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Matija Marohnić Cypress vs. Playwright End-to-end testing showdown

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My experience with Cypress

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Background • prior experience with tools like WebdriverIO • used Cypress for a long time • friendlier API • approachable • but eventually mostly for critical functionality

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Speed • 5 tests = 45s (locally) • compared to my other optimizations it became uncomfortable • started writing less tests 💔

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API • familiarity = jQuery 😔 • won’t look familiar to any new developers

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API • should = expect

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API • wrap objects to make assertions • another round of jQuery for everyone! 🍻

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API • synchronous…? • commands are queued to be run later

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Meet Playwright 🎭

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Background • new testing framework by Microsoft • haven’t used it in any serious projects yet • only side projects

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Supports WebKit • unlike Cypress, Playwright supports Safari • Safari’s support table can be uncomfortable, so it’s really useful

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Headless by default • seemed odd at fi rst • turned out to be a great feature • less clutter, no dashboards or browsers • run headed only when you need to debug

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Speed • 13 tests = 3s ⚡ • more than 2x as many tests = 15x faster • speed is no longer an issue • started testing every square inch of my blog

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API • asynchronous, almost everything needs to be awaited

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API • at fi rst repetitive and error-prone, mistakes aren’t always obvious • but gives full control over execution order, more transparent

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API • uses Jest’s expect library for assertions, so looks more like a unit test • doesn’t need a Testing Library plugin, locators are powerful

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VS Code extension 🤯 • killer feature • makes Playwright really e ffi cient to use! • run a test just by clicking on it, and much more • a more balanced approach to GUI — stay in your text editor • 👨💻

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…and so much more!

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• I’m always excited to learn more about Playwright • it makes me want to write more tests 🥳