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TALK THAT TALK! Information security jargon Dorothea Salo (Twitter: @LibSkrat) Information School University of Wisconsin-Madison

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So let’s kick this off… ✦ Hop onto Discord, #track-two-talks channel. ✦ While I’m introducing myself and this talk… ✦ … scribble down words, phrases, etc. that have tripped you up when you’ve read or listened to something infosec-related. ✦ Even if you looked it up and now understand it—write it down! ✦ With luck, I’ll have anticipated at least some of these. If not… we have a starter for Q&A! ✦ THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A WRONG OR SILLY WORD/PHRASE. This is 101-space.

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Who am I? ✦ I’m a librarian, educator (UW-Madison iSchool), preservationist, privacy researcher, and speaker. ✦ I teach a broad selection of technology- and ethics-related courses to undergraduates and graduate students. ✦ You can find out more at and https:// (contains both conference talks and class decks—conference talks have pretty slides; class decks don’t). ✦ I’m very, very, very, VERY new to infosec. ✦ I got there through the standard librarian’s interest in privacy, AND through digital preservation’s use of digital forensics techniques. ✦ (And yes, I will define “digital forensics” for you shortly!)

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So if you’re here wondering if you can stump me, I’ll make it easy for you! You probably can. It won’t be amusing, though. I’ll just admit it and we’ll move on.

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What is “jargon”? ✦ Vocabulary specialized to/for/by a particular community that isn’t broadly understood outside that community ✦ Could be a professional community (as with infosec, or for that matter librarianship), also called a “community of practice” ✦ Could be a community of choice, such as a hobby community ✦ Jargon is not bad! ✦ Can speed up communication, make it more precise ✦ … But jargon can be a barrier to those new to the community. ✦ (Sometimes, it must be said, intentionally.)

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Infosec is FULL of jargon. ✦ My least favorite thing about it is how militaristic some of it is. Ugh. ✦ I won’t even be able to get through what jargon I know (as a relative n00b) today. ✦ I’ll get as far as I can in 20-25 minutes, then post my slides to my Speakerdeck. ✦ ✦ And I’ll be around all day on IntroSecCon Discord (@Dorothea) and Twitter (@LibSkrat). ✦ Feel free to ask me stuff, and it’s fine to DM, too.

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Why I’m doing this ✦ I hope it will help you learn without getting stuck. ✦ Like any field, information security has developed a set of terminology that can be… non-obvious to outsiders. ✦ I’m an infosec outsider too! I definitely get frustrated by this. ✦ It’s usually not that the concepts are all that hard (though they can be). It’s that they refer to things or repurpose words in an unfamiliar way. ✦ Did I miss something? Please ask about it! ✦ I’m on the conference Discord, and I’m @LibSkrat on Twitter. @ me!

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Our Discord server channels

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Our Discord server channels

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THREAT HUNTING ✦ (be vewy vewy quiet! I’m hunting thweats!) ✦ Not the same as THREAT MODELING, which roughly means infosec risk assessment ✦ You could sit around and wait for your security systems to alert you something’s weird. ✦ If there’s a brand-new threat, though, or just an unfamiliar or especially-clever one, your systems won’t necessarily warn on it. ✦ Or you could actively go looking for weird stuff! That’s THREAT HUNTING. ✦ It’s sometimes done with machine-learning tools, particularly ones that look for users acting out-of-character for them on local systems (because it’s not the user; it’s an attacker who’s broken into the user’s account).

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DIGITAL FORENSICS ✦ A set of tools and techniques for gathering trustworthy evidence related to a security incident (such as a breach or attack) ✦ ATTRIBUTION: = “whodunit?” for a security incident ✦ Several flavors: ✦ MEDIA FORENSICS: Gathering evidence from physical storage devices (hard drives, storage cards, flash drives, tapes, diskettes…) ✦ MEMORY FORENSICS: Gathering evidence from a device’s RAM or equivalent ✦ NETWORK FORENSICS: Network-traffic and network-log analysis ✦ MOBILE FORENSICS: … exactly what it sounds like ✦ CLOUD FORENSICS: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay, yeah, this is hard

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Penetration testing and its jargon

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Oh no, the CIA! ✦ Relax. In infosec, this usually doesn’t mean spooks. ✦ It’s shorthand for an infosec model suggesting how you know something is(n’t) secure. ✦ C: Confidentiality ✦ Do only the people who should have access actually have access? ✦ Data breach? Confidentiality FAIL. ✦ I: Integrity ✦ Is the information in the system unaltered from its intended state? ✦ Defaced website? Integrity FAIL. ✦ A: Availability ✦ Can the system do what it needs to do for those who need it? ✦ System down? Availability FAIL.

