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Separation ofConcerns Starring Directed By Special Appearance Introducing DDD With Model Pollution is Bad— What Can I Do about It? A Henning Schwentner Talk An Integrated Banking Example and Information Hiding Architecture Hamburger Dependecy Inversion

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Metro Goldwyn Lolcat

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Hi, I’m Henning

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@hschwentner Software != End in itself

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@hschwentner Software is build Tech people business people for for by

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@hschwentner (Application) Programming 1. Learn about a domain 2. Build a model for it 3. Add technology to build the system: • programming language • UI • database • …

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@hschwentner Example: A Banking Domain bank account customer teller computer transaction

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@hschwentner Example: A Banking Domain computer Banking 3000

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@hschwentner Programming 1. Learn about a domain 2. Build a model for it 3. Add technology to build the system: • programming language • UI • database • …

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@hschwentner Programming 1. Learn about a domain 2. Build a model for it 3. Add technology to build the system: • programming language • UI • database • …

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@hschwentner Rules of thumb:

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Objects from real world turn into objects in software

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Actions from real world turn into operations in software

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=> Object-orientation

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@hschwentner Programming 1. Learn about a domain 2. Build a model for it 3. Add technology to build the system: • programming language • UI • database • …

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@hschwentner Coupling • thus we build coupling. we couple the system to technology • => it’s a good idea to localize that coupling! • => that’s one of the reasons for modularity

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@hschwentner History

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@hschwentner No Modularity goto goto Program: goto goto goto == chaos

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@hschwentner Structured Programming Edsger Dijkstra Edgar Dijkstra: Go To Statement Considered Harmful callable unit callable unit callable unit 1968

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@hschwentner Information Hiding David Parnas interface imple- mentation 1972

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@hschwentner Separation of Concerns Edsger Dijkstra “…study in depth an aspect in isolation […], all the time knowing that one is occupying oneself only with one of the aspects.” one aspect in isolation 1974

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@hschwentner Separation of Concerns ➢ Single responsibility principle ➢ do one thing well ➢ Change because of one reason ➢ Separation of business logic and technical code

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@hschwentner Loose Coupling/ High Cohesion Ed Yourdon Larry Constantine in which direction? 19XX

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@hschwentner Layered Architecture

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@hschwentner 2 Layer Architecture Program “uses” Legend: DB

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@hschwentner below The One Rule above Acyclic Dependency Principle allowed forbidden

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@hschwentner Fundamental Theorem of Software Engineering David Wheeler “We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection” “…except for the problem of too many levels of indirection”

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@hschwentner 3 Layer Architecture Presentation Logic Data

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@hschwentner 4 Layer Architecture User Interface Application Domain Infrastructure

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@hschwentner Patterns for the Domain Layer

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@hschwentner Domain Logic Patterns Martin Fowler

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@hschwentner Domain Logic Patterns Martin Fowler • Transaction Script • Table Module • Domain Model

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@hschwentner Rules of thumb:

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Objects from real world turn into objects in software

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Actions from real world turn into operations in software

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=> Object-orientation

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Values from real world turn into values in software

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@hschwentner Domain-Driven Design Eric Evans

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@hschwentner Entity Tactical Design Value Object Is it a thing? Is it a property of a thing? Can you touch it? Is it identityless? Does it have an identity?

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@hschwentner Entity vs. Value − Identity − Life cycle − Can be mutable − No identity − Always immutable Contract Map Name Length 12.5 m “John Miller” Entity Value Object

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@hschwentner Entity Value Object Aggregate Service Factory Repository Tactical Design

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«Entity» BankAccount withdraw() deposit() «Value Object» Amount

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@hschwentner The Problem with Layers

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@hschwentner The Problem Infrastructure User Interface Application Domain BAD!

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@hschwentner The Problem Domain Infrastructure bank transaction Oracle DB BAD!

