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Hypothesis Driven Design 17th May 2018 - DWP Product Owner Community Day

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Tom Morgan Service Designer @tsmz

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Bruce Lee

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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less finger more moon

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why hypotheses?

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Communication and visibility

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Rigour, discipline and rhythm

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Setting the right context for design

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Recording design decisions and research findings

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz The Scientific Method (look familiar?)

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Observations are key

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… so you need something to test

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Start with user needs

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writing hypotheses

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen… We think this is because… So if we… We’ll see... ahem!

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen… We think this is because… So if we… We’ll see... observation

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz User research isn’t about finding what users like, but what works best for them

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen… We think this is because… So if we… We’ll see... explanation

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen… We think this is because… So if we… We’ll see... design

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Time for design

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen… We think this is because… So if we… We’ll see... observation

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Focus on what’s testable

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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User research defines the rhythm

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ceremonies discipline & rhythm

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Affinity sort Collect and group observations What are the problems?

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Then... Prioritise problems Design solutions

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz UR prep What’s ready to test? What are we looking to see?

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Affinity sort What did we see? Anything ready to build? Everything else, back to start.

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columns organisation & visibility

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Backlog

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Priorities

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Being designed

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Ready to test

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Ready to build

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No content

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No content

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crossing the rubicon

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A conversation

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Hypothesis ≠ User story

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A hypothesis might translate into multiple user stories

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Business analysts

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JIRA! built it!

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what to record?

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Title User needs Hypothesis Link to prototype pages Screengrabs & photos Research methods & findings Link to JIRA ticket(s) telling the story

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What are we aiming for?

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz A complete picture How were design decisions made? What research was done? What was the outcome?

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Audit trail Does the final build match the intention? How did the product end up like this? Useful for new starters / stakeholders alike.

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Show and tells

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz GDS assessments

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Storing knowledge

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Check Your State Pension Steven Borthwick

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Problem Not all users understand what the most State Pension they could get is. This results in enquires to the digital service and contact centre.

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Hypothesis If messages are personal and direct, users will understand if they can increase their pension as a result enquiries should reduce.

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Before

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz After

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Measured ● Enquiries and comments submitted to service ● Satisfaction rate and survey ● Skype/screen shares with users ● Telephone calls to operations

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Results Enquiries dropped by over 50% Satisfaction increased by 3% (90%+)

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Budgeting Loans Richard Smith & Phil Swan

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No content

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Even though it increased drop-outs, there were more eligible claims received” – Richard Smith “

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Access To Work Rebekah Barry

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Errors on initial travel question 3.95% Loops back to initial question from next page 2.6% Users changing their mind 12.9%

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz We’ve seen: 15.4% of users either change the radio button they’ve selected or return to the page and change their answer and we’ve seen: validation errors increase on the initial help With Travel page from 0.24% to 3.95% We think this is because: users are struggling to understand the initial travel question and so they are; 1) changing their mind about what their answer should be 2) trying to continue without answering it 3) answering that they don't need help when they really do So if: We change the wording of the question, and add text to the 'yes' 'no' radio buttons to make it clearer Then we’ll see: the numbers of users changing their answer reduce, the number of users seeing validation errors (after travel) reduce.

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz “There are too many saccades and no fixations at the beginning of the sentence - the eye is only drawn to ‘work OK’ leading to regressive reading and confusion” – Rebekah Barry

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz

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Hypothesis Driven Design @tsmz Errors on initial travel question 3.95% → 3.01% Loops back to initial question from next page 2.6% → 1.6% Users changing their mind 12.9% → 7.82%

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Communication and visibility

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Rigour, discipline and rhythm

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Setting the right context for design

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Recording design decisions and research findings

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