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Blazor jenseits von REST: SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Christian Weyer @christianweyer Co-Founder & CTO

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2 § Co-Founder & CTO at Thinktecture AG § Personal focus on § Mobile & web-based application architectures § Interoperability, cross-device § Pragmatic end-to-end solutions § Cloud-native & serverless architectures § Independent Microsoft Regional Director § Microsoft MVP for Developer Technologies & Azure ASPInsider, AzureInsider § Google GDE for Web Technologies, Angular [email protected] @christianweyer Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Christian Weyer

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3 § Services and consumers communication § gRPC & gRPC-Web § WebSockets & SignalR § When to use what Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Talking Points

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4 § Service to service § Frontend to backend service § Backend service to frontend Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Types of communication

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5 § SPA framework for C# and .NET developers § Create web UI frontends with HTML and CSS § Write client-side logic with C# § .NET runtime in WebAssembly § JavaScript interop is often needed § Need to communicate with services/backends § “REST” APIs are the de-facto standard means in the web § HttpClient is our friend § Service pattern for abstracting communication details Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly

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6 § Request-Response § Client-initiated § Push § Server-initiated § Streaming § Client- or Server-initiated § Bidirectional § Client- or Server-initiated Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Communication Patterns

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7 § Let’s call it Web APIs (RPC, REST, OData, GraphQL, …) § JSON as major data exchange format § Great tooling § Can handle binary data easily § Highly interoperable § JSON text format can be verbose § Compression is a must § Loosely typed § Open API can help here § Not every MEP can be easily implemented Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Why may “REST” Services not be enough?

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8 § In Web Services world we did a lot of contract-first § In Web API world we do a lot of code-first Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Interface modeling: Code-First vs. Contract-First § Code-First § Agile by writing platform code § Contract gets derived or generated from code § May not lead to highest interoperability § Contract-First § Specification before implementation § Platform code gets generated from contract description § Formal way to ensure highest interoperability

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9 § gRPC was initially created for synchronous service to service communication § More efficient than Web APIs § Opinionated contract-first § Uses HTTP/2 as transport protocol § Offers e.g. streaming, bidirectional communication § Protocol Buffers § Defining format for contracts, operations, messages § Message exchange format § Some people like to use gRPC between frontends and backends, as well § .NET Core supports gRPC since 3.1 § Browsers are the de-facto frontend platform today § Native gRPC does not work in browsers Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps gRPC

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10 § JavaScript implementation of gRPC for browser clients § gRPC-Web clients connect to gRPC services via a gRPC-Web proxy § Wire formats § mode=grpcwebtext § Content-type: application/grpc-web-text § Payload base64-encoded § Both unary and server streaming calls are supported § mode=grpcweb § Content-type: application/grpc-web+proto § Payload in binary protobuf format § Only unary calls are supported for now § .NET Core 3.1 offers § Server-side middleware § Client library beyond JavaScript Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps gRPC-Web

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11 § We can have gRPC in .NET Core without having to write .proto files § Open source community project protobuf-net.Grpc § Builds on WCF contract semantics § ServiceContract, DataContract § Proto* attributes offer finer control § Implement gRPC service based on interface § Get typed client proxy at runtime based on interface Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Code-First gRPC(-Web) in .NET Core

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12 § Extension to HTTP spec: upgrades to socket § § Enables real-time bi-directional data exchange § Can send arbitrary data over WebSockets § Usually you need a ‘protocol’, e.g. for RPC-style communication Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps WebSockets – Client-initiated multi-purpose communication HTTP „upgrade“ request Client Server Response handshake WebSocket connection Close connection

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13 § Bi-directional real-time communication between client and server § Real-time messaging and push § Different transport protocols for message exchange (fallbacks) § WebSockets, Server Sent Events, Long Polling § Concepts for differentiating Clients and Groups § Hubs provide a high-level abstraction of bi-directional RPC § Hub protocol uses JSON by default, can use MessagePack § Broad availability of client libs (e.g. JavaScript, .NET, Java etc.) Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps ASP.NET Core SignalR

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14 Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps (Synchronous) Frontend-to-backend - When to use what Web APIs § Different API styles possible § Potential for client- driven REST interactions § No client lib mandatory § Strong tooling ecosystem § Code-First (Contract-First with external tooling) gRPC(-Web) § Explicit RPC § Code sharing between client and server § Optimized payload size § Efficient data streaming § Contract-First (Code- First with 3rd party lib) SignalR § Bi-directional data exchange § Transport protocol fallbacks § Optimized for push scenarios § Simple programming model § Code-First

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15 Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Blazor WebAssembly Whitepaper (deutsch)

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Danke! Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich gerne Christian Weyer @christianweyer [email protected] Demoanwendung: Artikel zu Blazor, PWA, Web Components, Angular, .NET Core & mehr: 16

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17 § ASP.NET Core Blazor § § gRPC § § § gRPC in .NET Core § § gRPC-Web in .NET Core § § gRPC Code-First in .NET Core § § ASP.NET Core SignalR § Blazor jenseits von REST SignalR & gRPC in Web-Apps Resources