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1. Plasm Network 101
 2. What We Have Done
 3. What We Are Working on 1. Multi-Lockdrops 2. PlaaS 3. Plasm DApps reward mechanism 4. Plasm Operator Trading 5. OVM
 4. What We Will Do
 5. Announcement Contents

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1. Plasm Network 101
 2. What We Have Done
 3. What We Are Working on 1. Multi-Lockdrops 2. PlaaS 3. Plasm DApps reward mechanism 4. Plasm Operator Trading 5. OVM
 4. What We Will Do
 5. Announcement Contents

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Plasm Network 101 • Plasm Network is a scalable DApps 
 platform on Substrate.
 • Plasm Network is compatible with 
 • Aim to be a Parachain.
 • We have been implementing Plasma,
 a layer2 scaling solution originally on
 Ethereum. (and OVM)

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Plasm Network 101 Traditional Approach Our Approach Pros: ● Network effect.
 ● Doesn’t scale. ● Gas cost is expensive Blockchain Layer1 Smart Contract Smart Contract Smart Contract Pros: ● Still have network effect
 ● Scalability 
 ● Extensibility
 ● Hard to implement (But we can) Blockchain Smart Contract Layer1 Layer2

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Plasm Network 101 Layer2 will be much more important. “We believe blockchain will be used in a different way from the way we use it today. The 1st layer will be a trust layer and the 2nd layer will be a transaction layer.”

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Plasm Network 101 Polkadot is a scaling solution. So Why we need another scaling solution? Source: Polkadot.Network

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Plasm Network 101 Reasons why we need Plasm • Polkadot Relay chain doesn’t support 
 smart contracts by design.
 • We need Parachain which supports 
 smart contracts well.
 • Scalability must be one of the most important
 criteria for devs. Scalable Parachain is needed Source: Polkadot.Network

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Polkadot Parachain Slots Plasm Network 101 Reasons why we need Plasm Source: Polkadot.Network • Plasm Network can be another “Parathread”.
 • Blockchains can be connected to Polkadot 
 through Plasm Network.
 • Plasm Network doesn’t have limited slots. Anyone can 
 connect “blockchains” to Plasm Network if they 
 have PLM.

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Plasm Network 101 More and more scalability • In theory, 2000-4000 tps on each Parachain.
 under the condition of 100 Parachains.
 • It it awesome!! But, Some use-cases need 
 more scalability to handle transactions. 
 (e.g. IoT, DeFi) Reasons why we need Plasm

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Plasm Network 101 Source: Hierarchical Scaling in Polkadot v2. Expected in 2020. Parachain will be Para-Relaychain and provide infinite scalability.

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What We Are Working On Plasm Network Token Economics • PLM is a native token called PLUM
 • PLM is required for DApps developers
 to get a DApps slot on the Plasm Network
 root chain. 
 • The number of DApp slots is unlimited. 
 • If Alice deposits 100 PLM, she can mint 
 Wrapped PLM on her 2nd layer. Alice Bob ᶃDeposit 100 PLM ᶄMint 100 WPLM

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What We Are Working On Plasm Network Token Economics Alice Bob ᶃDeposit 100 PLM ᶄMint 100 WPLM • Since there is a Plasma hierarchical 
 architecture, there are constant transactions 
 from child chains to the root chain. 
 For example, 1 transaction per 15 
 seconds or 1 transaction per 10 
 • Each transaction takes a fee like gas.
 • As the result, it decreases the deposited amount.
 • When the deposit becomes 0, DApps will be 
 • Devs need PLM to maintain DApps. ᶅDeposit 100 PLM → 99 PLM → 98 PLM

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What We Are Working On

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1. Plasm Network 101
 2. What We Have Done
 3. What We Are Working on 1. Multi-Lockdrops 2. PlaaS 3. Plasm DApps reward mechanism 4. Plasm Operator Trading 5. OVM
 4. What We Will Do
 5. Announcement Contents

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What We Have Done Sub0 Summit Presented Plasm Runtime Module at

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What We Have Done

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We have launched Plasm Network Testnet. What We Have Done

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What We Have Done Plasm Validator Program • We are looking for around 50 validators
 to make a stable network. • Currently there are 46 applications.
 • We will provide you with a right to be
 the first validator during the PoA term
 (around 3-4 months) on the main net.

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Currently there are 46 potential validators from 35 cities. What We Have Done

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1. Plasm Network 101
 2. What We Have Done
 3. What We Are Working on 1. Multi-Lockdrops 2. PlaaS 3. Plasm DApps reward mechanism 4. Plasm Operator Trading 5. OVM
 4. What We Will Do
 5. Announcement Contents

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What We Are Working On 1. Multi-Lockdrops
 2. Plasm as a Service
 3. Plasm DApps Reward Mechanism
 4. Plasm Operator Trading
 5. Optimistic Virtual Machine

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What We Are Working On What’s Lockdrop? • Lockdrop is invented by Edgeware (Thanks!)
 • To participate in a ETH Lockdrop, individuals 
 need to lock their ETH for their selected 
 duration. (ex. 3 month, 6 month, 1 year)
 • After that, the same amount of ETH is returned
 as well as the native tokens based on the 
 amount you have locked. 
 • You can get tokens because you are paying 
 the opportunity cost.

