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Prison Break When the Web Escapes the Browser Dominik Kundel - @dkundel Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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!" No Prison Break References Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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How many of you have a Microcontroller? Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | Photo by Felipe Faria on Unsplash

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Did you use it? Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Hi! I'm Dominik Kundel! Developer Evangelist at ! " @dkundel # [email protected] $ github/dkundel Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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I ! JavaScript Photo by Thomas William & Thomas Kvistholt on Unsplash

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Hardware Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | Photo by Felipe Faria on Unsplash

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The destiny of Hardware Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

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Simple LED demos Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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It's not easy... Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | Photo by Nicolas Thomas on Unsplash

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! Preparation Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Costly ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! ⌘ + Z / Ctrl+Z Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Rewarding " Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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C/C ++ Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! C/C ++ " Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Three ways to combine JavaScript & Hardware Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! APIs & Protocols JavaScript ➡ API ➡ C/C++ ➡ Hardware Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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APIs & Protocols Option 1: Particle Cloud API Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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What is a Particle? ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Particle Cloud API Example curl https: // \ -d access_token=123412341234 \ -d "args=coffee" void setup() { // register the cloud function Particle.function("brew", brewCoffee); } int brewCoffee(String command) { if(command == "coffee") { return 1; } else return -1; } Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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APIs & Protocols Option 2 MQTT Lightweight machine-to-machine publish/subscribe messaging protocol Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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MQTT ! No need for IP Address of a device " ⚖ Scales to multiple devices ✅ Cross-platform / Cross-language Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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MQTT Example in JS var mqtt = require('mqtt'); var client = mqtt.connect('mqtt: //test.mqttbroker.example'); client.on('connect', function() { client.subscribe('presence'); client.publish('presence', 'Hello mqtt'); }); client.on('message', function(topic, message) { // message is Buffer console.log(message.toString()); client.end(); }); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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MQTT Example in C ++ #include #include #include // Update these with values suitable for your network. byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xED, 0xBA, 0xFE, 0xFE, 0xED }; IPAddress ip(172, 16, 0, 100); IPAddress server(172, 16, 0, 2); void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i=0;i