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How can you know that your systems are CIA-secure? ✦ (for the record, SYSTEM in infosec may refer to “a technology system,” but more often it carries the broader meaning “a whole constellation of people, technology, design, and process.”) ✦ For a system of any real complexity, or any system that includes people, you… can’t. ✦ But you can at least stress-test systems and see if they hold up! ✦ That’s what PENETRATION TESTING (PENTESTING for short) is: a prearranged attempt to break into a system, aimed at testing best-practice compliance and locating weak spots before an attacker does

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Red, blue, purple ✦ In a penetration test: ✦ the Red Team are the attackers trying to break into the system (REDTEAMER is near-synonymous with “pentester”) ✦ Redteamers may be the organization’s own security employees, but commonly they’re contractors. ✦ the Blue Team are the system’s defenders trying to keep the Red Team out ✦ These are almost always the organization’s own security folks. ✦ The Purple Team (uncommon): Red and Blue teams working together to strengthen a system

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Pentesting tactics ✦ OSINT: “Open Source Intelligence” Finding out as much as possible about the target system (including its people!) by searching online everywhere EXCEPT inside the actual target ✦ DuckDuckGo, yes, but also LinkedIn, social media, directories… ✦ A variety of “RECON[NAISSANCE],” the process of researching a target before attempting to break in ✦ GOOGLE DORKING: Using specialized web-search syntax to hunt potential ways in. ✦ Google Hacking Database: hacking-database

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More on pentesting ✦ WHITE, GRAY, BLACK-BOX PENTESTING: Shorthand for “how much does the pentester know about the system before the pentest starts?” ✦ White: everything. Black: nothing. Gray: some things, not everything ✦ PHYSICAL PENTESTING: Evaluating the security of a physical facility: gates, doors, locks, security systems, security procedures, PEOPLE… ✦ SOCIAL ENGINEERING: Conning people into making security errors. Common in both physical and network-based pentests; sometimes off-limits.

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How a pentest works ✦ Pretty much the same steps as an attack: ✦ Step 1: RECON[NAISSANCE] and preparation ✦ Step 2: SCANNING: locating as many devices and as much software on the target’s network and systems as possible ✦ Step 3: Attack! Er, I mean, do your best to access the target system(s). ✦ Step 4: MIGRATION: hopping from one device/system/network to another ✦ Step 5: PRIVILEGE ESCALATION: gaining additional power to do things on/to a system ✦ Meanwhile: PERSISTENCE: avoiding getting kicked off the system, and OBFUSCATION: hiding your presence from defenders ✦ Step 6: Get the LOOT: the goal of the pentest

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Capture-the-flag (CTF) ✦ Kind of a pentesting game? ✦ Not every CTF is set up like a pentest, but many are. ✦ You try to accomplish certain pentesting-like goals in a system deliberately set up to make those goals achievable (though not necessarily easy).

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The bad stuff!

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Bugs, patches, vulnerabilities, exploits ✦ BUG: a mistake in software code/hardware behavior ✦ VULNERABILITY: a bug that is a security problem for a given piece of software or hardware ✦ Bugs can be non-security-related. So all vulnerabilities are bugs, but not all bugs are vulnerabilities. ✦ PATCH: a programmed fix for a bug ✦ SECURITY PATCH: a programmed fix for one or more vulnerabilities ✦ EXPLOIT: A security attack that leverages a particular vulnerability ✦ ZERO-DAY [EXPLOIT]: An exploit that is so new there is no patch for the vulnerability it leverages; in fact, the Good Folks may not even know the vulnerability exists. Very dangerous!

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Compromises and pwning ✦ In infosec, compromises have nothing to do with negotiating or agreeing on anything! ✦ COMPROMISE (verb and noun): A successful attack on someone’s/something’s security ✦ “Eve compromised Alice’s email” = “Eve attacked Alice’s email account successfully [and read Alice’s email when she shouldn’t have].” ✦ “There are thousands of compromised systems” = “We know thousands of systems have been successfully attacked.” ✦ PWN (verb): To compromise someone/something ✦ PWNING (noun): A compromise. “What a terrible pwning!” ✦ Comes from gaming; to “own” someone is to thoroughly defeat them.

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Backdoors ✦ BACKDOOR: an intentionally-created vulnerability in a system ✦ Often created to let the (supposed) Good Folks in while excluding Bad Folks ✦ TSA-compliant suitcase locks, the Clipper chip, etc. ✦ There is no such thing as a vulnerability that only Good People can use. Backdoors are bad security! Oppose them!

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A few types of social engineering ✦ PHISHING: con-by-(usually)-email ✦ Spearphishing: Phishing a specific person (as opposed to mass- broadcast spam phishing) ✦ Catfishing: Phishing with romance as the hook ✦ Smishing: Phishing by text message/SMS ✦ BUSINESS EMAIL COMPROMISE (BEC): Usually, spearphishing someone who controls money ✦ Fake invoices, gift card requests from “the boss,” requests for confidential employee information—several exploitation modes here ✦ 419 SCAMS: “I have lots of money but need you to give me some!”

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So you’ve been pwned. What can they do to you? ✦ [DATA] EXFILTRATION: Theft. Attacker made a copy of data that they shouldn’t have had access to. ✦ PII: Personally Identifiable Information. Your name, ID number (SSN, driver’s license number, student ID number, passport number, etc), race/ethnicity, gender, birth date—personal info about you, basically. ✦ PII tends to be more protected, legally, than other kinds of information about you (for example, your web-browsing habits). ✦ [WEB] SHELL: The ability to interact with a pwned machine and run commands on it. ✦ REMOTE CODE EXECUTION [BUG/VULNERABILITY]: A vulnerability that lets a (remote) attacker run their own software on the pwned machine. Very bad!

