Slide 25
Slide 25 text
So you’ve been pwned.
What can they do to you?
✦ [DATA] EXFILTRATION: Theft. Attacker made a copy
of data that they shouldn’t have had access to.
✦ PII: Personally Identifiable Information. Your name, ID number (SSN,
driver’s license number, student ID number, passport number, etc),
race/ethnicity, gender, birth date—personal info about you, basically.
✦ PII tends to be more protected, legally, than other kinds of information
about you (for example, your web-browsing habits).
✦ [WEB] SHELL: The ability to interact with a pwned
machine and run commands on it.
vulnerability that lets a (remote) attacker run their
own software on the pwned machine. Very bad!