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Accessibility for teams Rob Dodson @rob_dodson

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May 18th, 2017 Global Accessibility Awareness Day! #GAAD #io17

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Accessibility For Teams! Rob Dodson @rob_dodson

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Hey Rob,
 Our team is ramping up on accessibility. Do you have any material to help us get started?

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Thanks! That's really helpful. But, what about our designers? Do you have your project managers do this course?

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Accessibility is a team effort. Every person has a role to play.

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Project Manager UX Designer Developer

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Project Manager

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Include accessibility work in every milestone.

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Everyone should receive training. Identify critical user journeys. Incorporate a checklist. Evaluate product with user studies.

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Everyone should receive training. ✓

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Having one person "own" accessibility doesn't work that well.

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This is a headline Followed by a subhead This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Web Accessibility by Google

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Accessibility Fundamentals

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Material Guidelines: Accessibility

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Identify critical user journeys. ✓

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"A user can add an item to their shopping cart." Primary user journey:

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"A user can change their avatar in the settings menu." Secondary user journey:

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Incorporate a checklist. ✓

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This is a headline Followed by a subhead This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. WebAIM Checklist

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This is a headline Followed by a subhead This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vox Accessibility Guidelines

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Apply the checklist to your primary and secondary user journeys.

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Checklist Item 1 Checklist Item 2 Checklist Item 3 Primary Use Case 1 Primary Use Case 2 Secondary Use Case 1 Secondary Use Case 2 x x x x

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Incorporate checklist reviews into major milestones.

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Evaluate product with user studies. ✓

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It's possible to make something "accessible" but not very useable.

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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Everyone should receive training. Identify critical user journeys. Incorporate a checklist. Evaluate product with user studies.

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UX Designer

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We tend to design using our own biases.

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Remember, our bodies change.

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And our context can change.

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Content has good color contrast. Tab order is identified. Controls have accessible labels. Multiple ways to interact with UI.

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Content has good color contrast. ✓

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Text and icons should aim for a contrast ratios of 4.5:1 for smaller text and 3:1 for larger text (14 pt bold/18pt regular).

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Tab order is identified. ✓

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Tab order - The order in which elements receive focus as the user presses the tab key.

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Tab order should follow the order of the visual layout, from the top to the bottom of the screen. It should traverse from the most important to the least important item.

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ChromeLens video

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Controls have accessible labels. ✓

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Accessible labels should be succinct, and don’t need to include the control type or state. Focus on action verbs. 1. Search 2. Voice Search 3. More options 1 2 3

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✓ Multiple ways to interact with UI.

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Consider how someone will interact with a control using a keyboard instead of a mouse. Plan your focus states.

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Avoid conveying information with color alone.

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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Content has good color contrast. Tab order is identified. Controls have accessible labels. Multiple ways to interact with UI.

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Focus management, semantics, and ARIA combine to form a robust experience.

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Tab order is logical. Focus is properly managed and visible. Interactive elements have keyboard support. ARIA roles & attributes applied as needed. Elements are properly labeled. Testing is automated.

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Tab order is logical. ✓

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Implicitly Focusable Native elements like input, button, and select get focusability for free! Click Me! Password Aisle Seat

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Not all elements are focusable

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Focus is properly managed and visible. ✓

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When you change the content of the page it's important to direct the user's attention by moving focus.

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close Menu

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focus(); close Menu

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focus(); close Menu

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Sometimes we want to trap or prevent focus from entering an area.

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inert is a new HTML attribute that removes an element and its descendants from the tab order and the accessibility tree.

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… …

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… …

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Try the polyfill at

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Focus is properly managed and visible. ✓

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Focus rings can seem unpredictable, leading a lot of developers to remove them with outline: none. This is an anti-pattern!

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:focus-ring is a new CSS selector that helps differentiate mouse and keyboard focus.

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/* override UA stylesheet if necessary */ .fancy-button:focus { outline: none; } /* establish desired focus ring appearance */ .fancy-button:focus-ring { outline: 2px solid blue; }

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Apply focus states based on modalities or user preference.

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Try the polyfill at

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Interactive elements have keyboard support. ✓

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This is a headline Followed by a subhead This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. This is body copy and it goes a little like this and Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. ARIA Authoring Practices. This is your cheat sheet for component accessibility!

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ARIA Authoring Practices. This is your cheat sheet for component accessibility!

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Roving tabindex Programmatically move focus in response to key events and update the tabindex to reflect the currently focused item.
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3

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Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 focus(); Roving tabindex Programmatically move focus in response to key events and update the tabindex to reflect the currently focused item.

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ARIA roles & attributes applied as needed. ✓

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The Authoring Practices Guide will also tell you which ARIA attributes to use and when to use them!

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ARIA Design Patterns

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Elements are properly labeled. ✓

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Labels help users understand the purpose of a control.

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Control must be a child of or targeted by an IDRef using the label's for="" attribute. Only works with native form elements. “First name, edit text” First Name:

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aria-label A string to be used as the accessible label. Overrides any other native labelling mechanism. “Main Menu, button”

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aria-labelledby A reference to an element (or elements) which will act as an accessible label. Overrides any other labelling mechanism including aria-label. “Men’s Outerwear, Shop Now, button”

Men's Outerwear

Shop Now

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Testing is automated. ✓

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Automated testing with aXe CLI

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The (experimental) accessibility panel in Chrome DevTools will help you check your work!

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Use the new Accessibility DevTools experiment to inspect your elements.

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Use the new Accessibility DevTools experiment to inspect your elements.

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Use the new Accessibility DevTools experiment to inspect your elements.

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Tab order is logical. Focus is properly managed and visible. Interactive elements have keyboard support. ARIA roles & attributes applied as needed. Elements are properly labeled. Testing is automated. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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Accessibility is a team effort. Every person has a role to play.

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Project Manager Provide team training Identify use cases Incorporate checklist into process UX/Designer Understand diverse user needs Design inclusively Developer Manage focus Add keyboard support Include proper semantics

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Web Accessibility by Google

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A fortnightly YouTube series on Web Accessibility

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Check out our docs

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Material Guidelines: Accessibility

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thank you! Rob Dodson @rob_dodson Images by Nick Bluth, Julien Devaux, Oksana Latysheva, Alena, Dan Lowenstein for the Noun Project