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Automatic Code Generation for SPA Mercari x Merpay Frontend Tech Talk vol.2 2019/07/03 @_tanakaworld

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About Me ● Twitter: @_tanakaworld ● GitHub: tanakaworld ● Merpay ○ Software Engineer (Frontend) ○ CSTool / MSTool

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1. What is Code Generation? 2. Tell about the Real World Rearchtecture project 3. Tips of Generator Agenda

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What is Code Generation?

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Automatically generate SDK from schema Spec Source Code SDK Schema Source Code SDK Generator

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Schema Driven Development ● Make Development flow more efficiently ● Automatic ○ Source Code Generation ○ Document Generation ○ Testing

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Microservices in Merpay Protocol Buffers ● gRPC ● Write Schema by Protocol Buffers ● Generate Client and Server

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Protocol Buffers service SampleAPI { rpc GetUser(GetUsersRequest) returns (GetUsersResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get : "/users" body: "*" }; } } message GetUsersRequest {} message GetUsersResponse { repeated User user = 1; } .proto

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Code Generation in Merpay Frontend Proxy HTTP gRPC

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.proto to TypeScript export namespace SampleAPI { export class GetUser implements APIRequest { _response?: GetUsersResponse; path = "/users"; method: HTTPMethod = "get"; constructor(public parameter: GetUsersRequest) {} } } export interface GetUsersRequest {} export interface GetUsersResponse { user?: User[]; }

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REAL WORLD Rearchitecture Project

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REAL WORLD Rearchitecture Project 1. Overview 2. Backend Implementation 3. API schema 4. Generator 5. Frontend Implementation

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1. Overview

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Traditional Rails App ● Render every time in Server ● Bad UX

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Rearchitecture ● Re-implement 70% features ● Backend RESTful API 56 Endpoints ● Frontend SPA 24 pages

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2. Backend Implementation

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Well known JSON serializers ● jbuilder ● active_model_serializers ● ••• ● fast_jsonapi

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fast_jsonapi ● A lightning fast JSON:API serializer for Ruby Objects ● Around 25 times faster than AMS ● is used in several APIs at Netflix

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Why fast_jsonapi was developed? ● Netflix ○ always use JSON:API ● AMS is too flexible ○ AMS is designed to serialize JSON in several different formats, not just JSON:API

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Serializer class BookSerializer include FastJsonapi::ObjectSerializer attributes :id, :title, :description, :created_at, :updated_at end

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{ "data":[ { "id":"1", "type":"book", "attributes":{ "id":1, "title":"AAA", "description":"Test", "created_at":"2019-06-23T13:28:32.550Z", "updated_at":"2019-06-23T13:28:32.573Z" } } ] }

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3. API schema

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OpenAPI Specification ● ● fka “Swagger” ● help you design, build, document and consume REST APIs

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TL;DR; API ● Resource ● Request ● Response ● Method ● URL ● Params RSpec Schema /app/books

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● ● Works with all Ruby web frameworks ● 100% support for all features of the Swagger 2.0 spec ● Can use Ruby DSL to write OpenAPI schema swagger-blocks

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# app/models/concerns/swagger/book_schema.rb module Swagger::BookSchema extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Swagger::Blocks included do swagger_schema :Book, required: [:title, :description, :image_url] do property :id, type: :integer property :title, type: :string property :description, type: :string property :created_at, type: :string property :updated_at, type: :string end end end

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Wrote Extension for JSON:API ● /initializers/swagger_blocks.rb

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4. Generator

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Generate API Client API Client Schema

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openapi-generator ● ● It allows generation from OpenAPI Spec ○ API client libraries ○ Server stubs ○ Documentation ○ Configuration

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Install npm i -D @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli

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Generate openapi-generator generate \ -i ./tmp/swagger.json \ -g typescript-axios \ -o ./app/javascript/src/gen/ --additional-properties="modelPropertyNaming=snake_ case"

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export interface Book { id?: number; title: string; description: string; image_url: string; created_at?: string; updated_at?: string; } export interface BookResponse { id: string; type: string; attributes: Book; } export interface CreateBookRequest { title?: string; description?: string; image?: object; }

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export class SampleAppApi extends BaseAPI { public createBook(title?: string, description?: string, image?: object, options?: any) { ••• } public deleteBook(id: number, options?: any) { ••• } public getBook(id: number, options?: any) { ••• } public getBooks(options?: any) { ••• } public updateBook(id: number, title?: string, description?: string, image?: object, options?: any) { ••• } }

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$ npm run api:gen

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5. Frontend Implementation

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Overview ● Render SPA bundle via Rails View ● with Turbolinks ● SPA ○ CSR ○ Vue ○ Vue Router ○ Vuex API Client /app/books SPA

