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Python and Life Hacking with Emacs Miguel Cabrera [email protected]

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Table of Contents Intro Hacking Python with Emacs Life Hacking or Intro to OrgMode Final Thoughts

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What is GNU Emacs? Emacs is the extensible, customizable, self-documenting real- time display editor. –– the EmacsManual Text editor with more 30 years of development. Comes from the Emacs family of Editors developed at MIT AI Lab. Started by Richard Stallman in the 70's.

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Emacs characteristics Extensible Modern Customizable Multiplatform Support of many programming languages and format Integrates with external tools (i.e. Latex, compilers, etc…)

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Why Emacs?

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Why Emacs?

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Why not Emacs

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Editor Wars Editor war is the common name for the rivalry between users of the Emacs and Vi (Vim) text editors. The rivalry has become a lasting part of hacker culture and the free software community. –

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The Emacs terminology and principles

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Sample Emacs Window

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Everything is a command Eveything is a command (i.e. a function) Command can be link to keyboard-shortcut For example C t r l - x C t r l - s will execute s a v e - b u f f e r Abbreviated to C - x C - s . Other keys: M e t a (A l t ) -> M Search and execute using M - x (e.g M - x s e a r c h - f o r w a r d )

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Modes Emacs contain editing modes that alter its basic behaviour Syntax highlighting Keyboard shortcut Autocompletion / Snippets Interaction with the Text Divided into major and minor modes 1 major mode and many minor modes. e.g. p y t h o n - m o d e is a m a j o r mode and f l y m a k e and p r o j e c t i l e are minor modes.

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Configuring Emacs Emacs is fully customizable But sometimes it has too many parameters Too many modules doing similar things Might get frustrating…

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Emacs Packaging System Starting with E m a c s 2 4 . x , Emacs comes with a standard package system. It is now heavily used to create distributions.

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Popular Emacs Distributions (I use this one) Emacs Starter Kit Prelude Emacs Emacs Cabbage

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Spacemacs and Evilmode EvilMode Spacemacs

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Hacking Python with Emacs

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python.el Comes with Emacs by default Basic facilities to browse data and interact with python shell. When in doubt C - h m

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Anaconda Mode Context-sensitive code completion Jump to definitions Find references Diew documentation Virtual environment

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Complimentary Modes w h i t e s p a c e - m o d e F l y m a k e / F l y c h e c k Y a s n i p p e t s P r o j e c t i l e

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Elpy IDE Like environment in python. Use either J e d i or R o p e as backend. Integrates or replace previously mentioned modes. Custom project support Refactoring powers (imports, autopep8) Demo

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Doing Ma(Git) Emacs offers a great major-mode for dealing with Git

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Life Hacking or Intro to OrgMode

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My Personal History Looking for ways to organize my mental flow Tried different technologies. Todo Applications (Things, TimeTo, Things, etc) Note Taking applications (Tomboy, NotationalVelocity, etc)

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Gettings Things Done

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Getting Things Done (Workflow)

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Enter Org-Mode Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system.

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Basic concepts and usage Plain Text Note Taking Task Management Project Planning Authoring and Publishing Mobile Support

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Notes Headlines Levels Formatting Checklist Properties

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Tags and Properties Headlines can have: Associated dates: deadlines, schedule dates, timestamps Tags Properties

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Tags and Properties

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Getting Things Done TODO Keywords Worfklows File wide properties Dates and Timestamps

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Querying the data Sparse tree query Agenda views

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Sample Personal Workflow Org-Mode adapts to your mental model

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Interactive (org-babel) Literate programming in many languages Supports Python, Ruby, Perl, Bash Store small script Create Notebooks for any technology. The Babel Fish is small, yellow, and simultaneously translates from one spoken language to another. – The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

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Export and Publishing org-mode is a light way publishing format supported by Github Export to many formats including (HTML, PDF, Markdown, Texinfo, Man, etc..) This presentation (using o r g - r e v e a l ) Org-Mode is Awesome!

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Some Nice Integrations

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It is just text Dropbox NotationalVelocity SimpleNote Drafts Etc…

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Fetch RSS

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Jira Org-jira allows to fetch, create and update Jira tasks.

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And more, much more…: Calendar sysmtes (iCal, Google Calendar) Outlook Webbrowsers Github Sublime (Org-mode plugin) Trello and similars 40+ programming languages (org-babel) More….

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Final Thoughts Emacs provide an nice environment to code in Python. Emacs/Org-mode can act as a powerful Personal Information Management It adapts to your workflow and not the opposite Also can be used as a publishing tool and documentation format.

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Created by Miguel.