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A collaborative reboot for version control GIT FOR THE UNINITIATED

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Matthew.... @matthewmccull ‣Open source contributor ‣O'Reilly Git Video Co-instructor ‣Co-Author of O'Reilly's Git book ‣5-year Git trainer ‣Instructor at GitHub

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Version Control A refreshed approach to VCS

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Open Source

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bash scripts ☛ C code

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is not a slightly better

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Starting Up Creating a repository

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Get a GitHub account.

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Get a GitHub account.

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Create a new repo(sitory).

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Add a file.

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View the commit history (timeline).

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Make changes to the file.

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Repo Creation Local and remote initialization simplicity

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# Green field project $ git init newproject $ cd newproject # ...start coding

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or if you already have source code

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# Legacy project tree $ cd existingproject $ git init # Add all the code $ git add . $ git commit -m”Initial import”

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‣Blob ‣Tree ‣Commit ‣Tag

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tree tree: 7e8b1 web blob: 9ab16 index.html a10b3 tree blob: 8d162 logo.jpg blob: 51d22 draw.js 7e8b1 commit tree: a10b3 parent: nil author: Fird committer: Matthew message: Major refactoring of the web content. c67db blob 9ab16 blob //Some more javascript var renderSize 51d22 blob 7D 8D B3 7F BD 12 9F E9 7B 78 9D 3F 5C A6 72 CB 8d162

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Collaborating Two authors

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Make simultaneous changes to the file.

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Collaborating Redux Untrusted collaborators

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Untrusted changes to the file.

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Changelist Three stage thinking

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Working Staging Repo add commit edit

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‣shopping cart ‣put things in ‣take things out ‣purchase at register

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v1 v2 v3 v4 File A File B File C File A File B File B File C v5 File A File B File B File A File A File C File C File C

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Workspaces The power of simple branch toggling

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Local Remote Upstream

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# Creating a branch git branch

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RELEASE_1.0 HEAD bug979branch commit c67db commit 9bd21 commit 1c2d7 commit 8c2d1 commit 1bdcd commit 2daa1

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What do cheap branches enable?

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‣Experimentation ‣

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‣Experimentation ‣Safe experimentation

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Better reuse of units of work

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Work Models Enabling different development styles

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product v1.0 integration story1 story2 v1.5 integration story3

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Local Remote Upstream Integ Product Integ Product Integ Product

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Local Remote Upstream Idea Story Feature Feature Feature Integ Product Integ Product Integ Product

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Local Remote Upstream Idea Story Feature Feature Feature Integ Product Integ Product Integ Product

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Central Repo C e n t r a l i z e d

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Blessed Repo D i c t a t o r s h i p

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Certified Repo Development Repo n t e g r a t i o n M a n a g e d Continuous Integration Server

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C u s t o m + P u b l i c C o n t r i b Customized ☚ Private Public ☛ GitHub

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Mirror Development Repo M i r r o r e d Mirror Certified Repo

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Client Apps GUIs and other front-ends

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Remotes Bandwidth and geographic challenges

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Local Remote Upstream

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Local Remote Upstream

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Local Remote Upstream

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data from git svn Init git svn Status git svn Diff git svn Tag git svn Log git svn Commit (Lg) git svn Commit (Sm) git c svn c Branch Speed

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Local Remote Upstream commit fetch push clone clone clone push pull pull pull

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Commit Push Pull

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Commit Push Pull

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Commit Push Pull

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Integration CI, scripting, and hooks

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"This is so important, we can't entrust it to automation. We need our top developer to supervise it."

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continuous integration servers jenkins travis ci circleci buildhive

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Summary The Git and GitHub ecosystem

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[email protected] @githubtraining githubtraining Q&A

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Why Git?

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I'm an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux, now git. -Linus Torvalds “ Credits: Martin Streicher,

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CVS Subversion PVCS Perforce Clear Case Source Safe RCS Folders

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Small Footprint

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Setting Up Git

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binaries on your $PATH

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Using Git

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Create a Git repository

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Git GUIs

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Using GitHub

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‣Social coding ‣Fork and pull model

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Blessed Repo

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‣Web-based image diff ‣Lightweight issue tracking

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@matthewmccull [email protected]