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Yak shaving is best shaving

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Hello World!

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Aaron Patterson @tenderlove

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Rails Core Ruby Core

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AT&T, AT&T logo and all AT&T related marks are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies.

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I am very HHonored to be here

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2 problems.

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It goes all the way up

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Black plastic seat

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What is Yak Shaving?

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Oh No! A Bug!“10 as n”).n # => “10”

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Let’s fix it!!

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Run time / Security

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AR Methods require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection 'sqlite3:///:memory:' class User < ActiveRecord::Base connection.create_table :users do |t| t.string :name end end

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AR Methods begin User.instance_method(:name) rescue NameError puts "no method found!" end User.create! :name => 'foo' p User.instance_method :name

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Output $ ruby methods.rb no method found! #)#name(__temp__e616d656)> $

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source_location def define_method_attribute(name) safe_name = name.unpack('h*').first generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def __temp__#{safe_name} read_attribute(:'#{name.inspect}') { |n| missing_attribute(n, caller) } end alias_method #{name.inspect}, :__temp__#{safe_name} undef_method :__temp__#{safe_name} STR end

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source_location def define_method_attribute(name) safe_name = name.unpack('h*').first generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def __temp__#{safe_name} read_attribute(:'#{name.inspect}') { |n| missing_attribute(n, caller) } end alias_method #{name.inspect}, :__temp__#{safe_name} undef_method :__temp__#{safe_name} STR end original name

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source_location def define_method_attribute(name) safe_name = name.unpack('h*').first generated_attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def __temp__#{safe_name} read_attribute(:'#{name.inspect}') { |n| missing_attribute(n, caller) } end alias_method #{name.inspect}, :__temp__#{safe_name} undef_method :__temp__#{safe_name} STR end real name

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Simplify read_attribute(:'#{name.inspect}')

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Be CAREFUL loop { :"#{SecureRandom.hex}" }

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Dangerous Access user = User.find user[params[:some_value]]

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Use a string read_attribute('#{name.inspect}')

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Super Simplify read_attribute('name')

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Under the hood >> insns = "read_attribute(:name)" => @> >> puts insns.disasm; nil == disasm: @>========== 0000 trace 1 ( 1) 0002 putself 0003 putobject :name 0005 opt_send_simple 0007 leave SYM B O L

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Under the hood >> insns = "read_attribute('name')" => @> >> puts insns.disasm; nil == disasm: @>========== 0000 trace 1 ( 1) 0002 putself 0003 putstring "name" 0005 opt_send_simple 0007 leave STR IN G

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Difference 0003 putobject :name 0003 putstring "name"

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Instruction diff >> a = ?> 'read_attribute("name")') => @> >> b = ?> 'read_attribute(:"name")') => @> >> a.to_a.last - b.to_a.last => [[:putstring, "name"]] >> b.to_a.last - a.to_a.last => [[:putobject, :name]]

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putobject putobject (VALUE val) () (VALUE val) { /* */ } insns.def

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putstring putstring (VALUE str) () (VALUE val) { val = rb_str_resurrect(str); } insns.def

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rb_str_resurrect VALUE rb_str_resurrect(VALUE str) { if (RUBY_DTRACE_STRING_CREATE_ENABLED()) { RUBY_DTRACE_STRING_CREATE(RSTRING_LEN(str), rb_sourcefile(), rb_sourceline()); } return str_replace(str_alloc(rb_cString), str); } string.c

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rb_str_resurrect VALUE rb_str_resurrect(VALUE str) { if (RUBY_DTRACE_STRING_CREATE_ENABLED()) { RUBY_DTRACE_STRING_CREATE(RSTRING_LEN(str), rb_sourcefile(), rb_sourceline()); } return str_replace(str_alloc(rb_cString), str); } string.c

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>> 10.times { ?> puts "foo".object_id >> } 70351655497760 70351655497540 70351655497360 70351655497300 70351655497120 70351655496900 70351655496760 70351655496640 70351655496380 70351655496320

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In Ruby, strings are mutable

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Best of both worlds?

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Use a constant! NAME = "name" loop do read_attribute NAME end

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Under the hood >> ins = 'read_attribute(CONSTANT)' => @> >> puts ins.disasm; nil == disasm: @>========== 0000 trace 1 ( 1) 0002 putself 0003 getinlinecache 10, 0006 getconstant :CONSTANT 0008 setinlinecache 0010 opt_send_simple 0012 leave C O N STA N T

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getconstant getconstant (ID id) (VALUE klass) (VALUE val) { val = vm_get_ev_const(th, GET_ISEQ(), klass, id, 0); } insns.def

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rb_const_get_0 st_lookup(RCLASS_CONST_TBL(tmp), (st_data_t)id, &data)) variable.c

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No new allocations >> NAME = "foo" => "foo" >> 10.times { puts NAME.object_id } 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800 70351655353800

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class Thing def string read_attribute "name" end def symbol read_attribute :name end NAME = "name" def constant read_attribute NAME end private def read_attribute n; end end

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Benchmark.ips do |x| t ="constant") { t.constant }"symbol") { t.symbol }"string") { t.string } end

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Calculating ------------------------------------- constant 86936 i/100ms symbol 89678 i/100ms string 80625 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- constant 4635426.5 (±5.9%) i/s - 23124976 in 5.011890s symbol 4617404.5 (±5.7%) i/s - 23047246 in 5.011275s string 3529063.8 (±7.2%) i/s - 17576250 in 5.016706s Result

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Change Implementation

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Today def define_method_attribute(name) generated_methods::AttrNames.const_set "ATTR_#{name}", name generated_methods.module_eval <<-STR def #{name} read_attribute(AttrNames::ATTR_#{name}) end STR end

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Speed of symbols. Safety of strings.

