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By Thijs Feryn What's new in

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Hi, I’m Thijs

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I’m @ThijsFeryn on Twitter

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I’m an Evangelist At

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I’m a at board member

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To know where PHP is heading, you have to know what happened in the past

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PHP 7.0: December 3rd 2015 PHP 5.6: 2014 PHP 5.5: 2013 PHP 5.4: 2012 PHP 5.3: 2009 PHP 5.2: 2006 PHP 5.1: 2005 PHP 5.0: 2004

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We've been using PHP 5 for 11 years

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Why is there no PHP 6?

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Windows 10?

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PHP 6 did once exist

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But was never released

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A history lesson

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First ideas in 2005 by Andrei Zmievski at Yahoo

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PHP 6 was all about unicode support

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And some extra language features

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✓Namespaces ✓Late static binding ✓Goto labels ✓Object casting to primitives ✓Type hinting ✓APC ✓Non-fatal errors should become exceptions PHP 6 extra language features

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Delays, delays, delays …

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Most non-Unicode features were released in PHP 5.3

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The rest was eventually shipped off to PHP 5.4

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✓UTF-16 or UTF-8? Or even UTF-32? ✓Few people know intricacies of Unicode & ICU ✓Major performance penalty (300%) ✓Too much effort to port all code PHP 6 unicode difficulties

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In 2010 the core team concluded that Unicode support for PHP was too hard to implement

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Ah, Jani went a little crazy today in his typical style to force a decision. The real decision is not whether to have a version 5.4 or not, it is all about solving the Unicode problem. The current effort has obviously stalled. We need to figure out how to get development back on track in a way that people can get on board. We knew the Unicode effort was hugely ambitious the way we approached it. There are other ways. So I think Lukas and others are right, let's move the PHP 6 trunk to a branch since we are still going to need a bunch of code from it and move development to trunk and start exploring lighter and more approachable ways to attack Unicode. We have a few already. Enhanced mbstring and ext/intl. Let's see some good ideas around that and work on those in trunk. Other features necessarily need to play along with these in the same branch. I refuse to go down the path of a 5.4 branch and a separate Unicode branch again. The main focus here needs to be to get everyone working in the same branch. -Rasmus March 11 2010

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March 11 2010 PHP6

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PHP 6 trunk PHP 6 branch PHP 5.4 trunk

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The PHP 5.4 era sparked the PHP Renaissance

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How did we end up with PHP 7?

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PHP Next Generation

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To JIT or not to JIT?

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Tackling misinformation

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When we aren't looking for pictures of kittens on the internet, internals developers are nearly always looking for ways to improve PHP, a few developers have a focus on performance. Over the last year, some research into the possibility of introducing JIT compilation capabilities to PHP has been conducted. During this research, the realization was made that in order to achieve optimal performance from PHP, some internal API's should be changed. This necessitated the birth of the phpng branch, initially authored by Dmitry Stogov, Xinchen Hui, and Nikita Popov. This branch does not include JIT capabilities, but rather seeks to solve those problems that prohibit the current, and any future implementation of a JIT capable executor achieving optimal performance by improving memory usage and cleaning up some core API's. By making these improvements, the phpng branch gives us a considerable performance gain in real world applications, for example a 20% increase in throughput for Wordpress. The door may well now be open for a JIT capable compiler that can perform as we expect, but it's necessary to say that these changes stand strong on their own, without requiring a JIT capable compiler in the future to validate them. The name "Next Generation" was optimistically presumptuous; in reality phpng is an internal project that we are working on, it is not a production ready branch that anyone should deploy, or judge as they would a release of PHP. The work on phpng, the doors it opens, the conversations it has started, the collaboration it is inspiring, are all worth getting excited about. But, we need to stay grounded, honest, and open; and say that there is much work to do in order to make the "Next Generation" a reality, this is only the start. May 27th 2014 by Joe Watkins

