Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Phase One: ASGI Support
Allowing Django to be async at all
Phase Two: Async Views
Unlocking async use in normal apps
Phase Three: The ORM
High-level async use for the most common case
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
The ORM is the majority of Django
And, of course, the most complex part.
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
API Design is crucial
It must be familiar, yet safe.
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Async is… a bit different
You can't quite do everything you're used to
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Can't tell if a function returns a coroutine!
There are standard hints, but no actual guaranteed way
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
async def calculate(x):
result = await coroutine(x)
return result
# These both return a coroutine
def calculate(x):
result = coroutine(x)
return result
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
You have to namespace async functions
I really, really wish we didn't have to
Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Can't do asynchronous attribute access!
Foreign keys will be a bit less magic.
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
book = Book.objects.async_get(id=3)
# Will error - needs to run a query
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
book = Book.objects.get(id=3)
# Works fine - prefetched
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Some things do have nice analogues!
They have async versions of the operations that call a different special method.
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
async for book in Book.objects.filter(name="Django"):
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
The Plan
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
1. Async Model API
Querysets & model instances mostly
2. Async Query Internals
Django is internally async through its stack
3. Async Database Adapters
Async all the way down, no threads at all
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Threaded if in
async mode
After Phase One
QuerySet Managers
Connection Compiler
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Threaded if in
async mode
After Phase Two
QuerySet Managers
Connection Compiler
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
After Phase Three
QuerySet Managers
Connection Compiler
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
We may never get to Phase Three
...and that's alright.
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
No sign of an async DBAPI... yet
It might emerge once there's a need for it
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Databases via threads? Not the worst!
Native async only matters for pure performance
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Transactions are tricky.
They are very threadlocal, and that's not great with async
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Some things don't need async
Migrations, introspection, most fields
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
So what's first?
(Apart from having to curse various non-PostgreSQL databases)
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Deciding on async API design
Namespacing? async_ prefixes? Something else?
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Andrew Godwin / @andrewgodwin
Grappling with transactions
Do we make them work across async/sync boundaries?