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@maoosi @_maoosi Sylvain Simao Senior Full-Stack Developer @ Clemenger BBDO

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Vue 2.x (re)introduction

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So what’s Vue.js ? ● Open-source progressive Framework ● First release in Feb. 2014 ● 2.0 release (stable) in Oct. 2016 ● Created by Evan You (Meteor / Google Creative Lab)

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Vue.js - Today ● ~33.6K stars on GitHub ● ~190k downloads/month (NPM only) ● $9,000+ monthly support from the community (

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Why choosing Vue.js ? ● Small learning curve and semantic ● Pre-processor agnostic (Jade/Pug, Sass, Stylus...) ● Server-side rendering (SEO / Javascript disabled) ● Stable, maintained, and tested ● Vue.js 2.x is (almost) retro-compatible

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● Imported as a ES6 module (easily testable) ● Collocation of Template, Logic & Style ● Just use what you already know: HTML, CSS & JavaScript ● Embedded preprocessor support: Sass, Less, Pug, Stylus ● Component-scoped CSS with a single attribute (no conflicts) Single File Vue Components

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Vue.js offers a rich ecosystem VueX (State management) Vue-Resource (HTTP requests) Vue-Router (Routing) Vue-CLI (Command line scaffolding)

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Official Chrome DevTools Extension

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TODO list example

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TODO list example

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TODO list example

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TODO list example

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TODO list example

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TODO list example

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Vue.js in one GIF?

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Routing in SPA’s

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Single Page Application (SPA) 1. Entire app loaded on a single page 2. No page reload on UI navigation 3. Dynamically update UI with ajax-fetched data

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Dynamic page-level component

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Routing challenges ● Displaying semantic URLs without reloading the page ● Dynamically render correct UI based on URL navigations ● Deep-linking and browser history ● SEO friendly ● ... ● Avoiding that

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3rd-Party Routers ● Director flatiron/director ● Page.js visionmedia/page.js ● Vue Lanes bpierre/vue-lanes ● Voie.js inca/voie ● Vue-Router (official) vuejs/vue-router

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Vue-Router Library

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Main advantages of Vue-Router ● Dynamic route matching (patterns) ● HTML5 history API (states) ● Lazy-loading (async components) ● Nested routes (multi-level) ● Navigation guards (authentication, preloading ...)

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/yo/john App Yo with { name: john } / App Home Component-based client-side routing

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> npm install -g vue-cli > vue init webpack-simple yo-app > cd yo-app > npm install > npm run dev

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No content

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> npm install vue-router --save

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render current route template here caches the inactive component instances without destroying them ./src/App.vue

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Router mode ● Hash - uses the URL hash for routing (hashbang urls /#!/) ● History - uses HTML5 History API (semantic urls) ● Abstract - server-side with Node.js (all javascript environments) Server config - nginx location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html; }

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Lazy Loading Routes Async components to only load them when the route is visited: const Foo = resolve => require(['./Foo.vue'], resolve) const Foo = () => System.import('./Foo.vue') Built-In Component Caches inactive components without destroyed them:

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The Route Object A route object represents the state of the current active route: this.$route / vm.$route / $route / router Properties: $route.path / $route.params / $route.query / $route.hash / $route.fullPath / $route.matched / $

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Router Link Home About User foo
  • foo
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    Simple routes example * Dynamic route matching / HTML5 history API / Lazy-loading / 404 errors

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    Preloading with Vue-Router

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    Why Preloading? ● Avoid broken UI ● Decrease noticeable time-lags ● Increase responsiveness ● Improve user experience

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    > npm i vuex --save > npm i vuex-router-sync@next --save

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    vuejs/vuex vuejs/vuex-router-sync ./src/store.js

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    Navigation Guards Guard navigations either by redirecting it or canceling it: globally / per-route / in-component router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { }) router.afterEach((to, from, next) => { }) ● to: Route : the target Route Object being navigated to. ● from: Route : the current route being navigated away from. ● next: Function : this function must be called to resolve the hook.

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    Route Meta Fields Attach abstract information to each route: - Authentication - Preloading - Authorized Referrer meta: { requiresAuth: true } router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { if (to.matched.some(record => record.meta.requiresAuth)) { // this route requires auth, check if logged in // if not, redirect to login page. if (!auth.loggedIn()) { next({ path: '/login', query: { redirect: to.fullPath } }) } else { next() } } else { next() // make sure to always call next()! } })

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    ./src/views/Yo.vue this.$nextTick wait until Vue.js has finished updating the DOM

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    Preloader example

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    Vue.js News

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    Vue-migration-helper - Now stable! CLI tool to aid in migration from Vue 1.x to 2.0 vuejs/vue-migration-helper VuejsJobs and VueJobs merging! The brand is undergoing a design change and will be launched as “The Job Board for Vue Developers” very soon.

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    Vue-resource retired from “official recommendation” Alternative suggested by Evan You: Axios - Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js Source: Vue 2.0.5 release Performance improvements and bug fixes! vuejs/vue

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    Modern invoicing and subscription billing

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    Melbourne’s – and Australia’s - most awarded agency.

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    Thanks! @VueJsAustralia soon Want to give a talk? Please contact us on @VueJsAustralia