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Clean Code Anil Wadghule

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– Martin Fowler “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.”

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Kent Beck’s Design Rules • Runs all the tests • Expresses all the design ideas that are in the system / Reveals intention • Contains no duplication • Minimises the number of entities such as classes, methods, functions, and the like / Fewest elements (Remove anything that doesn’t follow fi rst 3)

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Software Entropy • The Broken Window • Don’t leave code with broken windows.

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Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanshi p by Robert C. Martin

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Names • Use intention revealing names 
 int d; // elapsed time in day s • Instead use 
 int elapsedTimeInDays;

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Use Intention revealing names • See this 
 // BAD public List getThem() { List list1 = new ArrayList(); for (int[] x : theList) if (x[0] == 4) list1.add(x); return list1; ‚Àè } • After changing names and magic numbers 
 // GOOD public List getFlaggedCells() { List fl aggedCells = new ArrayList(); for (Cell cell : gameBoard) if (cell.isFlagged()) fl aggedCells.add(cell); return fl aggedCells; }

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Use pronounceable names • If you can’t pronounce it, you can’t discuss it 
 class DtaRcrd102 { private Date genymdhms; private Date modymdhms; private fi nal String pszqint = "102"; /* ... */ } ; • better this way 
 class Customer { private Date generationTimestamp; private Date modi fi cationTimestamp;; private fi nal String recordId = "102"; /* ... */ };

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Use searchable names • Make this searchable • MAX_CLASSES_PER_STUDENT is more searchable than 7 • Avoid encoding • AccountImpl • IShapeFactory • Do not add unnecessary pre fi xes, like pre fi xing name of the project before every class

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Naming consistency • Classes and objects should be nouns • Manager, Generator, Processor • Method names should start with verbs • isValid(), getUsername();

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Naming consistency • Pick one word per concept (No synonyms) • Don’t mix concepts • Don’t be cute • Don’t pun • Use Solution Domain Names (Programmer friendly) • Use Problem Domain Names (Domain friendly)

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Scope Rule • Smaller the scope of the variable smaller the name • Larger the scope of the variable larger the name.

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Small functions • Functions should be small • 4 to 5 lines are good. • More than 10 lines is big. • Smaller functions are easy to understand. • Large functions are less reusable. • Large functions may include functionality that belong in different classes. • Large functions may hide the classes. • Smaller well named functions in well named classes will make it easier to navigate the code

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Small functions • Instead of adding a comment on a code block, extract it into a method with name same as the comment. • Minimise number of local variables. • Minimise indentations in a method. • Do one thing.

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Same level of abstraction • All the statements in a function should be at one level of abstraction 
 void compute() { input(); fl ags|= 0x0080; output(); } • If the statements are not at one level of abstraction extract them in functions with meaningful names. • Functions having one abstraction level are likely to do one thing.

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Command Query Separation • Function should either do something or answer something, doing both is confusing

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Function arguments • Keep the function arguments to the minimum. Usually less than 3 variables. 
 Circle makeCircle(double x, double y, double radius); Circle makeCircle(Point center, double radius) ; • Avoid boolean parameters. 
 doMakeResponse(context, request, true ) • Avoid passing in nulls or returning nulls. • Use objects or maps when you need many arguments.

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Argument objects Circle makeCircle(double x, double y, double radius) ; Circle makeCircle(Point center, double radius);

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The Stepdown Rule • Reading code from Top to Bottom • Follow Stepdown rule

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Switch cases

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Switch cases • Functions with switch statements are likely to do N things. • Switch cases are likely to get scattered throughout the code. • Open ended switch violates OCP.

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Example • Consider this method of Bird class: 
 double getSpeed() { switch(type) { case EUROPEAN: return getBaseSpeed(); case AFRICAN: return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor() * numberOfCoconuts; case NORWEGIAN_BLUE: return (isNailed) ? 0 : getBaseSpeed(voltage); } }

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Polymorphism abstract class Bird { abstract double getSpeed() } class European extends Bird { double getSpeed() { return getBaseSpeed(); } } class African extends Bird { double getSpeed() { return getBaseSpeed() - getLoadFactor() * numberOfCoconuts; } } class NorwegianBlue extend Bird { double getSpeed() { return (isNailed) ? 0 : getBaseSpeed(voltage); } } Bird European African Norwegian Blue

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When switch statements are harmless • When there is no possibility of more cases. • When switch is used for creation of Polymorphic objects. Like in a Factory. • When switch cases are managed locally and can not scatter throughout the system.

