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PHP7.1 is fast(?)

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name: ͍ͩ͠͡ΎΜ͍ͪ (Ishida) nick: uzulla (͏ͣΒ) fun: PHP and !

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conclusion 7.1 is fast ! (but any evidence here)

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need benchmark !!

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by the way... php can't to be standalone httpd. right? (php -s is for only development use) (btw, hhvm can be !) If will benchmark with apache/nginx, that is unfair(???)

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use "ReactPHP"! (use libevent) standalone httpd(and other), that written by PHP!

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Test Enviroment 4 VPS (Vultr, $5/mo) 4 1Core 4 1GB mem 4 ubuntu 16.10 4 PHP7.1.2

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Write git clone code. 4 httpd, written by php 4 ReactPHP_PostSupportSample 4 include monolog, twig(template engine.)

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__DIR__.'/twig_cache', ]); $access_log = new \Monolog\Logger('access'); $access_log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(__DIR__.'/access.log', \Monolog\Logger::INFO)); // app $app = function (\Uzulla\React\Http\Request $req,\React\Http\Response $res) use ($twig, $access_log) { $path = $req->getPath(); $method = $req->getMethod(); $access_log->addInfo("{$method}\t{$path}"); $params = [ 'params'=>$req->getParams(), 'query'=>$req->getQuery() ]; if($method === 'GET' && preg_match('|\A/\z|u', $path)){ $res->writeHead(200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html']); $res->end($twig->render('index.twig',$params)); }elseif($method === 'POST' && preg_match('|\A/\z|u', $path)){ $res->writeHead(200, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html']); $res->end($twig->render('index.twig',$params)); }else{ $res->writeHead(404, ['Content-Type' => 'text/html']); $res->end($twig->render('notfound.twig')); } }; // build reactor $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $socket = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $http = new \Uzulla\React\Http\Server($socket); $http->on('request', $app); $socket->listen(8080); echo "running...\n"; $loop->run();

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$ git clone THAT $ composer install $ php boot.php listen...

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ab(apache bench) 4 ab -n 10000 -c 10

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Requests per second: 3477.39 #/sec

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okay, try more concurrent connection.

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5000 concurrent 4 ab -n 10000 -c 5000

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fail 4 socket: Too many open files (24)

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ok, ab's limits. try another tool. apt install wrk 4

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wrk 4 wrk -c 5000 -d 5

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Requests/sec 98.16

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tooooo slow, hmmm, concurrent overkill? try 1000 concurrent (same as ab's test).

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4 wrk -c 1000 -d 5 4 Requests/sec: 83.17

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okey, wrk is dosen't work. try with httperf ! 4

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httperf 4 httperf --port=8080 --server= -- rate=2800 --num-conns=10000 --hog

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Request rate: 2799.6 req/s

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seems good. but, is this correct? I need try more tools !

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siege 4 siege -c 100 4 Transaction rate: 393.35 trans/sec

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Untrustworthy... (Of course, these bench mark tools are more trustworthy than weird httpd.)

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all results (?) ab: 3477.3 #/sec wrk: 98.1 req/sec httperf: 2799.6 req/s siege: 393.3 trans/sec

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me: I'm screwed lestrrat ( a.k.a daisuke maki): Why don't you write a bechmarker yourself ? me: what?

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me: OK, I'll write tools! (at YESTERDAY 11:36 pm)

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I wrote "benchmark.php" !! (ta daaa!)

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$i; $i++ ){ $res = file_get_contents($target); } $used_time = (microtime(true) - $start_usec) ; echo ceil( 1/( $used_time/$c ) ); echo "req/sec";

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haha... yes, just kidding. let's play.

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(unreliable) result 4 3,731 req/sec

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I can't believe this result. (faster than ab ;lol) it's not bad. but ...

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I thought, this is slow benchmark tool. ! I want more faster". but how? I need concurrent.! but, this is php. (curl_multi ? yes...but... ) OK! WE NEED FORK! !

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$x;$x++){ $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { die("fork failed");} else if ($pid) { $pids[]=$pid; } else { for($i=0;$c_>$i;$i++){ $res = file_get_contents($target); } exit; } } foreach($pids as $pid){ pcntl_waitpid($pid, $status); } $used_time = (microtime(true) - $start_usec) ; echo ceil( 1/( $used_time/$c ) ), "req/sec";

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2881req/sec (no fork ver 3,731 req/sec)

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no no, more slow !!! !

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! need more core!!!

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create 4core 8GB mem server !

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benchmark.php 4147req/sec fork_benchmark.php 3995req/sec

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NO! why fork ver is more slow!? !

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my httpd is BAD, that is why!!! ! I use nginx to benchmark my benchmark!! !

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result(?) with nginx 4 benchmark.php 4 6817req/sec 4 fork_benchmark.php 4 13730req/sec

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OK! 4 fork ver faster than not fork ver!!

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( what is ok? )

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meanwhile in apache bench... 4 ab -c 10 -n 10000 http://nginx/ 4 Requests per second: 15273.21

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compare own tool and ab. 4 fork_benchmark.php: 4 13,730 req/sec 4 ab: 4 15,273.21 #/sec

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conclusion my bench (written by PHP) 0.9 times faster than AB !! ( DISCLAIMER, THIS RESULT IS REAL RESULT. BUT JUST PLAYING.)

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OK !!

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"what is ok?" (now 2:12 am)

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Other benchmarks. 4 php7.1.2 with my_httpd + fork_bench.php(c:10) 4 3858req/sec 4 php5.6.30 with my_httpd + fork_bench.php(c:10) 4 2425req/sec 4 hhvm3.18.1 with my_httpd + fork_bench.php(c:10) 4 2377req/sec 4 (but, hhvm w/o libevent)

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conclusion PHP7.1 is fast (1.6x faster than 5.6 (at this test))

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but fun. PHP is waiting New Challengers ..... FIN

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//NEXT use pthread;