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What We Are Working On 1800

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Multi-Lockdrops Thesis How can we distribute tokens fairly? Problem Single ETH Lockdrop may reflect on
 the ratio of ETH holders. Solution 3 Lockdrops not only with ETH but also 
 with BTC and DOT.

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What We Are Working On Multi-Lockdrops Schedule.

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What We Are Working On 10,000,000,000 PLM in total

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What We Are Working On The first Lockdrop in 2020Q1

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What We Are Working On 1. Multi-Lockdrops
 2. Plasm as a Service
 3. Plasm DApps Reward Mechanism
 4. Plasm Operator Trading
 5. Optimistic Virtual Machine

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Plasm as a Service There are 2 ways to use Plasm 2. Import Plasm and make 
 a scalable your Substrate chain. 1. Build an application 
 or a child chain 
 on the Plasm Network Parachain. Plasm Network Parachain Your Chain (e.g. Polymath)

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But making a Plasma child chain is not easy…. Plasm as a Service • The left figure is the latest general plasma architecture. (by Plasma Group) • Plasma must be composed of Contract, ChildChain, Operator and User. • Much more difficult than implementing traditional dapps. • Plasma specific knowledge is required.

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Plasm as a Service Devs need a tool to make child chains easily. AWS made it easy to deploy and 
 manage an application. PlaaS makes it easy to deploy and
 manage a child chain. PLASM AS A SERVICE

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What We Are Working On 1. Multi-Lockdrops
 2. Plasm as a Service
 3. Plasm DApps Reward Mechanism
 4. Plasm Operator Trading
 5. Optimistic Virtual Machine

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Problem DApps creator is definitely contributing to
 the ecosystem. But what actually they are 
 doing is paying costs a.k.a gas. Solution Divide block reward into 3 parts. • 50% goes to validator • 40% goes to DApps developer • 10% goes to DApps nominator DApps Reward Mechanism This solution can be a basic income for DApps creator.

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What We Are Working On DApp Developers DApp Nominator If you develop great DApps for the community, you can get block rewards!

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What We Are Working On 1. Multi-Lockdrops
 2. Plasm as a Service
 3. Plasm DApps Reward Mechanism
 4. Plasm Operator Trading
 5. Optimistic Virtual Machine

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Plasm Operator Trading • Operator trading is a mechanism to buy 
 and sell the right to be a Plasma DApp
 operator. (The owner of DApp)
 • A plasma operator gets constant basic 
 income through the Plasm DApps reward 
 • If the Plasma application is meaningful 
 for the community, the creator receives 
 higher revenue. As a result, other players 
 may want the right to operate it.
 • Through this mechanism, we assume that 
 the new off-chain market will be created.

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What We Are Working On 1. Multi-Lockdrops
 2. Plasm as a Service
 3. Plasm DApps Reward Mechanism
 4. Plasm Operator Trading
 5. Optimistic Virtual Machine

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What We Are Working On Source:

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• OVM is a virtual machine that is designed to support all layer2 protocols. • Plasm Network will be not only for Plasma
 but also for other layer2 solutions such as Lightning Network. • We are trying to implement all layer2 solutions on Polkadot. OVM

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What We Are Working On If we can implement Plasma as well as Lightning Network, the potential will be super big. We assume that Plasm Network is used for use cases that need high throughputs like IoT and DeFi. Working with Grant recipient from

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1. Plasm Network 101
 2. What We Have Done
 3. What We Are Working on 1. Multi-Lockdrops 2. PlaaS 3. Plasm DApps reward mechanism 4. Plasm Operator Trading 5. OVM
 4. What We Will Do
 5. Announcement Contents

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PoC-0: Launch Plasm Network Testnet V1 PoC-1: Implement Operator Trading and Start Implementing OVM on Plasm Network ʢNovemberʣ
 PoC-2: Implement Testnet ETH Lockdrop ʢNovemberʣ PoC-3: Launch Plasm Network Testnet V2 Implement Token DesignʢDecemberʣ 
 PoC-4: Plasm Network Main net Lockdrop ʢJanuaryʣ Milestone 1: Plasm Network Main net Launch (Februaryʣ Milestone 2: The second LockdropʢETH&BTC) ʢFebruaryʣ Milestone 3: Plasm Network becomes a Polkadot parachain (Depends on Polkadot) Milestone 4: Distribute the second Lockdrop tokens and 
 Plasm Network becomes NPoS from PoA ʢMarchʣ
 Milestone 5: The third Lockdrop ʢETH&BTC&EOS&ʢDOT if possibleʣʣʢMarchʣ Milestone 6: Become The Scalable DApps Platform on Polkadot TESTNET MAINNET

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Announcement @Plasm_Network @WatanabeSota