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Why foldRight is beautiful Jun Tomioka (M3, inc.)

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M3, Inc. Jun Tomioka Twitter: @jooohn1234 Github: jooohn Love: Our very first baby Had great paternity leave!

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No content

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foldLeft / foldRight

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trait List[+A]

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foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B A A A A A B A A A A B B OP ...

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foldRight[B](z: B)(op: (A, B) => B): B A A A A A B A A A A B B OP ...

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So what’s the difference between them?

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Suppose you define your own Linked List

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foldLeft would be like this

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foldRight would be like this

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This naive foldRight can cause stack overflow

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If so, why can foldRight be beautiful?

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Let’s implement “map” with foldLeft

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A A A A A List[B] A A A A OP ... List[B] List[B]

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Let’s implement “map” with foldLeft

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Let’s implement “map” with foldRight

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A A A A A List[B] A A A A List[B] List[B] OP ...

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Why is it that natural to write “map” with foldRight?

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Immutable recursive data structure

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Bigger part holds smaller part

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We must create them from smaller part to bigger part

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This is the folding order of foldRight

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foldRight folds items by its creation order

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Why foldRight is beautiful ● Immutable recursive data structure is built from smaller part to bigger part ● In this sense, foldRight folds items from smaller part to bigger part rather than from right to left ○ Is quite natural to treat immutable recursive data structure

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