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 The State of Python for Education Carol Willing Director Python Software Foundation Steering Council Project Jupyter June 9, 2017 PyCon TW 2017

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Thank you Photo taken by Matthew Bowers

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The State of Python for Education Learning

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Agenda • Learning with Python • Creating opportunities • Scaling globally • Call to action

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Agenda • Learning with Python • Creating opportunities • Scaling globally • Call to action

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Learning with Python Credit: Karen Rustad Tolva

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Learning results from what a student does and thinks and only what the student does and thinks. Herbert A. Simon

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The teacher can advance learning only by influencing what the student does to learn. Herbert A. Simon Credit:

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Motivate Curiosity Engage Connect Wow Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge

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Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge Develop mastery What if... Iterative Attempts Failure Persistence Interactive Feedback

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Develop mastery Motivate Apply knowledge Apply knowledge Domains Experience Cross-culture Complex problems

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Agenda • Learning with Python • Creating opportunities • Scaling globally • Looking to the future • Call to action

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Creating opportunities Credit:

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• Start with a proven curriculum introduction-to-python-for-beginning-p.html • Hands on to engage students • Takeaway notebooks reduce student stress python Reaching out to new users Intro to Python San Diego Python

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Encouraging contributors to CPython Credit: PyCon 2017 Language Summit

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Tinkering and making

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Joy of exploration (1978) Credit: BYTE magazine

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Joy of exploration (2017) Credit: Credit: Credit:

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Web Credit: Two Scoops Press

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“Real world” at Instagram Lisa Guo Hui Ding Instagram PyCon 2017 Keynote Credits: Instagram,

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“Real world” web development Credits:, PyCon 2017

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Jupyter for Science and Data Science

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Jupyter notebooks engage learners

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Motivate learners • Work with student interests • Wow with possibilities of-interesting-Jupyter-Notebooks • Get them started with tmpnb and binder Project Jupyter community

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• Exploration and experimentation signal-processing-using-wearables-jupyter-notebooks- scipy-2016.html • Physical media with wearables and electronics • Real world, self-directed projects Motivate learners Teaching Signal Processing using Wearables and Jupyter Notebooks Dr. Demba Ba

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• Feedback and communication with students using nbgrader jupyterhub+nbgrader/ • Progression to complex examples and tasks python4geosciences Develop mastery Python for Geosciences Dr. Kristen Thyng

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Apply knowledge Berkeley Data Science Data8 UC Berkeley •Campus wide curriculum •Cross-discipline • Zero to JupyterHub with Kubernetes

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Headline Slide Sub-headline

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Mobile Credit:

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Python’s power in your hand

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Agenda • Learning with Python • Creating opportunities • Scaling globally • Call to action

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Scaling globally Credit:

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Resources Python Software Foundation PyLadies and DjangoGirls Conferences, Workshops and Sprints Hello World & Raspberry Pi Foundation Python in Education

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Agenda • Learning with Python • Evolving rapidly • Scaling globally • Call to action

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Python’s future

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Call to action • Join PSF and Python in Education • Participate in a sprint • Give a talk or write a post • Offer a workshop • Contribute to a favorite project • Share your creations

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Came for the language. Stayed for the community. Brett Cannon and Pythonistas around the world Credit: Kushal Das

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Thank you @willingcarol

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Questions? • Steering Council, Project Jupyter • Software Engineer, Cal Poly SLO • Director, Python Software Foundation • Core Developer, CPython • Geek in Residence, Fab Lab San Diego Carol Willing @willingcarol

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• Kristen Thyng • San Diego Python • Demba Ba • Project Jupyter team and community • Photo credits on individual slides Attributions and recognition

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 The State of Python for Education Carol Willing Director Python Software Foundation Steering Council Project Jupyter June 9, 2017 PyCon TW 2017