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Rails Routing Rails.application.routes.draw do // path for SPA // app/books // app/books/new // app/books/1 // app/books/1/edit // ••• match 'app/(*spa_path)' => 'spa_app#index', via: :get end

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Response Empty DOM with ‘data-vue’ // app/views/spa_app/index.html.erb

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How it works with Turbolinks ● Make Vue instance on 'turbolinks:load' ● Destroy Vue instance on 'turbolinks:visit' ● ref:

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Make/Destroy Vue instances document.addEventListener('turbolinks:load', () => { const templates = document.querySelectorAll('[data-vue]'); templates.forEach((el: HTMLElement) => { const option = options[el.dataset.vue] const vm = new Vue(Object.assign(option, { el })); vms.push(vm); }); }); document.addEventListener('turbolinks:visit', () => { for (let vm of vms) { vm.$destroy(); } vms = []; });

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Use require.context of webpack // app/javascript/packs/vue-turbolinks.ts const options = {}; const requireContext = require.context('../options', false, /\.ts$/); requireContext.keys().forEach(key => { const name = key .split('/') .pop() .split('.') .shift(); options[name] = requireContext(key).default; });

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Option // app/javascript/options/spa-app.ts import router from '@spa-app/router'; import store from '@spa-app/store'; export default { router, store };

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Vuex Store Implementation ● Use generated API Client in Store ● FSA = Flux Standard Action ○ ○

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Vuex + FSA store.dispatch('increment') // or store.dispatch({ type: 'increment', meta: null, error: null, payload: { ••• } })

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import { actionCreatorFactory } from 'vuex-typescript-fsa/lib'; import { UpdateBookRequest } from '@gen'; export const namespace = 'books'; const actionCreator = actionCreatorFactory(namespace); export const GetBook = actionCreator<{ id: number; }>( 'GET_BOOK' ); Define FSAs

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Dispatch import * as BooksModule from '@spa-app/store/modules/books'; BooksModule.GetBook.namespaced({ id: 1 });

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Actions / Mutations / Getters export const module: Module = { namespaced: true, actions: combineAction( action(GetBook, async function(context, action) { const { data } = await this.sampleAppAPI .getBook(; context.commit(BookReceived(; }) ) };

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Tips of OpenAPI Generator

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Error: URLSearchParams is not defined

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Error: URLSearchParams is not defined import * as url from 'url'; // Error const params = url.URLSearchParams(•••);

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Workaround ● ● I don’t want to change generated code

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Override ‘url’ package (Monkey patch) // webpacker config resolve: { alias: { '@': path.resolve(__dirname, '../../app/javascript/src'), urlOriginal: path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules/url'), url: path.resolve(__dirname, './extensions/url') } } // config/webpack/extensions/url.js import { parse, resolve, resolveObject, format, Url } from 'urlOriginal'; import URLSearchParams from '@ungap/url-search-params'; export { parse, resolve, resolveObject, format, Url, URLSearchParams };

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was fixed ● enapi-generator/commit/550774a6e2 e597d5f4460ec6f8a80951f3ada37e

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Heavy Base64 Image ● Easy to upload image as Base64 String in Rails ○ ○ Able to send image via ‘application/json’ ○ size tooooooo big ● Use multipart/form-data instead

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Attribute Overlapping

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e.g. ‘url’ // ‍♂ This overlaps with import * url from 'url' if (url !== undefined) { localVarFormParams.append('url', url as any); } // ‍♂ rename to '_url' if (_url !== undefined) { localVarFormParams.append('_url', _url as any); } // convert in Rails params.tap {|p| p[:url] = p[:_url]}.permit( :title, :description, :url, :image )

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fixed now ● [TS][Axios] To fix conflict params name 'url' ○

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Try BETA Version

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Put .jar into node_modules/ // @openapitools/openapi-generator-cli/bin/openapi-generator const binPath = resolve(__dirname, 'openapi-generator.jar'); const JAVA_OPTS = process.env['JAVA_OPTS'] || ''; let command = `java ${JAVA_OPTS} -jar "${binPath}"`;

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Generator is changed every day. ● You can download and use snapshot ● snapshots/org/openapitools

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Overview Schema OpenAPI Spec API Client SPA

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Pro/Con ● Pro ○ Able to detect unexpected changes ○ Reduce change by hand ○ Able to reuse API Client for another platform ○ Automatically detect diff ● Con ○ Took time to setup ○ Too many things to do ○ Too much for single person project

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Sample ●

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OpenAPI + JSON:API is Bad approach? ● n-harmony ● “At WeWork, we use JSON Schema to describe the data models, OpenAPI to describe everything else, then the message being described is usually JSON API.”

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※ Fast JSON API is not a replacement for AMS ● AMS does many things and is very flexible ○ This is why fast_jsonapi is more faster ● Netflix still use AMS for non JSON:API serialization and deserialization ● ref: Performance methodology