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Memory Consumption (and boot time)

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because define_method is slower on dispatch and uses more memory (because it creates a closure).

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Benchmark class Thing define_method(:defnd) { } module_eval <<-eos def evald; end eos end Benchmark.ips do |x| t ="defnd") { t.defnd }"evald") { t.evald } end

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Results Calculating ------------------------------------- defnd 83910 i/100ms evald 89965 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- defnd 4704667.3 (±6.8%) i/s - 23410890 in 5.008203s evald 6548961.6 (±6.8%) i/s - 32567330 in 5.004078s

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Documentation === Implementation from Module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ define_method(symbol, method) -> new_method define_method(symbol) { block } -> proc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Benchmark class Thing def foo; end define_method(:defnd) { } define_method(:defnd2, instance_method(:foo)) module_eval <<-eos def evald; end eos end Benchmark.ips do |x| t ="defnd") { t.defnd }"defnd2") { t.defnd2 }"evald") { t.evald } end

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Results Calculating ------------------------------------- defnd 84511 i/100ms defnd2 91485 i/100ms evald 91643 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- defnd 4034153.8 (±6.2%) i/s - 20113618 in 5.009757s defnd2 6549218.1 (±5.6%) i/s - 32660145 in 5.007169s evald 6522551.2 (±6.7%) i/s - 32441622 in 5.003291s

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Is module_eval faster than define_method?

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Is module_eval faster than define_method? IT DEPENDS

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Refactor our comment

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because define_method is slower on dispatch and uses more memory (because it creates a closure).

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because define_method uses more memory (because it creates a closure).

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because define_method uses more memory (because it creates a closure).

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Closure reference class Thing def self.make_method thing define_method(:defnd) { } end end Thing.make_method nil Thing.make_method("X" * 90000)

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Memory test class Thing N = 100_000 if ENV['USE_EVAL'] N.times { |i| module_eval "def foo_#{i}; end" } else N.times { |i| define_method("foo_#{i}") { } } end end puts "DONE!" sleep

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Which uses more memory?

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Which uses more memory? IT DEPENDS

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Why so much? require 'objspace' class Thing N = 100_000 if ENV['USE_EVAL'] N.times { |i| module_eval "def foo_#{i}; end" } else N.times { |i| define_method("foo_#{i}") { } } end end p ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all(RubyVM::InstructionSequence)

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Results $ ruby omg.rb 721128 $ USE_EVAL=1 ruby omg.rb 45981336

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Refactor our comment

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because define_method uses more memory (because it creates a closure).

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because.

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We want to generate the methods via module_eval rather than define_method, because.

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Boot time

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Benchmark class Thing N = 100_000 if ENV['USE_EVAL'] N.times { |i| module_eval "def foo_#{i}; end" } else N.times { |i| define_method("foo_#{i}") { } } end end

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Result $ time USE_EVAL=1 ruby omg.rb real 0m3.629s user 0m3.530s sys 0m0.091s $ time ruby omg.rb real 0m0.576s user 0m0.521s sys 0m0.047s 3.6s vs 0.6s!

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Memory define_method < module_eval

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Boot Time define_method < module_eval

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Run Time define_method { } < module_eval

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But Aaron...

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define_method class Thing def foo; end define_method(:defnd2, instance_method(:foo)) end

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Attribute Def def define_method_attribute(name) attribute_methods.module_eval <<-STR def #{name} read_attribute(ATTR_#{name}) end STR end

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Method Transplanting

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Transplant class A def a; end end class B define_method :a, A.instance_method(:a) end

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Error $ ruby omg.rb omg.rb:6:in `define_method': bind argument must be a subclass of A (TypeError) from omg.rb:6:in `' from omg.rb:5:in `'

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Module Transplant module AllMethods def name; end def created_at; end # .. etc .. end

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Module Transplant class B methods = do define_method :name, AllMethods.instance_method(:name) end include methods end

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Define all accessors, then transplant

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create_model = lambda { # Simulate many different models, but just share the same table # so we don't need to make many different tables { self.table_name = 'users' } } user_model = user = user_model.create!(name: 'Aaron') x = [] growth = [10, 90, 900].map { |i| i.times { model = x << model model.find( } [x.size, ObjectSpace.memsize_of_all(RubyVM::InstructionSequence) - current] }

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100000 1000000 10000000 100000000 10 100 1000 ISeq Bytes Number of Models Rails 4.0 Rails Master

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Rails Master: 18kb /m Rails 4: 31kb /m

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Definition Speed Benchmark.ips do |x| id ="create model") do model = model.find(id).name end end

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Results [aaron@higgins rails (4-0-stable)]$ bundle exec ruby omg.rb Calculating ------------------------------------- create model 8 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- create model 85.9 (±11.6%) i/s - 424 in 5.006028s [aaron@higgins rails (master)]$ bundle exec ruby omg.rb Calculating ------------------------------------- create model 17 i/100ms ------------------------------------------------- create model 165.5 (±13.3%) i/s - 816 in 5.020841s

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Remaining Problems:

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100% cache hit, but memory still grows.

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Only works on Ruby 2.0

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Querying Fixing a Bug Security Performance Instructions Ruby Source

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Fixing bugs.

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*don’t worry, the bug was fixed.

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Don’t believe everything you read.

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Yak shaving can be fun and educational.

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Just don’t get TOO lost.

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Thank you! <3<3

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͜Μʹͪ͸ɺ Θ͕ͨࣾ͠௕Ͱ͢ɻ *Hello, I’m the boss

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Gorbachev Puff Puff Thuderhorse The Third

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basket Top View basket

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basket Top View basket basket basket

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basket Top View basket basket basket

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