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@MoOx Post CSS era 1 From preprocessed stylesheets to CSS Modules and inline styles @MoOx

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@MoOx @MoOx Front-End/UI Developer Freelance 2

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@MoOx 3

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@MoOx 4 Putain de code !

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@MoOx 5

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No content

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@MoOx Writing CSS in 2005~2010 7

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@MoOx ? 8

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@MoOx 9

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@MoOx Why CSS wasn’t fun? 10

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@MoOx No var/const 11

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@MoOx No (real) functions 12

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@MoOx Reusability? 13

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@MoOx @import 14

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@MoOx HTTP 1 15

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@MoOx HTTP 1 16 … NOPE

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@MoOx inheritance, composition 17

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@MoOx 18 … NOPE inheritance, composition

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@MoOx 20

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@MoOx @import $var + / * - color 21

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@MoOx 22

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@MoOx CSS PREPROCESSORS 23 Is there any issues ?

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@MoOx 24

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@MoOx @mixins ? 25 @mixin block() { border: 1px solid #000; background: url(whatever.jpg) } .class { @include block(); background: red; }

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@MoOx @mixins ? 26 @mixin block() { border: 1px solid #000; background: url(whatever.jpg) } .class { @include block(); background: red; } /* BAM */

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@MoOx @extends 27

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@MoOx 28

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@MoOx 29 .product .single_add_to_cart_button, .cart .button, input.checkout-button.alt.button, .shipping- calculator-form .button, .multistep_step .button, #place_order.button, .single- product .single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .woocom merce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce #content input.button, .woocommerce-page a.button, .woocommerce-page button.button, .woocommerce-page input.button, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page #content input.button { background-color: #605f5e; }

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@MoOx 30 Cascading shit .product .single_add_to_cart_button, .cart .button, input.checkout-button.alt.button, .shipping- calculator-form .button, .multistep_step .button, #place_order.button, .single- product .single_add_to_cart_button.button.alt, .woocom merce a.button, .woocommerce button.button, .woocommerce input.button, .woocommerce #respond input#submit, .woocommerce #content input.button, .woocommerce-page a.button, .woocommerce-page button.button, .woocommerce-page input.button, .woocommerce-page #respond input#submit, .woocommerce-page #content input.button { background-color: #605f5e; }

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@MoOx & nesting ? 31

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@MoOx #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { } 32

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@MoOx 33 #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { try: again; }

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@MoOx Specificity shit 34 #sidebar ul ul li a { } .sidebar-link { try: again; }

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@MoOx 35 Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair

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@MoOx Frameworks ? 36

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@MoOx selector = global (class || *) name 37

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@MoOx selector = global (class || *) name 38

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@MoOx Scoping ? 39

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@MoOx Scoping ? 40 Web Component / Shadow DOM? CSS scope?

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@MoOx Scoping ? 41 … Not yet…

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@MoOx Dependency management 42

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@MoOx Dependency management 43 … NOPE

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@MoOx CSS itself or preprocessors do not solve our daily problems 44

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@MoOx 46

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@MoOx Why CSS sucks? 48 - Everything is global - Order / Specificity conflicts - Too many unpredictable things - Deleting some code is touchy - Scope / Isolation - No dependency management

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@MoOx What is the origin of most CSS issues ? 49

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@MoOx 50 #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; } 51

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@MoOx 52 /* BAM */ #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx A user interface is just a bunch of components 53

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@MoOx What don’t we code our UI this way? 54

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@MoOx 55 /* BAM */ #sidebar ul li a { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx 56 /* BEM */ .Sidebar-link { color: blue; display: block; padding: 1em; }

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@MoOx BEM 57

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@MoOx 58 .Block [-element [--modifier]]

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@MoOx 59 .Block { } .Block--modifier { } .Block-element { } .Block-element--modifier { }

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@MoOx Block = Component 60

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@MoOx .Button { } .Button--large { } .Button-icon { } .Button-icon--small { } BEM / CSS 61

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@MoOx … Click here!

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@MoOx Why CSS sucks? 63 - Everything is global - Order / Specificity conflicts - Too many unpredictable things - Deleting some code is touchy - Scope / Isolation - No dependency management

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@MoOx YAY ! 64 … sort of…

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@MoOx My 2 cents one DOM element = one Block 65

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@MoOx 67

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@MoOx @custom-properties (>vars) 68 :root { --lineHeight: 3rem } p { margin-bottom: calc(var(--lineHeight) * 2); }

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@MoOx @custom-media queries 69 @custom-media --large-viewport (width >= 60rem); @media (--large-viewport) { /* styles for large viewport */ }

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@MoOx 70 body { background: gray(255, .4) linear-gradient( color(rebeccapurple alpha(50%)), hwb(0, 20%, 40%), color(hwb(0, 20%, 40%, .5) lightness(+10%)), color(#9d9c tint(40%) saturation(- 5%)) ) ; } color()

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@MoOx 71 There is a lot of new stuff • New selectors • New (color) functions • Nesting and extends are coming • …

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@MoOx Syntax sugar 72

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@MoOx Myth “CSS Polyfill” (sort of) 73

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@MoOx Myth use Rework 74

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@MoOx @tj (Stylus) create Rework 75 > Sep 2012

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@MoOx CSS > AST 76

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@MoOx AST = Object 77 Abstract Syntax Tree

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@MoOx CSS > AST > CSS 78

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@MoOx Autoprefixer 79 Bye bye -webkit, -moz, -ms…

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@MoOx But… 80

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@MoOx Rework Evolution 81 0 15 30 45 60 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx 82

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@MoOx Autoprefixer is not happy 83

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@MoOx 84 Autoprefixer forked Rework

