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O que o Front end pode aprender com o Rails

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http:/ /

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Partials Rails Assets Bourbon CoffeScript Asset Pipeline Ember Sass Compass Haml Helpers Rake Variants ✗

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Comunalidade 1

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“We confess the fact that we are not as special as we like to believe.” DHH @ RailsConf 2008

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Problemas comuns & Soluções comuns

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Convention over Configuration

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Defaults over Choices

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Paradox of Choice “People like choices a lot better than actually having to choose.” DHH @ RailsConf 2008

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Barry Schwartz - The paradox of choice http:/ /

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Remover escolhas triviais

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“We want to have as much time as we can for the challenging tasks” Yehuda Katz @ RailsConf 2014

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10 Years! - Yehuda Katz https:/ /

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• Package Manager?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner? • CSS Architecture?

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner? • CSS Architecture? • …

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner? • CSS Architecture? • … ??

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2 Open Source

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Soluções compartilhadas para problemas comuns

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Open Source Seu código Webapp XYZ

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Open Source Seu código Snowflake CO.

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npm bower ender volo component jam duo spm jspm … ಠ_ಠ

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“I find it frustrating and hypocritical to hear, “This is a great time to get involved for people who are interested in helping to shape this project…” from people who chose not to get involved–rather, choosing to do something on their own.“ Patrick Masson - Joiners, Not Starters http:/ /

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“[…]my point is simply, before starting a new open source project, please look for one to join.” Patrick Masson - Joiners, Not Starters http:/ /

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Disrupção e fragmentação precisam convergir em algum momento

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• Rails & Merb

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• Rails & Merb • rvm vs rbenv vs chruby

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• Rails & Merb • rvm vs rbenv vs chruby • RubySpec

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(não é que novos projetos não são bem vindos…)

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Open Source não é só código

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• Bug reports & troubleshooting

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• Bug reports & troubleshooting • Documentação

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• Bug reports & troubleshooting • Documentação • Tutoriais, exemplos e wikis

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• Bug reports & troubleshooting • Documentação • Tutoriais, exemplos e wikis • Mailing Lists & Stack Overflow

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“Don't feel guilty about not contributing to open source" Julia Evans http:/ /

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3 Abstrações & Frameworks

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“f**k jQuery, Zepto or any others javascript frameworks!” Todo mundo, em algum momento

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❤ jQuery ❤

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DOM jQuery seu código

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DOM jQuery seu código browser, webserver, OSs,…

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DOM jQuery seu código Promises

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❤ Promises/A+ ❤

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DOM jQuery seu código Promises Service Workers

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DOM jQuery seu código Promises Generators

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DOM jQuery seu código Promises …

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DOM jQuery seu código Promises … …

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DOM jQuery Promises … … …

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“It's our job as modern programmers not to abandon abstractions due to these deficiencies, but to embrace the useful elements of them, to adapt the working parts and construct ever so slightly less leaky and broken abstractions over time. “ Jeff Atwood - All Abstractions Are Failed Abstractions http:/ /

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Does this make our code at least a little easier: • to write? • To understand? • To troubleshoot? • Are we better off with this than we were without it? Jeff Atwood - All Abstractions Are Failed Abstractions http:/ /

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“When you decide to not pick a public framework, you will end up with a framework anyway: your own.” “If you don't pick a public framework, you should commit to building one on purpose, not by accident” Ryan Florence http:/ /

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Difícil deve se tornar fácil e fácil deve se tornar trivial

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• Proteção contra CSRF • SQL Injection • Compressão • Connection Pooling • XSS • …

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• Eventos • AJAX • Feature detection • Date/Time (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ • …

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner? • CSS Architecture? • …

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•Module Loader?

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ES 6 ftw

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• Package Manager? • Module Loader? • MVC Framework? • Test Framework? • Task Runner? • CSS Architecture? • …

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4 Comunidades

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Rails não é uma ilha

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Nenhum desenvolvedor é uma ilha

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Nenhuma comunidade é uma ilha

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Tem muita coisa legal rolando por aí

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Elixir Go Scala Ruby Python Clojure Rust Swift

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Obrigado! https:/ / https:/ /