Slide 1

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Git the Git Workshop learn

Slide 2

Slide 2 text git-for-everyone

Slide 3

Slide 3 text gitforeveryone

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That’s me! That’s where ! I ‘work’ @ANOTHERUIGUY That’s a ninja

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why so hard?

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How can I get to that file?

Slide 7

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How can I get to that file? Just open Terminal and then $ cd ~/Projects/ boilerplate/ && vi .gitignore

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How can I get to that file? Just open Terminal and then $ cd ~/Projects/ boilerplate/ && vi .gitignore OMG! That is weird? What do I do?

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How can I get to that file? Just open Terminal and then $ cd ~/Projects/ boilerplate/ && vi .gitignore OMG! That is weird? What do I do? Geeze, press the i key, go to this line and add <file path>/**/*. Then hit the esc key to save. To get out, type :wq, ok!?

Slide 10

Slide 10 text

How can I get to that file? Just open Terminal and then $ cd ~/Projects/ boilerplate/ && vi .gitignore OMG! That is weird? What do I do? Geeze, press the i key, go to this line and add <file path>/**/*. Then hit the esc key to save. To get out, type :wq, ok!?

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No content

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Terminal Cheatsheet for Mac

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Open files in VI $ touch index.html

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Open files in VI $ touch index.html $ vi index.html

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Open files in VI $ touch index.html $ vi index.html i

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Open files in VI $ touch index.html $ vi index.html i esc + :wq

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Open files in VI $ touch index.html $ vi index.html i esc + :wq

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder YAY! My project!

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder I need to update my project

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder I need to update my project my-project-folder-copy

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy Yup, need another version

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy Yup, need another version my-project-folder-copy-v2

Slide 25

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy my-project-folder-copy-v2 Need to revert some code ;(

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy my-project-folder-copy-v2 Need to revert some code ;( Crap! Which folder has the right stuff?

Slide 27

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy my-project-folder-copy-v2 Need to revert some code ;( Crap! Which folder has the right stuff? Ok, get these lines and then …

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy my-project-folder-copy-v2 Need to revert some code ;( Crap! Which folder has the right stuff? Ok, get these lines and then … NOTHING IS WORKING!!

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Before VC or Branching my-project-folder my-project-folder-copy my-project-folder-copy-v2 Need to revert some code ;( Crap! Which folder has the right stuff? Ok, get these lines and then … NOTHING IS WORKING!! Boss: Hey, we have a new person you will work with. You need to share code and work on solving problems together. ! ! You: SHIT! Dropbox, why you no scale?

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Inexpensive versioning master

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Inexpensive versioning master

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch feature-branch

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch feature-branch

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch feature-branch

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Inexpensive versioning master feature-branch feature-branch

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Forking and Cloning

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Forking and Cloning $ git clone [email protected]:blackfalcon/label-reveal.git

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Forking and Cloning Source

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Forking and Cloning Source Your fork

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Forking and Cloning Source Your fork feature-branch feature-branch

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Forking and Cloning Source Your fork feature-branch feature-branch

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Forking and Cloning Source Your fork feature-branch feature-branch The Pull Request

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branching and merging

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$ git branch

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$ git branch $ git checkout master

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$ git branch $ git checkout master $ git pull origin master

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$ git branch $ git checkout master $ git pull origin master $ git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch

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$ git branch $ git checkout master $ git pull origin master $ git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch $ git checkout -b transaction-fail-message master

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$ git status

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$ git status $ git add .