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Class / Object

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Objects • Objects should hide their internal structure. • Follow ‘Tell Don’t Ask’ (Law of Demeter). • Avoid train wrecks - Don’t ask. 
 ((EditSaveCustomizer) master.getModelisable() .getDockablePanel() .getCustomizer()) .getSaveItem().setEnabled(Boolean.FALSE.booleanValue()) ; • Instead tell the object to perform task 

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Classes • Classes should be small. • Small classes follow Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). • Avoid God classes. (Avoid doing everything with single class) • The class should be cohesive.

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Cohesion • Classes should have a small number of instance variables. • More variables a method manipulates the more cohesive that method is to its class. • The more cohesive the methods are the more cohesive the class will be. • We want the classes to have high cohesion. • When classes lose cohesion, split them!

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SOLID Principles • SRP — Single Responsibility Principle • OCP — Open Closed Principle • LSP — Liskov’s Substitution Principle • ISP — Interface Segregation Principle • DIP — Dependency Inversion Principle

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Single Responsibility Principle • A class should have only one reason for change

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Open Closed Principle • A class should be easy to extend without changes

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Liskov’s Substitution Principle • Subclasses mustn’t change expected behaviour

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Interface Segregation Principle • Interfaces shouldn’t force classes to implement useless methods

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Dependency Inversion Principle • High level and low level code should depend on abstractions.

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Comments • Explain yourself in code 
 // Check to see if the employee is eligible for full bene fi ts
 if ((employee. fl ags & HOURLY_FLAG) && (employee.age > 65)) // or this? if (employee.isEligibleForFullBene fi ts())

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Comments • Comments represent bad code. • If you need comments to understand what the code is doing then the code is poorly written

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— Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plaugher “Don’t comment bad code—rewrite it.”

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Accepted comments, but not always! • Legal comments • Informative comments e.g. warning comments 
 // format matched kk:mm:ss EEE, MMM dd, yyyy Pattern timeMatcher = Pattern.compile ( "\\d*:\\d*:\\d* \\w*, \\w* \\d*, \\d* ” ) ; • TODO comments • Javadocs in Public API • For ampli fi cation

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Good comments • Explanation of intent 
 public void testConcurrentAddWidgets() throws Exception { … //This is our best attempt to get a race condition //by creating large number of threads. for (int i = 0; i < 25000; i++) { WidgetBuilderThread widgetBuilderThread = new WidgetBuilderThread(widgetBuilder, parent); Thread thread = new Thread(widgetBuilderThread); thread.start(); } … } •

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Bad comments • Mumbling 
 public void loadProperties() { try { String propertiesPath = propertiesLocation + "/" + PROPERTIES_FILE; FileInputStream propertiesStream = new FileInputStream(propertiesPath); loadedProperties.load(propertiesStream); } catch(IOException e) { // No properties fi les means all defaults are loaded } } •

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Formatting • Good formatting code is important • Follow code style of your organisation. If not present, create one.

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Exception handling • Use exceptions instead of returning error codes. • Use unchecked exceptions • Provide context with exceptions. • Don’t return null • Don’t pass null Clean code is readable, but it must also be robust.

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Code smells • Long method • solution - Extract method into many smaller auxiliary methods • Large class • solution - Apply single responsibility principle • Duplicate code • Too many parameters • Comments • …

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Clean tests • One Assert per Test • Single Concept per Test 
 public void testAddMonths(){ SerialDate d1 = SerialDate.createInstance(31, 5, 2004); SerialDate d2 = SerialDate.addMonths(1, d1); assertEquals(30, d2.getDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(6, d2.getMonth()); assertEquals(2004, d2.getYYYY()); }

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Clean Tests - FIRST • Fast • Run quickly • Independent • should not depend on each other • Repeatable • ability to run tests in any environment • Self-validating • should have boolean output, either pass or fail • No need to manually check the logs • Timely • Unit tests should be written just before the production code that makes them pass

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Refactoring • Don’t afraid of changing code to make it better • Always leave the campground cleaner than you found it. — The Boy Scout Rule • Refactor when tests are green (Apply TDD) • Follow DRY