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Developing for developers - path to fame, money and happiness Raman Sharma, DigitalOcean @rasharm_

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Why build a developer focused business?

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More people are learning development skills than ever before

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100M 2025 2018 75% are under 35 50% self describe as “new to coding” < 40% have computer science degree 75% work for SMBs Students Programmers Analysts Researchers Gamers Engineers Designers Data Scientists Hobbyists Coders Animators Sys Admins Scientists Flowgrammers DevOps Marketers Global STEM education is driving explosive growth of next-generation developers and the SMB market. 2000 2012 5M Programmers 1M Engineers 35M Developers Source: developer surveys & company estimates 6 Next-generation developers Code is the second language.

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Multiple Developer platforms enabling millions of apps every year. These apps need new services and capabilities.

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Big players busy with enterprise IT. Room to serve underserved audience and simplify targeted “tasks”

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20% of the top cloud companies in the world are focused on developers Source: Forbes Cloud 100 

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Why should YOU do it?

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As developers you solve developer problems ALL the time Automation, cron jobs, tools shortcuts, how-to docs are all potentially useful to other developers You know developers because you ARE one

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But.. They said... Along came... The list goes on... Source control is a solved problem Github AWS can do everything better DigitalOcean, Stripe, Twilio There is no money in it MongoDB

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Why build a developer focused business on DigitalOcean?

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14 We are different - we exist for developers

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Our promise Simplicity Service Scale

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Simplicity with choice Developers of any skill. Apps of any scale. IaaS Cloud-native PaaS Control Convenience

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“It costs me about half as much as Google Kubernetes Engine, and whenever I’ve gotten stuck and opened tickets, I’ve usually gotten responses back in under an hour.”  Chris Roebuck, Founder and CEO URLBOX  Screenshots as a service - Bootstrapped, profitable company - Automates website screenshots and provides as API

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“As a founder and somebody that doesn't have a DevOps background, I didn't spend every morning of my life wearing a pager and doing XML sit-ups…what I wanted to do was ship an application to users so that we could begin iterating it.”  Jordan Husney, Co-Founder & CEO Parabol  Release products not DevOps reports - Remote meeting platform for Agile teams - During pandemic, turned post-its retrospectives to online

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“DigitalOcean was very attractive because of its simplicity. The pieces in place just really make sense - stuff that you actually need. And none of the weird stuff from the other cloud providers. And obviously, DigitalOcean has a really good reputation in the developer community”  Dan Ni, Founder & CEO Scraperapi  Proxy API for Web Scraping - Bootstrapped, fast growing company - Provides scalable block-resistant API for web crawling

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Thank you @rasharm_