Growing Apps with
AB Testing in Firebase
Abid Jami
Technical Lead, GrocerApp
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I am leading Growth Pod of Engineering team
at GrocerAp
I write codes in Kotlin, and Java for Androi
I am Programmer, CS Researcher, & Speaker
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AB Testing
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AB Testing Process
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AB Testing Lifecycle
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Example AB Testing
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Example AB Testing
we have to create our own dataset. The dataset will contain the columns below:
• customer_id: the unique identifier of the customer
• segment: customer’s segment; high-value or low-value
• group: indicates whether the customer is in the test or control group
• purchase_count: # of purchases completed by the customer
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Firebase AB Testing
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Firebase Analytics
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Firebase Predictions
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Firebase Predicitions
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Setting up the experiment
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Define your targets
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Decide your goals
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Create variants
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Create variants
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Create variants
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Decide weights
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Experimentation Results
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Interpreting test results
• Powered by Google Optimize.
• Uses Bayesian inference
• Observed data is calculated directly from analytics data
• Modeled data comes from the application of our Bayesian model
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Observed Data
•Probability to beat baseline: how likely that the metric is higher for this
variant compared to the baseline
•Percent difference from baseline: based on the median model
estimates of the metric for the variant and the baseline
•Metric ranges: the ranges where the value of the metric is most likely
to to be found.