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Prototyping the Internet of Things with Node-RED

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Node–RED Flow- based programming for the Internet of Things • Browser – based editor • Node.js runtime • Extendable palette

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2013: Created by IBM Emerging Technology Services and open sourced later that year 2015: Added to the default Raspberry Pi image 2016: Became a founding project of the JS Foundation. 2018: Hit 1,000,000 installs

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Flow Based Programming • Invented by J. Paul Morrison at IBM in early 1970’s • A network of asynchronous processes communicating by means of streams of structured data chunks • Each process is a black box – it doesn’t know what has come before it or what comes after it ; it just acts on the data it receives and passes the result on

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Why Node – RED ?

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What is a Node-RED Node ?

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From the Edge to the Cloud Easily installed on the default Raspberry Pi image, Node-RED can be used out of the box to begin creating IoT applications Available in the IBM Cloud catalog as a quick start application, it takes moments to create cloud applications that combine services across the platform. Easily installed on other cloud platforms.

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Other Input Nodes HTTP – Act as an HTTP endpoint; great for building RESTful services IBMIoT – Receive messages from an attached Watson IoT Platform Also can receive from Websockets, MQTT (pick your own broker), TCP and MQ Light

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Other Output Nodes HTTP Response; required as the final node when the input comes from an HTTP Request IBMIoT – send events out to the attached Watson IoT account Twilio – send SMS messages via the Twilio service IBM Push – Send Push notifications to mobile devices Also can send requests through TCP, UDP, MQLight, WebSockets.

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Social Nodes Storage Nodes Watson Services Nodes

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Sign up for IBM-Cloud Get a head start with IBM Cloud, sign up via:

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Find Node-RED on Catalog

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Demo Time!

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So many more things to do with Node-RED Install it locally and get wiring

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IBM developerWorks Recipes : Lots of contributed recipes for connecting things to Watson IoT platform – many using Node-RED

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More Node- RED Resources Node Red nodes and Flows: • • Find new nodes, share your flows and see what other • people have done with Node-RED Node Red official documentation: • • Getting Started - User Guide - Cookbook Watson Node Red nodes: • • A collection of examples on how to use the Watson nodes in Node-Red Community Hosted Node Red Guide : • “ The node red guide is a series of lectures designed to get you stared with Node-Red” Pooja’s Node-RED Demo: John Walicki Node-RED Examples:

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