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Web Sites and Fairy Lights

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Hi, I'm Ben Freelance web developer & other stuff Say hi on twi!er: @benjaminbenben

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This is a talk about things:

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Some things that light up

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A thing you can press down

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These are: — wireless (bluetooth) — battery powered — puck.js

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This is a talk of 4 parts

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Part 1. Connecting this Bu!on to these Fairy Lights

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Part 2. Connecting these Fairy Lights to a Web Server

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Part 3. Connecting these Fairy Lights to a Web Browsers

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PART ONE Connecting this Bu!on to these Fairy Lights

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target outcome: When I press this thing, these things should turn red

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Fairy ⇽!"☀$⭐⚡✨➤ Bu"on Lights

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POST /colour HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 content-type: application/json Accept: */* Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Length: 15 {"color":"red"}

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Handling HTTP — Opening ports — Parsing request & headers — Responding to requests — Handling http codes & response headers — Persistent connections — IP address changes

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(JSON is pre!y challenging too)

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HTTP wasn't designed for IoT

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MQTT Message Queue*

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MQTT Telemetry Transport

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Broker Client

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topics messages

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Connection — Stateful — Message based — Binary

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Publishing Messages > CONNECT < CONNACK > PUBLISH /fairy-lights/12 red

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Subscribing to topics > CONNECT < CONNACK > SUBSCRIBE /fairy-lights/+ … … < PUBLISH /fairy-lights/12 red … … < PUBLISH /fairy-lights/15 blue …

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Features (vs HTTP) — lightweight protocol — QoS

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MQTT …that's about it

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MQTT …that's about it (though also; security/encryption, client IDs, last will, persistence, ping/pong) -->

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Demo Let's hook the bu!on and lights together

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✨ We've connected a couple of things together

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PART TWO Connecting Fairy Lights to a Web Server

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target outcome: When I post to my blog, these things change colour

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For WordPress to be a thing: 1/ Publish messages 2/ Subscribe to topics

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1/ Publish messages

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1/ Publish messages WP-MQTT

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WP-MQTT se!ings

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2/ Subscribe to topics

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2/ Subscribe to topics MQTT-WP listen for messages then forward them on to the WP-REST API github/benfoxall/mq!-wp

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const mqtt = require('mqtt') const client = mqtt.connect(config.mqtt_host) client.subscribe('my/sensor') client.on('message', (topic, buffer) => { const content = escape(buffer.toString()) updatePage('my-sensor', content) })

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const WPAPI = require('wpapi') const wp = new WPAPI(config.wp) const updatePage = (slug, content) => wp.pages().slug(slug) .update({content})

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Demo Let's get WordPress on our MQTT network

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✨ We've made WordPress into a thing

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PART THREE Connecting Fairy Lights to a Web Browser

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target outcome: When I visit a web page, I can choose the colour of my lights

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The easy way Post message to your web server…

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These lights are right here! why control them from your web server?

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- Advertising - Connecting - Services - Characteristics

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Web Bluetooth navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({ filters: [{namePrefix: 'Puck'}], optionalServices: [0xBCDE] })

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navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({ filters: [{namePrefix: 'Puck'}], optionalServices: [0xBCDE] }) .then(device => device.gatt.connect()) .then(server => server.getPrimaryService(0xBCDE)) .then(service => service.getCharacteristic(0xABCD)) .then(fairyLights => { fairyLights.writeValue(Uint8ClampedArray.from([255,150,0]).buffer) })

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Demo Change the colour of the lights with this webpage

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We can do even be!er

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Bonus point #1 Discovery

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require("ble_eddystone") .advertise("")

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Bonus point #2 Offline Support

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Service workers

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Bonus point #3 Making it feel less like a website

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{ "short_name": "Lights", "name": "Fairy Lights", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/48.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "48x48" }, ... { "src": "icons/512.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "", "background_color": "#333", "theme_color": "#000", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "portrait" }

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✨ We've made a website into a thing

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Some advice to wrap up

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What's best device to prototype all this edge web technology?

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Focus on people then work back back from there

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And build some things

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Thank you for listening @benjaminbenben