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Getting Real with D3 Data Driven Documents and Node

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What is it?

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A charts library!

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WRONG A charts library!

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What it isn't ● Not a plotting or charts library ○ Not a Flot ○ Not a Google Charts ○ At least not out of the box ● Not a framework for drawing ○ Not a Raphael.js ○ Not a KineticJS ○ Not a DSL for Canvas or SVG

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...okay that is Lame

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d • three noun 1. a library for mapping data to a document object model

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d • three noun 1. a library for mapping data to a document object model

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What does that mean? ● Gives us a nice way to take a data set and bind it to DOM elements ● Data ○ Any set of data ■ [4,3,2,3,4] ■ [{"name":"Nate"}, {"name":"Mike"}] ● DOM Elements ○ Everything from spans to svg elements

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What it does well ● Mapping data to visual elements ● Handles changing datasets ○ A surprising PITA without D3 ● and other nasty parts of data visualization ○ Scaling, Animation, Data Set Operations ● It is future proof! ○ Not a wrapper library (Raphael) ○ Relies on standards

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Covering the Basics

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the basics 1. selecting 2. updating the DOM 3. binding 4. stages enter + exit 5. transitions

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1. Select ing ● Clean, familiar way to grab DOM elements ● Very similar to jQuery ○ Sizzle under the hood ● Allows chaining var bs = d3 .select("#foo") .selectAll("div.buckets");

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2. Manipulate the DOM ● Clean way to update DOM ● Set attributes, style, text, etc. ● Use functions to compute dynamic values!"color", "#4CCF76") .attr("href", "#") .text(function(d, i) { return "Link " + i; });

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ex1.html DEMO TIME

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Where's the beef?

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3. Binding ● Bind data to a selection of DOM elements ● Once bound we can use this data to update each individual DOM element ● Recall functions as values... var bs = d3.selectAll("div.buckets");[3,2,1]); bs.text(function(d) {return d;});

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ex2.html DEMO TIME

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Data DRIVEN Documents!

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But what if we don't have enough DOM elements?

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What if we have too many DOM elements?

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.enter() and .exit()

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4. Stages: Enter and Exit ● Allow us to handle when ○ We don't have enough elements ○ We have too many elements

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Enter ● When we don't have enough elements, typically we want to add more ● We can accomplish this with .append() bs.enter().append("div");

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Exit ● When we have too many DOM elements, typically we want to remove them ● We can accomplish this with .remove() bs.exit().remove();

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great... but I want Charts!

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D3 works with SVG just as nicely as it does with any other DOM elements

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okay... but that chart's Boring!

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Let's make it move.

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5. Transitions ● D3 also handles transitions! ● Animate transition between two states ● Handles the math for us bs.transition(). .duration(1000) .attr("color","green");

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ex4.html DEMO TIME

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cool... but when do we Get Real?

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Bringing node in ● Node ○ Awesome for real time stuff ○ everyone's favorite package ● D3 ○ Handles changing datasets very nicely

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http://localhost/ex4.html http://localhost/vote.html ONE LAST DEMO TIME

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Thanks! ● Nate Good ○ Director of Engineering @ShowClix ○ @nategood ○ ● Example Code ○