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Ethical Pricing Finding Your Burn Rate &
 Calculating Your Day Rate

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Jim True Support Lead & Community Manager
 Pods Framework | @podsframework | @jimtrue

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What do you need to work? ƞ Ƅ ƃ

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Calculating Burn Rate ƞ Ƅ ƃ 1,000 200 200 100 1,500 200 100 300 200 200 200 600 $2,400

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Burn Rate = Bare Minimum $2,400

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Burn Rate = Bare Minimum $2,400 Monthly $100 Daily / 24 $12.50 Hourly / 8

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Ethical Pricing Rate > Burn Rate $3,000 Monthly $125 Daily / 24 $15.63 Hourly / 8 { + 25%

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Ethical Pricing Rate > Burn Rate $3,600 Monthly $150 Daily / 24 $18.75 Hourly / 8 { + 50%

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Ethical Pricing Rate > Burn Rate $4,800 Monthly $200 Daily / 24 $25.00 Hourly / 8 { + 200%

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How many days do you want to work? 365

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Calculate Days Like a Business 365 52 x 5 = 260 - 26 (10%) = 234 Ƅ - 26 (10%) = 208 - 26 (10%) = 182

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Calculate a New Day Rate 182 Working Days $4,800 Monthly $57,600 Annually $57,600 / 182 = $316.48 Daily Rate

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You have to determine for yourself:
 What’s your Burn Rate? What’s your ethical markup? How many days do you want to work?

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Jim True Support Lead & Community Manager
 Pods Framework | @podsframework | @jimtrue

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Tampa Bay WordPress Meetups Monthly in St Pete @ Iron Yard
 1st & 2nd Thursdays every Month | @tampabaywp Slack Chat | Facebook Group | Meetup

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Thank you! Iron Yard St. Pete Working Women of Tampa Bay
 July 5th 9AM, Morning Coffee Iron Yard St. Pete | @theironyard #tampabay