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Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif Neo4j Q&A Session: Graphing IATI Aid Activity Data for LLM-Powered Chatbots Photo by Igor Omilaev on Unsplash

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Who Am I? Neo4j Developer Advocate • Java/JVM technologies • Conference speaker • Technical blog writer • All-around geek

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Using LLMs BEWARE: hallucinations! • Send user question to LLM • Positives: • Natural language response • Broad knowledge (crawl the internet) • Negatives: • Might not have latest data • Can hallucinate when unsure

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IATA Format, options, etc • Need subscription (free tier available) • Single data sets very fl at, non-graph • API provides most value • API has learning curve (query params) • XML, JSON, or CSV responses SE-0-SE-6-7600051401- BIH-16061 Sweden Music high schools Sw-BiH narrative> Musikhögskolor Sw-BiH Cooperation between the Music Academy in Sarajevo and the Royal Music High School of Sthlm, the support concerns a visit with the aim to plan the cooperation during 1999. Samarbete mellan Kungliga Musikhögskolan i Stockholm och Musikakademini Sarajevo, bidraget avser främst en planeringsresa för samarbetet under 1999.

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Neo4j Schema-free • Schema- fl exible • Makes refactoring easier and faster • Queries with Cypher • APOC utility library, for the win! • Construct Cypher statements to create data according to your model

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Import Headers = 🤕 • Cloud dbaas (Aura) blocks procs accepting headers • Local dbs or alternate hosting required (not Aura) • APOC = 🛟 • apoc.load.xml(url, ‘’, {headers: {abc: blah, def: blah2}}) • apoc.load.jsonParams(url, {abc: blah, def: blah2}, null)

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Data Import Draft the data model • Nodes: Activity, Organization, Sector, …? • Relationships - this is the value!

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Import statement outline • Construct the URL and headers • UNWIND list of activities (and related properties) • Create (MERGE) each activity node • UNWIND list of organizations • Create (MERGE) each org node • Create relationship: Activity<-Organization • UNWIND list of sectors • Create (MERGE) each sector node • Create relationship: Activity->Sector

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WITH url CALL apoc.load.xml(url,"", {headers:{}}) YIELD value … UNWIND activities as activity WITH activity, activity._children as details … UNWIND titles, descriptions … CALL apoc.merge.node(["Activity"], {id: id._text}, {title: title._text, description: descr._text}) YIELD node as actNode WITH details, actNode UNWIND orgs as org … CALL apoc.merge.node(["Organization"], {ref: org.ref}, {name: name._text}) YIELD node as partOrg … MERGE (actNode)<-[r:PARTICIPATES_IN]-(partOrg) … UNWIND sectors as sector … CALL apoc.merge.node(["Sector"], {code: sector.code}, {name: name._text}) YIELD node as secNode … MERGE (actNode)<-[r2:OCCURS_IN]->(secNode) RETURN *

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RAG Retrieval Augmented Generation • Can incorporate recent data • Reduce hallucinations • Use LLM to style results as natural language • Option: use Neo4j as a vector database • Vector indexes available • Possible chunking for large amounts of text • Retrieve entities based on similarity search • Prompt engineering may or may not help further

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Chatbot architecture Courtesy: Tomaz Bratanic

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Chatbot architecture Courtesy: Tomaz Bratanic

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RAG steps (with vector) User->LLM->Neo4j->LLM->User • Put data into Neo4j • Create embeddings (OpenAI or other model) • Save those embeddings as vectors in Neo4j • LLM creates vector for user question • Use Neo4j vector index to fi nd similar documents • Returns similar documents to user

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Resources • Neo4j GraphAcademy: self-paced courses (2 new LLM courses!) • IATA: playground • Neo4j APOC: load xml • Embeddings: OpenAI docs • Neo4j Vectors: search index docs • Chatbot examples: • Blog post: Knowledge-graph based chatbot • Blog post: Context-aware chatbot • Blog post: Educational chatbot Jennifer Reif [email protected] @JMHReif