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@hschwentner Beyond Layered Architecture

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@hschwentner below above From above/below to inside/outside out- side inside

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@hschwentner port Hexagonal Architecture Foto: Dennis Hamilton/flickr/CC BY 2.0 adapter Alistair Cockburn

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@hschwentner Kinds of Ports − For UI etc. − Methods to be called − “from above” − For DB and infrastructure − Interfaces to be implemented − “from below”

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@hschwentner secondary port primary port adapter adapter Kinds of Ports Legend: Flow of control Dependency

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@hschwentner Domain The Solution Domain Infrastructure bank transaction Oracle DB Infrastructure bank transaction Oracle DB port adapter

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@hschwentner uses implements Legend:

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@hschwentner Dependency Inversion Depend on abstractions, not on concretions! Robert C. Martin “Uncle Bob”

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@hschwentner Onion Architecture “application core” domain services domain model

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@hschwentner The 4 Tenets •The application is built around an independent object model •Inner layers define interfaces. Outer layers implement interfaces •Direction of coupling is toward the center •All application core code can be compiled and run separate from infrastructure Jeffrey Palermo

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@hschwentner Designed for Testability “All application code can be compiled, run, and tested separate from infrastructure” Easy unit tests Plays well with TDD

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@hschwentner Clean Architecture Robert C. Martin “Uncle Bob” interactor = use case object entities

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The price of cleanness is eternal mapping

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Explicit Architecture Herberto Graca

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@hschwentner Putting it all together

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@hschwentner Architecture Hamburger Application Domain Infrastructure UI Henning Schwentner

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@hschwentner Architecture Hamburger model repository interface controller use case service entity value object view data model repository implementation widget library REST frame- work transaction handling domain library programming language ORM file system access domain event

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@hschwentner What about Spring, JPA, Hibernate & co.?

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@javax.persistence.Entity class BankAccount { /*...*/ } @javax.persistence.Embeddable class Amount { /*...*/ }

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import javax.persistence.*; @Entity class BankAccount { @Id IBAN iban; @Embedded Amount balance; /*...*/ } @Embeddable class Amount { /*...*/ }

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import javax.persistence.*; @Entity class BankAccount { @Id IBAN iban; @Embedded Amount balance; /*...*/ } When you use this You have to have this …and a default constructor …and you can’t have final fields

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import javax.persistence.*; @Entity class BankAccount { @Id final IBAN iban; @Embedded Amount balance; /*...*/ } the identity should never change …and it should be initialized at creation, i.e. in the constructor

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import jakarta.persistence.*; @Entity class BankAccount { @Id final IBAN iban; @Embedded Amount balance; /*...*/ } when someone changes the technology, we have to change the business logic, too

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@hschwentner LeasingNinja

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@hschwentner DEMO leasingninja-java-bigballofmud-anemicdomainmodel leasingninja-java-boundedcontext-domainmodel leasingninja-java-boundedcontext-polluteddomainmodel

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xMolecules Stephan Pirnbaum

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import org.jmolecules.ddd.annotation.*; @Entity class Account { @Identity public final IBAN iban; public void deposit(Amount amount) //... public void withdraw(Amount amount) //... }

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@hschwentner Boilerplate and Model Pollution Reduction

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@hschwentner Domain-Driven Refactorings • Strategic Refactorings • Tactical Refactorings (Against Big Ball of Mud) Catalog: strategic transformation tactical transformation team-organizational transformation • Socio-Technical • Tactical refactorings (Against Model Anemia)

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@hschwentner FEEDBACK

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@hschwentner Bibliography Buschmann, Frank, Regine Meunier, Hans Rohnert, Peter Sommerlad, and Michael Stal. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture Volume 1: A System of Patterns. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 1996. Cockburn, Alistair. “Hexagonal Architecture.” January 4, 2005. Dijkstra, Edsger. “Go To Statement Considered Harmful.” Communications of the ACM 11, no. 3 (March 1968): 147–48. Evans, Eric. Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software. Boston: Addison-Wesley, 2004. Fowler, Martin. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture. Boston: Addison- Wesley, 2005. Gamma, Erich, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1995. Graca, Herberto. “DDD, Hexagonal, Onion, Clean, CQRS, … How I Put It All Together.”

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This has been a presentation Metro Goldwyn Lolcat

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Henning Schwentner in/henningschwentner