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Adam Onishi Financial Times @onishiweb Planes, trains, and CSS components

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1. Unify front-end styles across the FT 2. Reduce time spent repeating work @onishiweb

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Components! @onishiweb

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Building components @onishiweb

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1. Automobiles 2. Trains 3. Planes

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1. CSS 2. CSS Modules 3. Web Components

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The CSS way…

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The current way… @onishiweb

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The Sass/LESS way @onishiweb

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The BEM way @onishiweb

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The SMACSS way @onishiweb

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The OOCSS way @onishiweb

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The Atomic CSS way @onishiweb

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@onishiweb • Naming convention • Namespacing • Reduce specificity • Easy to understand • Require discipline

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The Origami way… @onishiweb

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Specificity must be minimised. Use BEM… Origami spec

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An example: @onishiweb

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o-gallery__figure o-gallery__image o-gallery__caption

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.o-gallery__figure {} .o-gallery__figure__image {} .o-gallery__figure__caption {}

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.o-gallery__figure {} .o-gallery__figure__image {} .o-gallery__figure__caption {} // Better .o-gallery__figure {} .o-gallery__image {} .o-gallery__caption {}

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.o-gallery__control { position: absolute; top: 50%; width: 30px; height: 70px; } .o-gallery__control--left { left: 0; background-image: url(''), none; } .o-gallery__control--right { right: 0; background-image: url(''), none; }

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this.controlLeft = document.createElement('button'); this.controlLeft.className = 'o-gallery__control o-gallery__control-- left';

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Using Origami components @onishiweb

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@import "o-assets/main"; @import "o-colors/main"; @import "o-icons/main"; @import "o-hoverable/main"; @import "o-gallery/main";

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require('o-date'); require('o-header'); require('o-gallery');

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Alice Bartlett Origami Lead, Financial Times @alicebartlett Can’t you make it more like Bootstrap? Considerations for building front end systems

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What about HTML? @onishiweb

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Customisation @onishiweb

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/// General styling for the gallery @mixin oGallery { [...] } /// Styling for the gallery title @mixin oGalleryTitle { [...] }

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The Cascade @onishiweb

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The current Origami way… @onishiweb

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1. CSS 2. CSS Modules 3. Web Components

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Remix culture @onishiweb

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The CSS Modules way…

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What is CSS Modules? @onishiweb

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[CSS where] all class names and animation names are scoped locally by default CSS Modules Spec

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.gallery { } .wrapper { } .content { } .slide { }

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._gallery_1rsuk_1 { } ._wrapper_1rsuk_7 { } ._content_1rsuk_13 { } ._slide_1rsuk_25 { }

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Values and composes @onishiweb

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@value primary: red; .btn-primary { background: white; border: 1px solid primary; color: primary; }

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.btn-primary { background: white; border: 1px solid red; color: red; } .btn-secondary { composes: btn-primary; border-color: blue; color: blue; }

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Truly component only CSS @onishiweb

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Requires a build step @onishiweb

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@onishiweb • Webpack • Browserify • Babel • PostCSS • JSPM

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An example: @onishiweb

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No more .html @onishiweb

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  • # This is an image caption

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" className('styles', 'image') %>" 'caption') %>" This is an image caption
<%= className('styles', 'gallery') %>

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What about the JavaScript? @onishiweb

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this.controlLeft = document.createElement('button'); this.controlLeft.className = className('styles', 'control-left');

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Great in a JavaScript world @onishiweb

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Atomic CSS Modules @onishiweb

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We decided to solve the main Atomic CSS-related problems using the power of CSS Modules, getting all the benefits of both solutions. Michele Bertoli

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Is Origami going to use CSS Modules? @onishiweb

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First Class Styles - Mark Dalgleish Front Trends 2016

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The alternative way… @onishiweb

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Delayed 1. Automobiles 2. Trains 3.

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1. CSS 2. CSS Modules 3. Web Components

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The Web Components way…

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Create your own elements and encapsulate their CSS

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@onishiweb But what does that mean‽

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Warning! New specifications and lots of code coming up @onishiweb

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Custom Elements @onishiweb

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customElements.define('o-gallery', …);

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class OGallery extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); [...] } [...] } customElements.define('o-gallery', OGallery);

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class OGallery extends HTMLElement { connectedCallback() { [...] } }

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const oGallery = document.createElement('o-gallery'); // Show the next slide oGallery.nextSlide(); // Show the previous slide oGallery.previousSlide();

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text text text

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Shadow DOM @onishiweb

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This is where things get spooky and weird! Soledad Penades

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Creating a Shadow DOM @onishiweb

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constructor() { super(); const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }); }

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Populating Shadow DOM @onishiweb

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Templates @onishiweb

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// Attaches a shadow Root to your element const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); // Get the custom template, clone it const template = document.querySelector('#o-gallery'); const clone = this.importNode(template, true); // Insert it into our shadow DOM shadowRoot.appendChild(clone);

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Slots @onishiweb

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Delayed plane

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Delayed plane

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Styling web components @onishiweb

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:host { background-color: #333; } #slide { margin: 0; } img { display: block; } .caption { color: #fff; }

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Fully encapsulated styles @onishiweb

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Shadow Boundary @onishiweb

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::host @onishiweb

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::host { background-color: #333; } ::host(.theme—light) { background-color: #fff1e0; } ::host(:hover) { /* hover styles */ }

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::host-context @onishiweb

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::host-context(.theme-reverse) { background-color: #fff1e0; } ::host-context(.streams) { /* styles */ }

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::slotted @onishiweb

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::slotted(img) { display: block; margin: 0; } ::slotted(figcaption) { font-style: italic; margin: 10px 0; }

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@onishiweb Shadow Host Shadow Root Shadow Boundary Slots Light DOM Shadow DOM Composed DOM Shadow Tree

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Customising Web Components @onishiweb

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CSS Custom properties @onishiweb

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/* product CSS */ --caption-color: #fff1e0; /* Component styles */ .caption { color: var(--caption-color, white); }

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CSS Mixins @onishiweb

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.caption { --caption-styles: { color: red; font-size: 14px; }; } .caption { @apply(--caption-styles); }

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Do I need to use every one of the specifications? @onishiweb

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No @onishiweb

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What about Progressive Enhancement? @onishiweb

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Everything is JavaScript @onishiweb

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::defined @onishiweb

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o-gallery:not(:defined) { display: block; } o-gallery:not(:defined) img { display: none; } o-gallery:not(:defined) img:first-child { display: block; width: 100%; height: auto; }

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Extending native elements @onishiweb

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Press me!

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Apple objects to extending subclasses of HTMLElement using is= Ryosuke Niwa

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Let a button be a button! @onishiweb

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This will make sure accessibility is better too! @onishiweb

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What this means for Origami @onishiweb

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A lot more design opinionated @onishiweb

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We can offer markup too… @onishiweb

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HTTP/2? @onishiweb

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A lot more work to do @onishiweb

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Using Web Components today @onishiweb

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The road to v1… @onishiweb

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Polyfill @onishiweb

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Libraries @onishiweb

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@onishiweb • Polymer • x-tag • Bosonic

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Beware! Here be dragons…

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Web Components are here!

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Honestly, like really close…

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1. Automobiles 2. Trains 3. Planes

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1. CSS 2. CSS Modules 3. Web Components

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Adam Onishi Financial Times @onishiweb Thank you!