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Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes: One Year Later Container Camp 2016 April 15, 2016 Tim Hockin Senior Staff Software Engineer @thockin

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Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the words “governor” and “cybernetic” • Manages container clusters • Inspired and informed by Google’s experiences and internal systems • Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments • Supports multiple container runtimes • 100% Open source, written in Go Manage applications, not machines

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Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform One Year Later...

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Google Cloud Platform Velocity 1.0 1.1 1.2 v1.2: - 5k commits, - +50% unique contributors

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Google Cloud Platform Community Top 0.01% of all Github projects 1200+ external projects based on k8s Companies Contributing Companies Using 800+ unique contributors

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Google Cloud Platform

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Google Cloud Platform Kubernetes 101 (accelerated)

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Google Cloud Platform Containers

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Google Cloud Platform Containers Pods

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Google Cloud Platform Volumes

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Google Cloud Platform Labels

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Google Cloud Platform Replication Controller

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Google Cloud Platform Replication Controller

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Google Cloud Platform Pods Replication Controller

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Google Cloud Platform Service

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Google Cloud Platform Service

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Google Cloud Platform Put it all together Tier: FE Tier: BE Tier: Mid

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Google Cloud Platform So, What’s New?

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Google Cloud Platform Multi-Zone Clusters

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21 Goal: zone-fault tolerance for applications Zero API changes relative to kubernetes ● Create replication controllers, etc. as usual ● Pods get spread across zones Nodes and PersistentVolumes are labelled with their availability zone ● Fully automatic for GKE, GCE, AWS ● Manual for on-premise and other cloud providers (for now) Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 User Zone A Zone C Zone B Master Multi-Zone Clusters

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Google Cloud Platform Deployments

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Google Cloud Platform Deployments Goal: updates-as-a-service • Rolling update is imperative, client-side Deployment manages replica changes for you • stable object name • updates are configurable, done server-side • kubectl edit or kubectl apply Aggregates stats Can have multiple updates in flight Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 ...

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Google Cloud Platform Demo

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Google Cloud Platform DaemonSets

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Google Cloud Platform DaemonSets Problem: how to run a Pod on every node? • or a subset of nodes Similar to ReplicationController • principle: do one thing, don’t overload “Which nodes?” is a selector Use familiar tools and patterns Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 Pod

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Google Cloud Platform Demo

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Google Cloud Platform HorizontalPodAutoscalers

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Google Cloud Platform HorizontalPodAutoScalers Goal: Automatically scale pods as needed • based on CPU utilization (for now) • custom metrics in Alpha Efficiency now, capacity when you need it Operates within user-defined min/max bounds Set it and forget it Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 ... Stats

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Google Cloud Platform Jobs

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Google Cloud Platform Jobs Run-to-completion, as opposed to run-forever • Express parallelism vs. required completions • Workflow: restart on failure • Build/test: don’t restart on failure Aggregates success/failure counts Built for batch and big-data work Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 ...

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Google Cloud Platform Demo

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Google Cloud Platform Secrets

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Google Cloud Platform Secrets Goal: grant a pod access to a secured something • don’t put secrets in the container image! 12-factor says config comes from the environment • Kubernetes is the environment Manage secrets via the Kubernetes API Inject secrets as virtual volumes into your Pods • late-binding, tmpfs - never touches disk • also available as env vars node API Pod Secret

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Google Cloud Platform ConfigMaps

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Google Cloud Platform ConfigMaps Goal: manage app configuration • ...without making overly-brittle container images 12-factor says config comes from the environment • Kubernetes is the environment Manage config via the Kubernetes API Inject config as a virtual volume into your Pods • late-binding, live-updated (atomic) • also available as env vars Status: GA in Kubernetes v1.2 node API Pod Config Map

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Google Cloud Platform HTTP Load-Balancing

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Google Cloud Platform Ingress (L7) Many apps are HTTP/HTTPS Services are L3/L4 (IP + port) Ingress maps incoming traffic to backend services • by HTTP host headers • by HTTP URL paths HAProxy, NGINX, AWS and GCE implementations in progress Now with SSL! Status: BETA in Kubernetes v1.2 Client URL Map

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Google Cloud Platform PersistentVolumes

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Google Cloud Platform PersistentVolumes A higher-level storage abstraction • insulation from any one cloud environment Admin provisions them, users claim them • NEW: auto-provisioning (alpha in v1.2) Independent lifetime and fate from consumers • lives until user is done with it • can be handed-off between pods Dynamically “scheduled” and managed, like nodes and pods Claim

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Google Cloud Platform Network Isolation

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Google Cloud Platform Network Isolation Describe the DAG of your app, enforce it in the network Restrict Pod-to-Pod traffic or across Namespaces Designed by the network SIG • implementations for Calico, OpenShift, Romana, OpenContrail (so far) Status: Alpha in v1.2, expect beta in v1.3

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Google Cloud Platform Scalability

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Google Cloud Platform SLO met at >1000 nodes, >30000 pods ● 99% of API calls return in < 1 second ● 99% of pods start in < 5 seconds Pure iptables kube-proxy ● No measurable CPU/throughput/latency hit 4x reduction in kubelet CPU and memory Planned for 1.3 ● Binary-encoded API (protobuf) ● Caching and parallelization in scheduler ● Nodes++ and pods++ Scalability & Performance: v1.2

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Google Cloud Platform New and coming soon • Cron (scheduled jobs) • Custom metrics • “Apply” a config (more declarative) • Machine-generated Go clients (less deps!) • Volume usage stats • Multi-scheduler support • Node affinity and anti-affinity • More volume types • Out-of-process volume plugin • GUI • Pod hostname and FQDN • Better isolation • Multi-cluster federation • API federation • Private Docker registry • External DNS integration • Volume classes and provisioning • Node fencing • DiY Cloud Provider plugins • More container runtimes (e.g. Rkt, Hyper) • Better auth{n,z} • Big data integrations • Device scheduling (e.g. GPUs)

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46 46 Kubernetes is Open Code: Chat: Twitter: @kubernetesio open community open design open source open to ideas