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What else? ✦ DOXING: Publishing personal information ✦ SWATTING: Calling in a false crime report so that law enforcement responds in force to an innocent person’s home ✦ This has gotten innocent people KILLED, okay? DO NOT. ✦ [DISTRIBUTED] DENIAL-OF-SERVICE attack (DDoS): Bringing down a networked service with excess traffic

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A malware taxonomy ✦ MALWARE: Umbrella term for software intended to mess with a system and/or its security ✦ There are LOTS of kinds of malware! Some characteristics often used to classify them: ✦ What they target: “Windows malware” “Android malware” “browser malware” ✦ How they spread and/or infect targets: virus/worm/Trojan ✦ What they do (often “-ware”): ransomware/adware/spyware ✦ While you’re new, I don’t think it makes sense to memorize all the different kinds of malware. ✦ That’s a “figure it out if/when you need to” kind of thing.

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I do want you to know about: ✦ RANSOMWARE: malware that encrypts your data and asks you to pay for the decryption key ✦ More recent ransomware strains also EXFILTRATE (steal) data. ✦ SPYWARE: malware that reports out somewhere on the activities performed on the device, without the device’s user(s) knowing ✦ KEYLOGGER: Spyware that sends every keystroke typed (including on a mobile’s “keyboard”) somewhere ✦ Malware that adds ENDPOINTS (devices) to botnets ✦ BOTNET: A group of devices, often huge, that has been compromised such that an external device (“COMMAND-AND-CONTROL [SERVER], C2, C&C”) can make the compromised devices do bad things (such as send spam, or try to overwhelm a website)

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“The attacker”? Who’s that? ✦ ATTRIBUTION: the “whodunit” in a mystery novel ✦ More than that, really: also the what, to whom, how, and why. ✦ Unlike mystery novels, you may never know whodunit. ✦ If the attacker is good at obfuscation, they won’t leave enough clues for you to track the attack back to them. ✦ Many techniques exist to camouflage or fake the origin of an attack coming from the Internet. ✦ The actual person typing on the keyboard to attack you may be the least of it!

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A word on “ADVANCED PERSISTENT THREATS” ✦ Giant buzzword. Beware of buzzwords. ✦ Originally: targeted threats from well-resourced, well-trained actors—like, “entire countries.” ✦ The kind of threat where they just never stop—if one attack doesn’t work, they try another until something does. ✦ Some organized hacking/data-exfiltration groups, like Anonymous or Wikileaks, have been considered APTs. Also terrorists, corporations. ✦ Now: broadened to “threats too tough for ordinary prevention efforts to stop.” ✦ Expert obfuscators: can hide from detection systems, logs, etc. ✦ Leverage a small breach to compromise systems further, stay in longer ✦ Definitely not doing it “for the lulz:” have specific target(s), goal(s)

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Your systems!

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“Visibility” into “endpoints” ✦ ENDPOINT: a single computing device that’s under a given security system’s purview ✦ Could be a phone, tablet, laptop, desktop, server, network switch or router, Internet of Things gadget… ✦ ENDPOINT VISIBILITY: can security folks diagnose what’s going on with/inside the endpoint? ✦ “We don’t have visibility into the endpoint’s storage” = “We can’t figure out what data/information is on this device [probably because it’s encrypted].” ✦ (The word “visibility” gets used with other systems too; same idea.)

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ATTACK SURFACE ✦ How much opportunity you are giving attackers to compromise you. ✦ A function of: ✦ How many different systems / software / platforms you’re using (more systems, more problems!) ✦ How exposed to the open Internet you and your systems are ✦ How sensible your (physical, digital/online, and human) security practices are ✦ Whether your systems / software / platforms are common attack targets ✦ Whether YOU are a particularly desirable or common attack target

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Defenses ✦ FIREWALL: Like the wall around a castle, a defense against exploits originating from outside. ✦ DEFENSE IN DEPTH: Don’t just have a firewall! ✦ When you only have a firewall, if it gets pwned (or an attack comes from inside) you’re in bad trouble. Have more defenses! Such as… ✦ INTRUSION DETECTION/PREVENTION SYSTEMS (IDS, IPS): Pretty much what they sound like. ✦ An IDS tries to notice attempted exploits, based on rules for what they might look like. When it sees one, it raises an alarm for human beings to evaluate. ✦ An IPS goes one step further: when it sees an attempted exploit, it stops it. (Which can be a problem if the IPS is incorrect!)

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Logs and logs and logs, oh my! ✦ LOG: Record that a given software program / system keeps about what happens on or to it. ✦ As you can imagine, a whole lot of logs pile up, and 999 out of 1000 lines in a log are innocuous. How do you find that 1000th line? ✦ Security information and event management (SIEM) system: one-stop log-analysis shopping ✦ Aggregates logs (IDS logs, IPS logs, regular system and network logs) ✦ Looks through them for anything suspicious ✦ Reports out

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Okay, what did I miss? Copyright 2020 by Dorothea Salo. This lecture is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.