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Before I go…. A parting message from Steve Estabrook - July, 2019

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A day you dream about. Your last day.

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It’s bittersweet – great to leave what has been unpleasant, sad to leave what has been good.

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But chapters are chapters. When it’s time for a new one – it just is.

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So here we are.

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As an analyst, it’s hard to not look back …and analyze a bit.

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For me it all started on an 8k machine. You heard me, 8,000 bits of memory. The IBM System/3 Model 10.

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It took two IBM engineers 
 (and in those days they were technicians with oscilloscopes and logic charts) 
 two days to upgrade to 16,000 bits.

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Now you can pick up a 32 gb flash drive at Walgreens. Often on the counter by the cash register. 
 Next to the mints.

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To access the system we used a 3277 Terminal. All we were doing in those days was adding things up. And storing the results for later.

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I could put a buttered bagel in a fold over plastic bag on the top of it and in 15 minutes it would be ready – nice and toasty.

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And I also coded on the monitor as well.

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IT has come a long way. Many things have changed in my career – but many have not.

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How IT has remained the same

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Simple is still better.

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Through today’s eyes, these early days looked simple but for us it was all new and complex in its own way.

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Remember – there were no computers generally available. There was still ONE Telephone company. Sears was a big deal.

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The idea of being involved in one of these mystical machines was quite the thing.

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They required a special room with special power and air conditioning.

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The simpler we could make things then - the better – that should still be our goal today. 
 Occasionally we achieve that simplicity. 
 Occasionally. Simple is still better.

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Helping people is still rewarding.

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Today it is difficult to see what good we are doing when we often can’t see those we are serving. 
 And that can be frustrating. Helping people is still rewarding.

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You know what I mean. Helping people is still rewarding.

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But when you can actually help – that’s a good day. Helping people is still rewarding.

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And if you can do something with the least number of IT people people involved – the better. Helping people is still rewarding.

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That’s a better day. Helping people is still rewarding.

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And for those of us in IT, if the business likes what you did – well – that’s even better. Helping people is still rewarding.

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Clunky processes are still clunky.

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If you have a bad manual process and you computerize it – what do you get? Clunky processes are still clunky.

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A bad computer process. Clunky processes are still clunky.

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You know where they are. Clunky processes are still clunky.

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It was the same then as it is now. Clunky processes are still clunky.

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Hope we can get better at that. Clunky processes are still clunky.

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IT is still misunderstood

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In my first real job – the company knew they needed a computer – but in reality they had no idea what to do with it. 
 So they made it a part of accounting so there could be somebody to blame. IT is still misunderstood

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The computer was needed – they reluctantly thought (and it was). IT is still misunderstood

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But the computer was a strange, mysterious thing. IT is still misunderstood

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And the people involved with it were also mysterious and strange. But the computer was a strange, mysterious thing. IT is still misunderstood

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The business was running fine without it – thank you. IT is still misunderstood

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AND you are costing us money. IT is still misunderstood

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Things are still the same. IT is still misunderstood

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The business can think we are strange. IT is still misunderstood

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AND we are costing them money. IT is still misunderstood

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So as we part company, remember….

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Keep it simple so we can really help people. 
 Avoid clunky at all costs. 
 And if you are an IT person, try not to be so strange and mysterious.

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That goes for the retirees as well! 

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From that day in November 2000 that I started as a contractor… 

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From that day in November 2000 that I started as a contractor… 
 To that day in May 2007 when I was hired as an employee… 

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From that day in November 2000 that I started as a contractor… 
 To that day in May 2007 when I was hired as an employee… 
 To today…it’s been quite an adventure. 

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I’ve sent this to you because you are someone who has contributed to my career. 
 Contributions take many forms. 

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I’ve sent this to you because you are someone who has contributed to my career. 
 Contributions take many forms. 
 Maybe we were really close, maybe not so much – BUT – we were in this together and I am a better person because of you. 

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We experienced some wonderful, strange, frustrating and crazy situations. 
 Thankfully not all at the same time.

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Those experiences made us who we are today – we just haven’t stopped that often to remember. 
 …or tell each other.

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We have contributed to each others careers and experiences in many ways over the years. 
 Let’s not stop.

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I really appreciate the special part you played in my career.

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Be a blessing to those you work with.

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In the end…you will never regret it.

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Take care…

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Take care… And God bless…