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Assets on the Cloud Assets on the Cloud

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Static Assets Static Assets Images Javascript files CSS files Fonts Sprites Icons

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Meet AssetFlow Meet AssetFlow /verbling/assetfow /verbling/assetfow

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General Overview General Overview Copy & Rename all static assets Create Manifest File Upload to S3 AssetFlow is a set of Grunt Tasks

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The Copy & Rename Task The Copy & Rename Task The "assets" task will: Scan all the defined assets. Generate MD5 hashes for each asset. Create the manifest.json file. If a manifest file exists, it will compare the hashes. Copy all new or updated assets and rename them with their MD5 hash to a temporary location. /front/static/app.js /tmp/front/static/app-h5rt2.js

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The Upload to S3 Task The Upload to S3 Task The "assetsS3" task will: Read the manifest.json file Perform HEAD MD5 comparisons Upload all new or updated assets to S3

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In your template In your template The Node.js Library Initialize var assets = require('assetflow')(); assets.config({ manifest: __dirname + '/../../manifest.json' });

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Node.js Setup and Use Node.js Setup and Use The Node.js Library Setup app.locals.asset = asset; link(rel="stylesheet", href="#{ asset('/styles/main.css') }") express.js header.jade

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Use local files on Devel Use local files on Devel The Node.js Library Development Environment /** * Wrapper for "assets.asset", will serve same string if on devel. * * @param {string} path The path of the asset. * @return {string} Proper path to fetch asset. */ assetflow.asset = function(path) { if (globals.isDev) { return path; } return assets.asset(path); };

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The Rendering The Rendering The Node.js Library So the template will render as such link(rel="stylesheet", href="#{ asset('/styles/main.css') }") On Production On Development Set Infinite Timeout on S3 CACHE BUSTING

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Going Low Level Going Low Level The x-lang Library Just parse the manifest.json { "/styles/main.css": { "mtime": "2015-04-27T17:08:03.000Z", "absPath": "temp/.../main-a7b60.css", "relPath": "/styles/main-a7b60.css", "hash": "a7b60a4d0d5ff1870ba35c5c19344706", "gzipHash": "7d49ad74d42774fb1394633611decb31" }, "__conf__": { "cdnurl": "" } }

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The Replace Task The Replace Task Suppose you use SASS and want to require a font @font-face { font-family: 'FontAwesome'; src: url('__ASSET(/fonts/fontawesome.eot)'); } The 'assetsReplace' task sass: { options: { key: '__ASSET(%)' }, files: { 'temp/sass/': ['front/styles/**/*.scss'] } },

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Rendering Rendering Original src: url('__ASSET(/fonts/fontawesome.eot)'); To Production: src: url(' /fonts/fontawesome-709e4.eot'); To Development: src: url('/fonts/fontawesome.eot');

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The SASS Build Flow The SASS Build Flow Run Assets Replace Task Run SASS preprocessor Minify the produced CSS

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Pros Pros Single hit on your webserver All static assets are loaded from S3 Can easily plug a CDN on top of that Infinite Cache timeout per asset Low level cache busting even for a single file

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Cons Cons Complex Setup ​But one time Larger build times (5"-30" depending on case) No libraries for all languages; yet

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Thank you (here is where you applaud) Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas

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Questions? Thanasis Polychronakis @thanpolas