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Keep your projects tight @kamilogorek

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? Why bother?

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Your whole project should look like it was written by a single person

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Keeping your project tight IS HARD

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Working with distributed team IS HARD

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Switching between projects IS HARD

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Back-end developers world from my perspective

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Dedicated teams

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Dedicated teams Project specific code conventions

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Dedicated teams Project specific code conventions Detailed code review

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Dedicated teams Project specific code conventions Detailed code review Dedicated teams

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Dedicated teams Project specific code conventions Detailed code review Dedicated teams Build and deployment process

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Dedicated teams Project specific code conventions Detailed code review Dedicated teams Build and deployment process Reliable development stack

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Meanwhile in a front-end developers world…

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Style guides?

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Mixed tabs and spaces? Missing semi-colon?

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Code review?

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Hey guys! There’s this new, cutting-edge thing. Let’s use it, even though none of us know anything about it.

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Development automation? No! I’m *front-end developer* and i can do this myself!

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It doesn’t have to be that way ! We already have tools that can save us a lot of precious time and highly speed-up our development process

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No content

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Spend some time and think twice about your architecture and development process ! It’ll help you in a long run

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Style guides and coding conventions

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CSS Style guides GitHub: Idiomatic.css: Google:

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JS Style guides GitHub: Idiomatic.js: Google: AirBnB:

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JS Coding Conventions

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Code linting

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“modern lint checkers are often used to find code that doesn't correspond to certain style guidelines.” JSLint: ESLint: JSHint:

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If there’s a reason to break those rules, do it. But always explain why Tip: JS linters respect scope within which you set local changes

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Do we really have to do all those things by ourselves?

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But wait. Isn’t automation hard? ANT? XML? RAKE? anyone?

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GRUNT TO THE RESCUE Easy to configure

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GRUNT TO THE RESCUE Easy to configure Plenty of plugins

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GRUNT TO THE RESCUE Easy to configure Plenty of plugins Writing your own task with no hassle

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GRUNT TO THE RESCUE Easy to configure Plenty of plugins Writing your own task with no hassle It’s still just JavaScript and Node

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Why should i use it?

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Why should i use it? Real-time feedback

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Why should i use it? Real-time feedback Build process

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Why should i use it? Real-time feedback Build process Easy deployment

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Why should i use it? Real-time feedback Build process Easy deployment Saves you time

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Real-time feedback

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Real-time feedback

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Build process/Deployment

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how to? grunt-your-way-to-glory-sideview-2013

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Think about your build process before starting a project and verify it before merging anything to repository

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pre-commit ! pre-push ! post-update GitHooks

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`your-repo/.git/hooks/hook-type` HOW TO? Keep in mind to set executable permissions for hook files: `$ chmod +x your-repo/.git/hooks/hook-type`

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Ah, and never tell your friends that there’s --no-verify flag!

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If you decide to use pre-push hook only, learn how to clean up after your work

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git commit --amend git rebase --interactive git cherry-pick ARE YOUR FRIENDS

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Ok, but what if one of developers didn’t set hooks? ! Ask Travis for help

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Travis CI Lets you monitor status of your repository and run specific tasks for every commit ! It’s fully integrated with GitHub Status API

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Setting up Enable travis service hook on GitHub repository: Create `.travis.yml` in project root And just add test script to package.json

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Yup, that’s it 3 steps

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And now everyone can see instant feedback

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As well as verify whole pull-request

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Keep in mind that still, no matter what, people will be still making mistakes ! Minimise the risk by allowing machine to do the hard work

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Those are only tools They suppose to help you do your work, not make it more difficult

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Once written stack can be a great codebase for all future projects within your company if everyone will respect settled rules

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Get a plan and stick to it

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Thank you

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@kamilogorek meet.js