top  4) Get Enough money to Launch  5) Grow membership  6) Get a sustainable business model  7) Turn Pro

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Didn’t We Already Spend a Fortune on Clinical Leadership? But Max Weber could have told us we were wasting our money:- Structural Authority Moral Authority Structural Authority Financial Authority Charismatic Authority Sapiential Authority

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John Maxwell If you think you are leading and no one is following you are just going for a walk

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They also Serve who only Standardise….

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Data Migration

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Naughty User Syndrome

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What is NOT leadership? Management  Administers  Accepts status quo  Imitates  How and when  Maintains  Bottom line Leadership  Innovates  Challenges status quo  Originates  What and why  Develops  Horizon

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Rob Goffee  Seven things you need to know about clever people  1. They know their worth. They have tacit skills — knowledge that can’t be transferred independent of its holder — rather than skills that can be easily codified.  2. They’re organisationally savvy and will seek the company context in which their interests are most generously funded.  3. They ignore corporate hierarchy. They care about intellectual status, not job titles, so you can’t lure them with promotions. They may, however, insist on being addressed as doctor or professor.  4. They expect instant access to top management and if they don’t get it they may think that their work isn’t being taken seriously.  5. They are well connected and are usually plugged into highly developed knowledge networks — whom they know is often as important as what they know. This increases their value to the organisation but also makes them more of a flight risk.  6. They have a low boredom threshold and will leave if you don’t inspire them with your organisation’s purpose.  7. They won’t thank you even when you lead them well. They don’t like to feel that they’re being led.

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IO commandments of Medical Leadership  Thou shalt be a doctor  Thou shalt practice as a doctor  Thou shalt be acknowledged as an excellent doctor in your field  Thou shalt not speak management speak  Thou shalt behave with integrity at all times  Thou shalt be loyal to Hippocratic Principles  Thou shalt be in constant creative tension with the Finance Department  Thou shalt put Patient before Chief Executive  Thou shalt point out management bullshit even when to do so threatens your management career  Thou shalt do all of the above with humility and without becoming a pompous a***hole

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Three Tribes  Clinicians want to write stuff down  Managers want to count stuff  Techies want to collect Data  All 3 need to be in the room to make EPRs work  If it doesn’t work for clinicians , it doesn’t work at all

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So What Could We Do Better This Time  Spend Less Money  Grow a big network  Get some authority  Get an income stream  Be independent, sexy and a little bit dangerous.

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A Network You’d Pay to Join  Successful Networks  RCGP  RCPsych  BMA  Some compulsary, some voluntary

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The Judean People’s Front  CLN  ASSIST  UKCHIP  PRSB  HSCIC  BCS  Faculty of Health Informatics

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Time to grasp the baton?

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Who’s Job is it?

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Challenges  Sandwiches  Travel  Leaders Time  Duplication of effort

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What Adds Value?

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Targets for the next year

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Developing Clinical Leadership Joe McDonald 07803040470 @comparesoftware

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George Bernard Shaw  The reasonable man adapts to the world around him. The unreasonable man expects the world to adapt to him. Ergo, all progress is the product of unreasonable men

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Medical leadership competency framework  NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and Academy of Royal Colleges 2010  The MLCF describes the leadership competences that doctors need to become more actively involved in the planning, delivery and transformation of health services.  NB personal values and qualities

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Medical leadership competency framework  Demonstrating personal qualities  Developing self-awareness  Managing yourself  Continuing personal development  Acting with integrity

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Medical leadership competency framework  Working with others  Developing networks  Building and maintaining relationships  Encouraging contribution  Working within teams

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Medical leadership competency framework  Managing services  Planning  Managing resources  Managing people  Managing performance

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Medical leadership competency framework  Improving services  Ensuring patient safety  Critical evaluation  Encouraging improvement and innovation  Facilitating transformation

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References  Brown N and Brittlebank A. How to develop and assess the leadership skills of psychiatrists. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 2013  Hobkirk M. A college strategy for professional development in leadership and management. Royal College of Psychiatrists 2013  Leadership and management for all doctors. GMC, London. 2012  The future of leadership and management in the NHS- no more heroes. The Kings Fund 2011  Grint K and Holt C. Followership in the NHS. The Kings Fund 2011  Medical Leadership Competency Framework. NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement and Academy of Royal Colleges. Third edition, 2010  Goleman D. Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review,2000