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@MoOx 85

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@MoOx ✅ CSS > AST > CSS 86 + nice API

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@MoOx PostCSS is NOT 87 - a Preprocessor - “Future Syntax” - an optimizer - a linter

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@MoOx But 88 PostCSS + plugins = ALL THOSE THINGS

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@MoOx @import postcss from “postcss" @import plugin1 from “postcss-plugin1" @import plugin2 from “postcss-plugin2" postcss([ plugin1, plugin2 ]) .process(css) .then((result) => console.log(result.css)) PostCSS usage 89

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@MoOx PostCSS Plugin 90 function (css) { css.walkDecls((decl) => { decl.value = decl.value .replace( /\d+rem/, (rem) => 16 * parseFloat(rem) + ‘px' ) }) }) }

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@MoOx An ecosystem like Grunt 91

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@MoOx An ecosystem like Grunt 92

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@MoOx 93

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@MoOx 94

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@MoOx 95 :root { --mainColor: #ffbbaaff; } @custom-media --small (width <= 30rem); @custom-selector :--heading h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6; .post-article :--heading { color: color( var(--mainColor) blackness(+20%) ); @media (--small) { margin-top: 0; } }

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@MoOx 97 @define-mixin social-icon $network $color { &.is-$network { background: $color; } } .social-icon { @mixin social-icon twitter #55acee; @mixin social-icon facebook #3b5998; padding: 10px 5px; @media (max-width: 640px) { padding: 0; } } Sass like with PostCSS

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@MoOx 98 stylelint Modern CSS linter based on PostCSS Already 100 rules + extensible

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@MoOx Evolution of CSS preprocessors 99 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx 100

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@MoOx “Finished writing my first @PostCSS plugin today. It extracts language specific selectors so you can split them into multiple files.” 101 @chriseppstein, Sass maintainer

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@MoOx Evolution of CSS preprocessors 102 0 17,5 35 52,5 70 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

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@MoOx Assets managements 104

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@MoOx Grunt, Gulp… 105 > Sep 2011 > Jul 2013

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@MoOx 106

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@MoOx 107 – Every body using a task runner “Let’s make another task for that”

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@MoOx grunt-mysql-dump 108

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@MoOx Gulp 109 Unix spirit

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@MoOx ES6 111 JavaScript is evolving too

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@MoOx ES6 112 ES2015

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No content

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@MoOx 6to5 > babel > babel-* 115

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@MoOx 116

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@MoOx Compilers input > your thing > output 117

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@MoOx Compilers input > your thing > output 118 CSS CSS JS JS MD HTML

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@MoOx How should I use this? 119

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@MoOx Grunt ? Gulp ? 120

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@MoOx .Component { background: url(../../…) } 121

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@MoOx 122 ../.. ? ../ ? ./ ? .Component { background: url(../../…) }

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@MoOx Grunt ? Gulp ? 124 … NOPE

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@MoOx 125

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@MoOx 126 $ npm i -D webpack

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@MoOx var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) } 127 Webpack

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@MoOx Errors? 128

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@MoOx 129

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@MoOx Create Bundle using “loaders” 130

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@MoOx Compilers input > your thing > output 131

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@MoOx Webpack JS > your thing > BUNDLE 132

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@MoOx Apps and website, same battle… 133

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@MoOx var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) } 135

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@MoOx 136 var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) }

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@MoOx 137 var myModule = require("./my-module.js") var myStyles = require("./my-module.css") var mySVG = require(“./my-module.svg") @import “./normalize.css”; body { background: url(landscape.jpg) }

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@MoOx var myStyles ? WTF ? 138

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@MoOx 139

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@MoOx 140

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@MoOx .org-Block-element { } 141

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@MoOx .org-Block-element { } 142

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@MoOx var styles = require(“./styles.css”) // { element: "element_f34f7fa0" } // …

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@MoOx So now we just code simple objects with styles properties? 144

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@MoOx Yeah, that’s called styling Just what we want. 145

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@MoOx So why not INLINE STYLES?! 146

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@MoOx Why CSS sucks? 147 - Everything is global - No dependency management - Deleting some code is touchy - Too many unpredictable things - Order / Specificity conflicts - Scope / Isolation

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@MoOx Example react-native-web 148

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@MoOx Example react-native-web 149 By @necolas creator of Normalize.css

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@MoOx import React, { Image, StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native-web' const Title = ({ children }) => {children} const Summary = ({ children }) => ( {children} ) class App extends React.Component { render() { return ( React Native Web Build high quality web apps using React ) }, }) 150

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@MoOx const styles = StyleSheet.create({ row: { flexDirection: 'row', margin: 40 }, image: { height: 40, marginRight: 10, width: 40, }, text: { flex: 1, justifyContent: 'center' }, title: { fontSize: '1.25rem', fontWeight: 'bold' }, subtitle: { 151

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@MoOx Inlines styles can be use to write react-native apps 152

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@MoOx Let’s recap 153

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@MoOx (Post)CSS + plugins + BEM / CSS Modules 154 Inline styles - custom / extensible syntax - autoprefixer / cssnext - media queries + server-side rendering! JS context - ☑ (react-)native - ☑ flexibility

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@MoOx (Post)CSS + plugins + BEM / CSS Modules 155 Inline styles - Can “solve” most CSS issues. - Can be used today on all projects, gradually. - Can solve all CSS issues. - Pre-rendering (MQs…) : / - Can also be used today… ;)

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@MoOx You can even switch or mix 156 react-native-css CSS ➡ JS jss JS ➡ CSS and many more on github / npm

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@MoOx Adjust your choices depending on your needs and your current stack 157

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@MoOx Questions ? 158 I don’t bite.