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Hi, Joe made a post about the introduction on phpng, what it is, and what it isn't. Some people (myself included) didn't liked that post for various reasons (some says it is opiniated, some doesn't like the tone and the wording, others feel that it is too early to made official announcement about phpng).. There were a couple of iteration on improving the text, but it is still not up to our standards imo:;a=history;f=archive/entries/2014-05-27-1.xml ; It is already on hackernews and reddit, so while some people suggested, I think it would be a bad move to just remove it. Would like to know what do you guys think about the best step, I see the following possible options: - keep it as is - remove it - rewrite it to be more formal and factual(only talk about what it is atm. not what it could be in the future). - create a post explaining that this post is controversional among the core-devs, so it is reflects more of the authors opinion than the projects official view on the topic. I'm mostly interested on the opinion of the core devs, but others also welcome to reply. -- Ferenc Kovács @Tyr43l - May 28th 2014

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Hackernews Reddit Blogs Social media

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Sparked progress on the next major version of PHP

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PHP 6 or PHP 7? Or even PHP 5.7?

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Decision was made: PHP 7

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PHP 7 is all about performance

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Healthy competition with HHVM

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All this controversy

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Old boys club vs Young guns

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Balance between PHP as a easy-to-use scripting language and a mature future-proof programming language

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New language features

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✓Scalar type hints ✓Return type declarations ✓Anonymous classes ✓Closure::call() ✓Generator delegation ✓Generator return expressions ✓Null coalesce operator ✓Space ship operator ✓Throwables ✓Uniform variable syntax ✓… PHP 7 new language features

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Loosely typed vs Strict types

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Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to add() must be of the type integer, string given TypeError: Argument 1 passed to add() must be of the type integer, string given

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Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Return value of add() must be of the type integer, string returned TypeError: Return value of add() must be of the type integer, string returned

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Type Errors

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Throwables Errors Exceptions Type error

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getMessage().PHP_EOL; }

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getMessage().PHP_EOL; } //Exception as Throwable try { throw new Exception("Bla"); } catch (Throwable $t) { echo "Throwable: ".$t->getMessage().PHP_EOL; }

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getMessage().PHP_EOL; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Exception: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL; } //Type error try { function add(int $a, int $b):int { return $a + $b; } echo add(array(), array()); } catch (TypeError $t) { echo "Type error: ".$t->getMessage().PHP_EOL; }

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Anonymous classes

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Generators Since PHP 5.5 Iterator shorthand Less overhead

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getReturn(), PHP_EOL;

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Space ship operator

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1" => 1 <=> 1, "1 <=> 2" =>1 <=> 2, "2 <=> 1" => 2 <=> 1 ]; var_dump($array); array(3) { '1 <=> 1' => int(0) '1 <=> 2' => int(-1) '2 <=> 1' => int(1) } Output

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Null coalesce operator

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'bar']; //PHP5 style $message = isset($array['foo']) ? $array['foo'] : 'not set'; echo $message.PHP_EOL; //PHP7 style $message = $array['foo'] ?? 'not set'; echo $message.PHP_EOL;

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foo; }; //PHP5 style $binding = $getFooCallback->bindTo(new Foo,'Foo'); echo $binding().PHP_EOL; //PHP7 style echo $getFooCallback->call(new Foo).PHP_EOL;

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Uniform variable syntax

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Uniform variable syntax

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PHP 7 is fast

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Speed depends on the your code and your case

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Up to 300% speed increase with lower memory usage

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Don't believe the banchmarks though

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Why is PHP 7 so fast, even without the JIT?

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ZVAL Internal variable representation Loosely typed variables in a strictly typed language

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Typedef struct _zval_struct { union { long lval; double dval; struct { char *val; int len; } str; HashTable *ht; struct { zend_object_handle handle; zend_object_handlers *handlers; } obj; } value; zend_uint refcount; zend_uchar type; zend_uchar is_ref; } zval; Typedef struct _zval_struct { union { long lval; double dval; zend_refcounted *counted; zend_string *str; zend_array *arr; zend_object *obj; zend_resource *res; zend_reference *ref; void *ptr; } value; union { struct { zend_uchar type; zend_uchar flags; }; zend_uint type_info; }; zend_uint reserved; } zval; PHP 5 vs PHP 7

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Remove pointers (to pointers) to ZVALs

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Direct use of ZVAL in most cases

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From heap to stack

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Less refcounting Less garbage collection

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New memory manager Less CPU time Less memory overhead

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A lot of small optimizations

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