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Dynamic Exploration of Static Analysis with Compose Sam Edwards @HandstandSam

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Joined Android Foundation

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First Task “As an Android developer, I want to know which Development Apps exercise the :impl Gradle Modules my team owns.”

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First Task “As an Android developer, I want to know which Development Apps exercise the :impl Gradle Modules my team owns.”

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First Task “As an Android developer, I want to know which Development Apps exercise the :impl Gradle Modules my team owns.”

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First Task “As an Android developer, I want to know which Development Apps exercise the :impl Gradle Modules my team owns.”

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Module Structure at Square

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Android Module Structure

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Development Apps

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Development Apps

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I have a plan.

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Dependency Guard

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Custom Gradle Plugin & Task • Con fi gure Project • Resolve all Transitive Dependencies • Execute Task • Report Output

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Initial Output Development App -> Dependencies

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Kotlin Source Configurations • Runtime Con fi guration • Test Con fi guration • Release Con fi guration • Debug Con fi guration • Android Test Con fi guration

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Gradle Gradle Plugin

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Gradle -> JSON Gradle Plugin Shared Models (data class) .json

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Gradle -> JSON -> React JS Gradle Plugin Shared Models (data class) .json

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Dynamic Exploration React JS

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Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Models & Serialization Gradle Plugin

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Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Models & Serialization Gradle Plugin Shared Models (data class) .json

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Kotlin Multiplatform Shared Models & Serialization Gradle Plugin Shared Models (data class) .json Compose Report

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Compose Multiplatform Web (WASM)

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Compose Web (WASM) - September 2023

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Compose Multiplatform Web (WASM)

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Compose Multiplatform Web (WASM)

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Compose Multiplatform Web (WASM)

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Compose Web (WASM) - September 2023 • Wow, this is cool! • I can’t paste into the search inputs. • I can’t select the text from the results table. • This isn’t the right fi t…

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Compose Web (WASM) - October 23’ Compose Web (WASM) - Now in Alpha (Kotlin 2.0.0)

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Compose HTML • Accessible from anywhere • Copy/Paste Support • Standalone, doesn’t require any backend (GitHub Pages) • Familiar to Kotlin developers • Dynamic Exploration

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🔃 Invert Inverted view of your Gradle Project

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./gradlew :invert

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Inverted Dependencies Link

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Couldn’t you have used Chat GPT to do it?

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How do I ask my codebase questions? 🤔

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IntelliJ Search

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Find Usages

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Type Hierarchy

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Code Structure

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Analysis Creates Context

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Easy Questions Examples • Find the word “Analytics” in a fi le named *.kt? • Which fi les have the import “kotlin.test.Test”? Requirements • File contents indexed & searchable

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Hard Questions Examples • Is my code formatted correctly? • Did I follow our coding patterns in my latest commit? • Can you fi nd the usages of the Analytics interface? • What are the concrete implementations of the Analytics interface?

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Hard Questions Requirements • Code Structure • Type Resolution • References • Build Con fi guration

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Multiple Hard Questions 1. What are the concrete implementations of the Analytics interface? 2. What modules are they in? 3. Who are the owners of that module? 4. What fi les are they in?

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Ask Question, Run Analysis

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Ask Question, Run Analysis

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What if we…

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Run Analysis, Ask Questions

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Run Analysis, Ask Questions

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Dynamic Exploration ✅ with Compose ✅ Static Analysis 🧐

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Static Analysis

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Static Analysis Popular Tools

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How do they work?

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AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) • Kotlin PSI (Program Structure Interface) • Parses Kotlin Code into an AST Representation • Traversable

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K2 and FIR

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Use Case: Finding Anvil & Dagger Injections with PSI

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Why? Missing Dagger Bindings > Task :app:kaptKotlin FAILED /Users/samedwards/Development/invert/examples/app/build/tmp/kapt3/ stubs/main/com/squareup/invert/examples/ error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.squareup.invert.examples.di.NetworkGraph cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method. public abstract interface AppComponent { ^ Missing binding usage: com.squareup.invert.examples.di.NetworkGraph is requested at com.squareup.invert.examples.AppComponent.networking()

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Why? Missing Dagger Bindings > Task :app:kaptKotlin FAILED /Users/samedwards/Development/invert/examples/app/build/tmp/kapt3/ stubs/main/com/squareup/invert/examples/ error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] com.squareup.invert.examples.di.NetworkGraph cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method. public abstract interface AppComponent { ^ Missing binding usage: com.squareup.invert.examples.di.NetworkGraph is requested at com.squareup.invert.examples.AppComponent.networking()

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Missing Bindings Demo! ./gradlew :app:assemble

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Find DI Provides and Injects • Scan the Kotlin Source fi les for each module • Where is a type provided? • Where is a type injected? • Enable dynamic exploration of results

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Contributes @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Contributes @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Contributes @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Injects @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Injects @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Injects @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Injects @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Injects @ContributesBinding(AppScope::class) class LiveNetworkGraph @Inject constructor( override val userRepo: UserRepo, override val categoryRepo: CategoryRepo, val networkConfig: NetworkConfig, val httpClient: HttpClient, ) : NetworkGraph {}

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Live PSI Coding LiveNetworkGraph KotlinconfLiveNetworkGraphPsiTest

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StatiK • psiElement.printEverything() • com.rickbusarow.statik:statik-kotlin-psi:0.1.0-SNAPSHOT

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FIR Tree fi r-tree

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Provides/Injects Report Demo ./gradlew :invert

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What other questions could be asked?

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It’s up to you.

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🔃 Invert Playbook • Collector Plugin Ecosystem • Ability to create customized report pages • Available and Up-to-date on CI via GitHub Pages • Supports Deep Links

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Sam Edwards @HandstandSam Thank you,
 and don’t forget
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