Slide 1

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ConstraintLayout Nicolas Roard Google @camaelon +NicolasRoard John Hoford Google @johnhoford +JohnHoford

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Layout Editor

Slide 5

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Why creating a new layout?

Slide 6

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Why creating a new layout? Visual Editor

Slide 7

Slide 7 text

Why creating a new layout? Visual Editor Flexible

Slide 8

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Why creating a new layout? Visual Editor Flexible Flat layout

Slide 9

Slide 9 text

Why creating a new layout? Visual Editor Flexible Flat layout Unbundled

Slide 10

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Why creating a new layout? Visual Editor Flexible Flat layout Unbundled Available from API level 9 (99.9% devices)

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Slide 12

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 13

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 14

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 15

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 16

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Edge Constraints Widget Margin

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Widget Center Constraints

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Widget Center Constraints

Slide 19

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Widget Center Constraints

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Slide 21

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Wrap Content 

Slide 22

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Wrap Content 

Slide 23

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Wrap Content 

Slide 24

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Wrap Content 

Slide 25

Slide 25 text

Nested Layouts

Slide 26

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Nested Layouts

Slide 27

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Nested Layouts Horizontal LinearLayout

Slide 28

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Nested Layouts Vertical LinearLayout

Slide 29

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Nested Layouts TV TV TV TV TV TV TextViews

Slide 30

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Nested Layouts

Slide 31

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Nested Layouts change height

Slide 32

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Nested Layouts

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Nested Layouts measures

Slide 34

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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Nested Layouts measures

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I have concerns

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Slide 49

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Performance Similar to RelativeLayout on old devices (dalvik…)

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Performance Similar to RelativeLayout on old devices (dalvik…) Currently a bit slower with art, but not meaningful

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Performance Similar to RelativeLayout on old devices (dalvik…) Currently a bit slower with art, but not meaningful Flattening gains

Slide 52

Slide 52 text

Performance Similar to RelativeLayout on old devices (dalvik…) Currently a bit slower with art, but not meaningful Flattening gains Measure your app!

Slide 53

Slide 53 text

Performance Similar to RelativeLayout on old devices (dalvik…) Currently a bit slower with art, but not meaningful Flattening gains Measure your app! Send us examples :)

Slide 54

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Size / Memory

Slide 55

Slide 55 text

Size / Memory Current library ~130Kb

Slide 56

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Size / Memory Current library ~130Kb Low memory usage

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Measures Wrap Content Match Constraints

Slide 58

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Going forward

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO Default in Android Studio 2.3

Slide 61

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO Default in Android Studio 2.3 Open Source

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO Default in Android Studio 2.3 Open Source Support Existing Layouts

Slide 63

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO Default in Android Studio 2.3 Open Source Support Existing Layouts XML vs Visual Editor

Slide 64

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Going forward 10 releases since Google IO Default in Android Studio 2.3 Open Source Support Existing Layouts XML vs Visual Editor

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Constraints Model

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Edge Constraints

Slide 67

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 68

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Edge Constraints Widget

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 70

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Edge Constraints Widget

Slide 71

Slide 71 text

Edge Constraints app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="parent" Widget

Slide 72

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Edge Constraints Widget

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Slide 73 text

Edge Constraints Widget Left / Start

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Edge Constraints Widget Left / Start Right / End

Slide 75

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Edge Constraints Widget Left / Start Right / End Top

Slide 76

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Edge Constraints Widget Left / Start Right / End Top Bottom

Slide 77

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Edge Constraints Widget Left / Start Right / End Top Bottom Baseline

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Slide 79

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parent @id

Slide 80

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Center Constraints

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Widget Center Constraints

Slide 82

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Widget Center Constraints

Slide 83

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Widget Center Constraints

Slide 84

Slide 84 text

Widget Center Constraints app:layout_constraintLeft_toLeftOf="parent" app:layout_constraintRight_toRightOf="parent"

Slide 85

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Center Constraints + Bias Widget

Slide 86

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Center Constraints + Bias Widget 0.5

Slide 87

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Center Constraints + Bias Widget 0.2

Slide 88

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Center Constraints + Bias Widget 0.6

Slide 89

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Center Constraints + Bias Widget 0.6 app:layout_constraintHorizontal_bias="0.3"

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Dimension Constraints

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Dimension Constraints

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content match_parent

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content match_constraint

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content match_constraint ratio

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content match_constraint ratio min width/height (on CL)

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Dimension Constraints fixed dimension wrap_content match_constraint ratio min width/height (on CL)

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match_constraint Widget

Slide 101

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match_constraint Widget Widget

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Slide 103

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Ratio app:layout_constraintDimensionRatio="h,1:1"

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View: Gone A B

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View: Gone A B View marked as Gone

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View: Gone B

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View: Gone Margin B

Slide 109

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View: Gone Margin B app:layout_goneMarginLeft="60dp"

Slide 110

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View: Gone Margin B app:layout_goneMarginLeft="60dp"

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Slide 112

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Chains A B

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Chains A B bi-directional constraints

Slide 114

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Chains A B Chain bi-directional constraints

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Chains A B C

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Chains A B C Head

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Chains A B C Head Contains attributes affecting the chain

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Chain Styles A B C Spread A B C Spread Inside A B C Weighted A B C Packed

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Chain Styles A B C Spread A B C Spread Inside A B C Weighted A B C Packed + bias

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app:layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle="spread" app:layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle="spread_inside" app:layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle="packed" Chains

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Slide 124

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How Does It Work

Slide 125

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How Does It Work Linear Equations Solver

Slide 126

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How Does It Work Constraints Model Linear Equations Solver

Slide 127

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How Does It Work Constraints Model Layout Editor Linear Equations Solver

Slide 128

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How Does It Work Constraints Model Inference Layout Editor Linear Equations Solver

Slide 129

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How Does It Work Linear Equations Solver Constraints Model Direct Resolution Inference Layout Editor Linear Equations Solver

Slide 130

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Views vs Layout

Slide 131

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Views vs Layouts Decoupling Views from Layouts Animations Performance

Slide 132

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Slide 133

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer

Slide 134

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints

Slide 135

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect

Slide 136

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect Inference

Slide 137

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect Inference Alignment tools + constraints creation

Slide 138

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect Inference Alignment tools + constraints creation Chains

Slide 139

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect Inference Alignment tools + constraints creation Chains Ratio

Slide 140

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Demo Presentation of the UI designer Manual constraints Auto connect Inference Alignment tools + constraints creation Chains Ratio ConstraintSet + Animations

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Next steps

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Next steps

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Next steps Virtual Viewgroups

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Next steps Virtual Viewgroups Conversion Tools

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Next steps Virtual Viewgroups Conversion Tools Helper objects

Slide 146

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Next steps Virtual Viewgroups Conversion Tools Helper objects Animation

Slide 147

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Next steps Virtual Viewgroups Conversion Tools Helper objects Animation Custom Variables

Slide 148

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Connect Nicolas Roard @camaelon +NicolasRoard John Hoford @johnhoford +JohnHoford Documentation android/support/constraint/package- summary.html