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Rebuilding a university homepage to be "responsive". Twice. In less than a year. Erik Runyon | @erunyon | HighEdWeb MI, May 2013

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who am i? Erik Runyon Director of Web Communications University of Notre Dame

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i’m from

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i work at

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we’re all #highered

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What We’ll Cover I. Why RWD Matters II. Our Path to Responsive III. 2011 Redesign IV. 2012 Redesign V. Responsible Responsive

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I. Why RWD (and mobile) Matters

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2010 2.6% Admissions 3.6% Game Day 7.18% 2011 4.37% Admissions 8.76% Game Day 26.09% 2012 13.3% Admissions 17.7% Game Day 44.92%

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January 7, 2013 BCS Bowl Game

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January 7, 2013 BCS Bowl Game

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So yeah… …mobile matters

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II. Our Path to Responsive

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2008 Basic mobile and Webkit support added (iPhone and later Android)

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// IN THE HEAD OF THE DOCUMENT // IN THE JS (IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CSS) if( (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/webOS/i))) { ! // REMOVES ALL STYLESHEETS ... ! for (var k=0;k < document.styleSheets.length; k++) { ! ! if (document.styleSheets[k].href != null && document.styleSheets[k].href.lastIndexOf("webkit") == -1) { ! ! ! document.styleSheets[k].disabled = true; ! ! } ! } ! window.scrollTo(0,1); }

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Winter 2009 released

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Spring 2011 First “Adaptive” design released

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/************************************************************************** @media queries **************************************************************************/ /* iPad landscape ----------- */ @media only screen and (min-width:801px) and (max-width:1100px) {} /* iPad portrait ----------- */ @media only screen and (max-width:768px) {} /* Mid-Size Tablets (Galaxy Tab) (portrait) ----------- */ @media only screen and (max-width:591px) and (orientation:portrait) {} /* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */ @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) {} /* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */ @media only screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:380px) {}

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III. 2011 Redesign

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36 KB 2.2 MB (1.7 MB Flash)

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June 2011 Redesign Goals •Replace Flash carousel with feature story image •Train internal audience to go elsewhere •Mobile friendly (Adaptive design)

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/************************************************************************** @media queries **************************************************************************/ /* Tablets landscape */ @media only screen and (max-width:1100px) {} /* Tablets portrait */ @media only screen and (max-width:800px) {} /* Mid-Size Tablets */ @media only screen and (max-width:600px) {} /* Smartphones (landscape) */ @media only screen and (max-width:480px) {} /* Smartphones (portrait) */ @media only screen and (max-width:320px) {}

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Summer 2011 Our first responsive

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Winter 2011 New department

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New Boss New Website

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IV. 2012 Redesign

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Goals • Design from mobile to HD • Build mobile first using RWD • Keep mobile experience fast • Maintain content parity • Finish in eight weeks

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Mobile First What does that even mean?

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“The absence of support for @media queries is in fact the first @media query” @bryanrieger

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mobile first @mq 1. Global 2. Screen 3. @media queries as needed 4. Hi-res/retina specific 5. Print (yes, print)

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hiding content NOT a mobile strategy

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hidden content still gets downloaded performance-implication-of-mobile-design/

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RESS (responsive design + server-side components)

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Slide 47 text WURFL: (free for non-commercial) (free “Lite” version) Device Atlas: (pay service) OpenDDR: (free)

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Long homepage is long

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Long homepage is long

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2.something iPhone screens tall and 12% the size

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context can dictate content

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on-request loading

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Six location features 1.5 MB Five News features 289 KB

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V. Responsible Responsive

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we have a problem

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Slide 60 text Broadband began to overtake dial-up in 2004* * In major U.S. Cities

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Erik’s personal Bermuda Triangle of AT&T suckage

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Slide 66 text “The size of the average web page of the top 1000 websites has more than tripled since 2008. In the past five years from 2008 to late 2012 the average web page grew from 312K to 1114K, over 3.5 times larger” - (Nov 11, 2012) In the past 18 months, the average web page has grown by 50% — from 702 KB in November 2010 to 1042 KB on May 1, 2012. At this rate, the average page will hit 2 MB by 2015. - (May 24, 2012)

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“Out of the 106 sites I reviewed, 64 of them had mobile sites that were less than ten percent smaller than the desktop version. Twenty-six of the sites had mobile web sites that were larger than the desktop equivalent.” @grigs

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averages for #highered RWD sites 106 sites sampled at full size requests: 59 size: 1.6 MB Sites used to generate these stats:

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averages for #highered RWD sites 106 sites sampled with iPhone UA and narrow screen (to simulate mobile) requests: 55 size: 1.48 MB Sites used to generate these stats:

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averages for #highered RWD sites > 1 MB = 61 > 2 MB = 24 > 3 MB = 12 > 4 MB = 4 Sites used to generate these stats:

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Dedicated Mobile vs. RWD 45 schools Dedicated mobile 184KB RWD 1.37 MB

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averages for #highered RWD sites 106 sites sampled with iPhone UA and narrow screen (to simulate mobile) js: 12 files/216 KB css: 6 files/99 KB images: 30 files/1 MB (72% of page size) Sites used to generate these stats:

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stand-outs * West Chester University West Virginia University 21 requests | 340 KB 26 requests | 361 KB * Not including in a veiled attempt at being humble

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RWD is Not Mobile Friendly

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Blame the implementation, not the technique - Tim Kadlec

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Same content(ish) Different experience

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RWD is Not Mobile Friendly but the web is and RWD CAN be

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Slide 80 text “...make pages which are adaptable. Make pages which are accessible, regardless of the browser, platform or screen that your reader chooses or must use to access your pages.” John Allsopp @johnallsopp

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Slide 81 text “The web’s greatest strength, I believe, is often seen as a limitation, as a defect. It is the nature of the web to be flexible, and it should be our role as designers and developers to embrace this flexibility, and produce pages which, by being flexible, are accessible to all.” John Allsopp @johnallsopp

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Summary RWD is simply Progressive Enhancement Building responsively requires planning We broke the web, and now we’re trying to “fix” it But it’s not easy, and it’s going to take time to get it right

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thank you

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erik runyon @erunyon questions?