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1 Quality Assurance Policy Masami Yajiri Merpay QA Team / QA Engineer

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2 Quick intro! Masami Yajiri / @myajiri QA Engineer at Merpay ● QA(9y)

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3 Goal of the QA Policy

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4 Mission

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5 A seamless society is one where the world is allowed to stay complicated and in which people can live connected, without being separated by borders.

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6 When people's safety and security is threatened, society responds by growing more simplified and putting up new borders.

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7 To create a seamless society, we need to fight anything that would threaten that safety and security.

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8 Goal of the QA Policy QA becomes the glue holding teams together. QA does everything for the sake of quality and value. QA has dialogue with teams about the product and projects. 01 02 03 We want to achieve agile QA.

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9 What is “quality”? On every project, the meaning of “quality” is constantly changing. QA aims to implement the best practices amidst a definition of quality that is always changing depending on the conditions at that time. Value for the user The immutable definition: “Quality” means value for the user. What’s quality?

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10 All for One
 PM Engineer QA KPI KPI KPI 
 Delivery QA for Everyone: Everyone works to ensure quality, regardless of role

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11 “QA for Everyone,” where everyone works to ensure quality regardless of role Lusser’s Law R s ・・・Reliability of the overall product r n ・・・Reliability of the individual components
 An approach that raises the total reliability of QA by leveraging the sum total processes of the company (everybody) rather than relying solely on specific processes (tests, etc.) 90%^10=35%(↓) Aiming to ensure all components are as good as they can be = reliable product

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12 What is agile testing?

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13 What we care about It’s more about constantly running tests rather than running tests right at the end. It’s more about preventing bugs from occurring than finding bugs. It’s more about testing value rather than checking functionality. It’s more about creating the best system possible than aiming to break it. It’s more about proactively taking responsibility as a team rather than standing around and wondering whose responsibility it is. Ref) : 4/the-testing-manifesto/ 
 The TESTING Manifesto

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14 Always be testing All delivery processes require testing! Ref) ontinuous-testing-in-devops/ 

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15 Testing and quality

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16 Implementing adequate testing for release No failures capable of causing a major incident 01 Creates sufficient value as-is 02 Product value exceeds residual risk 03 Gains from a timely release would exceed damage from a delayed release 04 Once the team has the groundwork in place enabling them to sufficiently ensure the product (or feature) operates in the production environment according to the acceptance criteria, provides value, and generates profit, they can finally release the product.

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17 What is testing? Studying the product and exploring what it does [Ref] Testing and Checking Refined The product operates just as described by criteria and in the specs

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18 Value and risk [Source] From The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers’ The Kano Model and Product Planning Upside (Value) Downside Risk

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19 Value and risk Risk Category
 The Kano Model
 Metrics (TBD)
 Must-be Quality
 Quality customers expect; very dissatisfied if unmet
 Service suspensions and malfunctions
 I/R Ratio
 One-dimensional Quality
 Satisfied if met; dissatisfied if unmet
 Exceptional operability and response performance
 Latent dissatisfaction and disengagement
 Reverse Quality
 Attributes whose very existence creates dissatisfaction
 Over-advertising, redundant tutorials, difficult to understand terms of service
 Latent dissatisfaction/reputation risk
 Word of mouth
 Attractive Quality
 No dissatisfaction if unmet, but helps differentiate the product
 New state-of-the-art features and services/promotional campaigns
 User satisfaction/excitement/p rofit
 Product growth metrics (MAU/MPU/GPV, etc.)
 Indifferent Quality
 No impact on satisfaction.
 Features that no one uses
 Sunk cost

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20 Test automation strategy

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21 Automated Testing ROI Low—ROI—High Number of tests Volume of applications for which you are running the test

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22 Development methods and test types Scrum Type (Agile) Waterfall Type

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23 Development methods and test types Scrum Type (Agile)

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24 Development methods and test types Waterfall Type

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25 Thank you!