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guide for developers Melinda Seckington presents @mseckington

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A long time ago… in 2007… there was a girl. hi! I’m Melinda! @mseckington

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melinda had just moved to london… there was just one problem… while she loved the city with all its busyness and events… @mseckington

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well, two problems actually… Professor fear and… doctor imposter syndrome @mseckington

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these two villains plagued the city , causing doubt and hopelessness… everywhere they went. @mseckington

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one day… i need to do something This needs to stop . I need to do something @mseckington

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she became… miss geeky! @mseckington

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with this alter ego, miss geeky discovered… …the power of her words. @mseckington

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Eventually Professor fear was defeated… But Doctor Imposter Syndrome was still a problem… how could she defeat him? @mseckington

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the solution? find more superheroes @mseckington

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who am i? @mseckington

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I’m a… speaker @mseckington

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I’m a… …blogger @mseckington

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I’m an… …event organizer @mseckington

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I’m a… Developer @mseckington

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I’m a… Developer speaker @mseckington

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find more superheroes @mseckington

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rockstar developers @mseckington

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unicorn developers @mseckington

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ninja developers @mseckington

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superhero developer @mseckington

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how do we become a superhero developer? @mseckington

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superhero |ˈsuːpəhɪərəʊ, ˈsjuː-| noun (pl.superheroes) a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman. @mseckington

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In modern popular fiction, a superhero is a type of heroic character possessing extraordinary talents, supernatural phenomena, or superhuman powers and is dedicated to a moral goal or protecting the public @mseckington “ ”

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how to become a superhero? - extraordinary powers or abilities - a strong moral code - a motivation - a secret identity - a distinctive costume @mseckington

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how to become a superhero? - extraordinary powers or abilities - a strong moral code - a motivation - a secret identity - a distinctive costume @mseckington

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10 lessons we can learn from superheroes @mseckington

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iron man @mseckington

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iron man Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Tony Stark Place of birth: 6’1” 225 lbs Long Island, New York Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Tales of Suspense #39 (1963) Powers: None Abilities: Tony has a genius level intellect that allows him to invent a wide range of sophisticated devices, specializing in advanced weapons and armor. @mseckington

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tony’s hackday project @mseckington

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shiny @mseckington

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minimum viable armour @mseckington

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iterate & reflect @mseckington

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personal retrospective @mseckington

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daredevil @mseckington

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daredevil Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Matt Murdock Place of birth: 6’0” 200 lbs New York City Lawyer Daredevil #1 (1964) Powers: Enhanced senses Abilities: Possesses the strength, speed, agility, endurance, and gymnastic skills, of an Olympic-level athlete. Skilled in a hybridized form of American boxing and the Japanese arts of ninjutsu, judo and aiki-jujutsu. @mseckington

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seeing without seeing @mseckington

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the Man without fear @mseckington

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listen actively @mseckington

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pay attention to your environment @mseckington

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hulk @mseckington

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hulk Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Bruce Banner Place of birth: 8’ 1400 lbs Dayton, Ohio Unemployed, former nuclear physicist Incredible Hulk #1 (1962) Powers: Possesses an incredible level of superhuman physical ability. Capacity for physical strength is potentially limitless due to the fact that his strength increases proportionally with his level of emotional stress, anger in particular. @mseckington

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bruce banner @mseckington

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hulk smash! @mseckington

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embrace failure @mseckington

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“Many people think it means accept failure with dignity and move on. The better, more subtle interpretation is that failure is a manifestation of learning and exploration. If you aren’t experiencing failure, then you are making a far worse mistake: You are being driven by the desire to avoid it.” ~ Ed Catmull, Creativity, Inc. @mseckington

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spider-man @mseckington

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spider-man Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Peter Parker Place of birth: 5’10” 167 lbs Forest Hills, New York Scientist and inventor; former photographer Amazing Fantasy #15 Powers: Can cling to most surfaces, has superhuman strength (able to lift 10 tons optimally) and is roughly 15 times more agile than a regular human. His acrobatic leaps and web-slinging enables him to travel fast. @mseckington

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with great power… …comes great responsibility @mseckington

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share your knowledge @mseckington

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agent carter @mseckington

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agent carter Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Peggy Carter Place of birth: 5’7” 120 lbs London, England British Liaison to the U.S. Army, S.S.R. Agent Captain America (2011) Powers: None Abilities: Carter is a skilled martial artist, an expert markswoman, and can speak and read English, Russian and German fluently. @mseckington

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Strategic Scientific Reserve @mseckington

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make me a sandwich @mseckington

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know your own value @mseckington

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thor @mseckington

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thor Real name: Height: Weight: Occupation: Origin: Thor Odinson Place of birth: 6’6” 640 lbs Asgard Warrior, adventurer Journey into Mystery #83 (1962) Powers: As the son of Odin and Gaea, Thor's strength, endurance and resistance to injury are greater than the vast majority of his superhuman race. Extremely long-lived, immune to conventional disease and highly resistant to injury. @mseckington

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thunderbolts and lightning …very very frightening @mseckington

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asgard @mseckington

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don’t be arrogant @mseckington

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“every question is a cry to understand the world.” ~ Carl Sagan @mseckington

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there are no stupid questions @mseckington

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guardians of the galaxy @mseckington

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guardians of the galaxy Core team members: A group of cosmic adventurers led by Star-Lord, the Guardians of the Galaxy protect the universe from threats all across space. Base of operations: First appearance: Star-Lord Gamora Drax the Destroyer Groot Rocket Raccoon Starship Icarus Marvel Super-Heroes #18 (1969) @mseckington

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“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” ~ H.E. Luccock @mseckington

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seek out diversity @mseckington

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x-men @mseckington

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Core team members: Feared and hated by humans because they're different, the X-Men are heroic mutants, individuals born with special powers who've sworn to use their gifts to protect mutants as well as humans. Base of operations: First appearance: Professor X Wolverine Rogue Storm Cyclops Jean Grey Angel Beast Gambit and more Xavier Institute For Higher Learning X-Men #1 (1963) x-men @mseckington

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mutant registration act @mseckington

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treat people like grownups @mseckington

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fantastic four @mseckington

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Core team members: The Fantastic Four is an internationally-renowned group of superhuman champions based in New York City and dedicated to the betterment of the world through scientific discovery and defense against evil. Base of operations: First appearance: Mister Fantastic Invisible Woman The Thing Human Torch Baxter Building Fantastic Four #1 (1961) fantastic four @mseckington

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human play doh @mseckington

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not very invisible woman @mseckington

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some like it hot @mseckington

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turn your weakness into strength @mseckington

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avengers @mseckington

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Core team members: They are Earth's mightiest heroes, formed to fight the foes no single hero could withstand. The Avengers are the most prestigious and powerful super-hero team in the world, devoted to protecting the planet from menaces beyond the scope of conventional authorities. Base of operations: First appearance: Captain America Black Widow Hawkeye Hulk Iron Man Scarlet Witch Thor Stark Tower Avengers #1 (1963) avengers @mseckington

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you are stronger together @mseckington

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10 lessons we can learn from superheroes @mseckington

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? @mseckington ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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be a superhero developer @mseckington

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to be continued… Melinda Seckington FutureLearn @mseckington @mseckington

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Credits: https:/ / https:/ / https:/ / @mseckington