Building a Web API with
2017/04/19 Tokyo Rubyist Meetup
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● Gentaro Terada (@hibariya)
● Works at ESM, Inc.
● A member of Idobata development team
● A college student (engineering)
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Building a Web API with GraphQL
I’ll talk about:
● What is GraphQL
● How to Write a GraphQL Server
● Practical GraphQL Server
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What is GraphQL
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GraphQL: A query Language for API
Request Response
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Difficulties w/ API Development
● Multiple Round Trips
● Over-fetching
● Dealing with Association
● Documentation (cropped)
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Multiple Round Trips
Organization => Rooms => Members
● GET /organizations/:id
● GET /organizations/:org_id/rooms
● GET /organizations/:org_id/rooms/:id/members
Requests: Organizations Count * 2 + Rooms Count
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A client needs just its name.
{“organization”: {
“name”: “Tokyo Rubyist Meetup”
“rooms”: [{..., “members”: { … }}, ...]
“members”: [{...}, ...]}}
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Dealing with Association
What associations should be included???
{“organization”: {
“name”: “Tokyo Rubyist Meetup”
“rooms”: [{..., “members”: { … }}, ...]
“members”: [{...}, ...]}}
For operations which have side-effects
● Creating/updating/deleting entities
● Marking messages as read
● Joining/Leaving chat rooms
● Sending mails
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Defining a Mutation
mutation ≈ query + side-effects
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Executing a Mutation
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How to Write a GraphQL Server
● A schema can be defined w/ Ruby
● Various protocols can be used
● Mutations for operations which have side-effects
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Practical GraphQL Server
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GraphQL Relay Specification
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● Represents one-to-many relationships
● Includes standardized pagination mechanism
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Pagination w/ Position and Limit
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Defining a Connection Field
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Querying w/ Metadata
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No content
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Avoiding N+1 Query Problem
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Eager Loading?
Message.includes(:room) won’t work:
● A client might not need the association (:room)
● Another client might need other associations
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Avoiding N+1 Query w/ Batching
Defer loading with
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Overload Protection
● Too big/complex queries
● Queries which causes too many
communication with DB
● Queries which take too long time
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Timeout and Limit Depth/Complexity
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Practical GraphQL Server
● Connection is useful for pagination
● Use batch-loading to avoid N+1 query
● Protect overload with timeout and limiting query
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● GraphQL solves common problems about Web API
● You can use it with Ruby
● There are common concerns and practical tips about
implementing servers