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$ git status $ git add . $ git add -u

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$ git status $ git add . $ git add -u $ git add --all

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$ git status $ git add . $ git add -u $ git add --all $ git commit -m "a commit message in the present tense"

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$ git commit -m "fixed bug with login feature"

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$ git commit -m "fixed bug with login feature"

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$ git commit -m "fixed bug with login feature" $ git commit -m "update app config to address login bug"

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$ git branch -r << this will list remote branches

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$ git branch -r << this will list remote branches $ git fetch -p << this will prune your local index

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$ git branch -r << this will list remote branches $ git fetch -p << this will prune your local index $ git checkout new-remote-feature-branch

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No content

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$ git checkout my-feature-branch

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$ git checkout my-feature-branch $ git pull origin my-feature-branch

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$ git checkout my-feature-branch $ git pull origin my-feature-branch $ git pull origin master

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$ git checkout master

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$ git checkout master $ git pull origin master

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$ git checkout master $ git pull origin master $ git merge --no-ff my-feature-branch

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No content

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No content

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$ cd ~/Desktop

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status $ git init

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status $ git init $ git status

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$ touch index.html

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts $ cd stylesheets && touch app.css && cd ../

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts $ cd stylesheets && touch app.css && cd ../ $ cd javascripts && touch app.js && cd ../

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$ mkdir foo

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$ mkdir foo $ git status

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$ mkdir foo $ git status $ rm -rf foo

Slide 84

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Hello World

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Hello World

h1 { font-size: 8em; }

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Hello World

h1 { font-size: 8em; } var today = new Date()

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$ git add .

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$ git add . $ git status

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..."

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..." $ git status

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..." $ git status # On branch master nothing to commit …

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$ git log

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$ git log $ git blame index.html

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$ git log $ git blame index.html ^15d42d5 (Dale Sande 2014-06-10 18:25:26 -0700 1)

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$ git branch

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

p { font-size: 2em; }

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

p { font-size: 2em; } $ git status

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$ git add .

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$ git add . $ git commit -m "update content and styles"

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$ git add . $ git commit -m "update content and styles" $ git checkout master

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$ git checkout master

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$ git checkout master $ git branch --merged

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$ git checkout master $ git branch --merged $ git branch --no-merged

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff :wq

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff :wq $ git branch --merged

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No content

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No content

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No content

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fork all the codes

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clone all the codes

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No content

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you Git awesome!

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$ which git If a version of Git is not there! …

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No content

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$ brew install git this is pretty metal

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$ brew install git this is pretty metal PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH That goes in your ~/.bash_profile bro!

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No content

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$ cd ~/Desktop

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status $ git init

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$ cd ~/Desktop $ mkdir gitDemo $ cd gitDemo && git status $ git init $ git status

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$ touch index.html

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts $ cd stylesheets && touch app.css && cd ../

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$ touch index.html $ mkdir stylesheets $ mkdir javascripts $ cd stylesheets && touch app.css && cd ../ $ cd javascripts && touch app.js && cd ../

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$ mkdir foo

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$ mkdir foo $ git status

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$ mkdir foo $ git status $ rm -rf foo

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Hello World

That goes in your index.html

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Hello World

That goes in your index.html h1 { font-size: 8em; } That goes in your app.css

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Hello World

That goes in your index.html h1 { font-size: 8em; } That goes in your app.css var today = new Date() That goes in your app.js

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$ git add .

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$ git add . $ git status

Slide 140

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..."

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..." $ git status

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$ git add . $ git status $ git commit -m "update to function ..." $ git status # On branch master nothing to commit …

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$ git log

Slide 144

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$ git log $ git blame index.html

Slide 145

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$ git log $ git blame index.html ^15d42d5 (Dale Sande 2014-06-10 18:25:26 -0700 1)

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$ git branch

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

Slide 148

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

Slide 149

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

p { font-size: 2em; }

Slide 150

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$ git branch $ git checkout -b new-branch

goodnight moon

p { font-size: 2em; } $ git status

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$ git add .

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$ git add . $ git commit -m "update content and styles"

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$ git add . $ git commit -m "update content and styles" $ git checkout master

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$ git checkout master

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$ git checkout master $ git branch --merged

Slide 156

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$ git checkout master $ git branch --merged $ git branch --no-merged

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff :wq

Slide 159

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$ git merge new-branch --no-ff :wq $ git branch --merged

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$ git log --abbrev-commit --graph"

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No content

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No content

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No content

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come Git more!

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