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MQTT Subscribe boolean rc = mqttClient.subscribe("myTopic"); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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MQTT Setup void setup() { Ethernet.begin(mac, ip); // Allow the hardware to sort itself out delay(1500); mqttClient.setServer(server, 1883); if (mqttClient.connect("myClientID")) { // connection succeeded } } void loop() { mqttClient.loop(); } Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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MQTT Callback void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { // Allocate the correct amount of memory for the payload copy byte* p = (byte*)malloc(length); // Copy the payload to the new buffer memcpy(p,payload,length); // Republish the received message mqttClient.publish("outTopic", p, length); // Free the memory free(p); } mqttClient.setCallback(callback); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example Twitch Live Lamp ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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API & Protocols ! Pros ! Lightweight, intuitive ways to communicate between devices " Move heavy business logic off devices # Programming language independent Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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API & Protocols ! Cons ! Still have to write C ++ code for the hardware " Need to deploy/use a message broker Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! "Tethered" Nodebots Node.js ➡ Hardware Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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serialport Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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johnny-five Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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johnny-five (J5) ! Talk to microcontrollers from Node.js " Use a familiar syntax # Leverage the npm ecosystem $ Often tethered to a host machine Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Blink on an Arduino with C ++ // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); } // the loop function runs over and over again forever void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level) delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(1000); // wait for a second } Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Blink on an Arduino with J5 var five = require('johnny-five'); var board = new five.Board(); board.on('ready', function() { var led = new five.Led(13); led.blink(500); }); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Button with C ++ const int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status void setup() { // initialize the LED pin as an output: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input: pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); } void loop() { // read the state of the pushbutton value: buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); // check if the pushbutton is pressed. If it is, the buttonState is HIGH: if (buttonState == HIGH) { // turn LED on: digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); } else { // turn LED off: digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } } Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Button with J5 var five = require('johnny-five'); var board = new five.Board(); board.on('ready', function() { var led = new five.Led(13); var button = new five.Button(2); button.on('press', () => { led.on(); }); button.on('release', () => {; }); }); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #porgjs Building your own custom peripheral Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Goal of #porgjs: Build a custom peripheral device that reacts on events on your computer Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Goal of #porgjs: Build a custom peripheral device that reacts on events on your computer Hack a Porg toy to scream whenever your build fails! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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⚠ Warning You might see the insides of a (toy) porg Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Demo of PorgJS ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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"Tethered" Nodebots ! Pros ! Hardware independent code with J5 ⚒ Use familiar tools # Bring your Editor/IDE $ Use the npm ecosystem % Great website for beginners Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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"Tethered" Nodebots ! Cons ⛓ Often tethered to a "host" " Less examples than classic Arduino projects Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! "Untethered" Nodebots JavaScript ⚭ Microcontroller Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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JerryScript Ultra-lightweight JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things ! ! Runtime: Samsung's IoT.js Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Espruino Espruino is a JavaScript interpreter for microcontrollers. ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Espruino Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Espruino ! Can run on ESP8266 microcontrollers ($2 a piece) " Has its own hardware versions as well # Open Source Code & Hardware ✍ Comes with its own IDE ⛔ Limited npm support & Does not work with J5 Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Neonious A microcontroller board, programmable and debuggable out of the box. ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Neonious Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Neonious ! Currently on Indiegogo " Has its own hardware ✍ Comes with its own IDE $ Supports TypeScript out of the box % Full Node.js and npm support & Built-in Ethernet & WiFi Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Tessel Tessel 2 is a robust IoT and robotics development platform. ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Tessel Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Tessel ! Run Node.js with (almost) the entire npm ecosystem " Compatible with J5 ⛓ Use your favorite toolchain & editor $ Open Source Code & Hardware % Tessel 2 is fairly expensive Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs JavaScript meets Coffee Machine Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs Goals ! Control an existing device programatically " Build a REST API implementing IETF RFC 2324 Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs Goals ! Control an existing device programatically " Build a REST API implementing IETF RFC 2324 " Build a REST API implementing HTCPCP Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs Goals ! Control an existing device programatically " Build a REST API implementing IETF RFC 2324 " Build a REST API implementing HTCPCP " Build a REST API implementing Hyper Text Coffee Pot Control Protocol Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs Why Tessel? !" The coffee machine should work untethered # Use johnny-five to easyly swap microcontrollers $ It has to be internet connected % Quick setup / easy development & We need to build a server. npm packages help Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Example #coffeejs Hacking It! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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How I hacked a coffee machine using JavaScript ! ! Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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"Untethered" Nodebots ! Pros ✂ Untethered systems running JavaScript " Familar programming language ⚒ Use familiar tools $ Bring your own Editor/IDE % (potentially) use the npm ecosystem Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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"Untethered" Nodebots ! Cons ⛓ Less flexible on hardware choices " Missing cutting edge language features # Some docs better than others Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! How to get started Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Finding a project Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Use case driven learning Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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⚒ Hack existing projects Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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⚡ Electronics basics Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Useful things ⚖ A digital multimeter (Volt, Amps, Ohm) " A breadboard # Plenty of jumper wires $ A set of resistors % A few LEDs & A few Solid State Relays to emulate switches/buttons Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Johnny-Five Inventor's Kit ! Available on Sparkfun Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Grove Starter Kit for Arduino ! Available at Seeed Studio Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Generic Arduino Starter Kit ! Elegoo UNO Starter Kit Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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! Resources ! ☕ # $ % & Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs

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Thank You! ! Dominik Kundel " # @dkundel $ [email protected] % github/dkundel Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #FullStackCon #nodebots #porgjs #coffeejs