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Copyright @ 2018 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Securing your Kubernetes hosts Liz Rice @lizrice | @aquasecteam

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2 Agenda n Kubernetes configuration for security n CIS benchmarks – testing the configuration n Penetration testing – testing for vulnerabilities

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6 Kubernetes configuration n Kubernetes components installed on your servers n Master & node components n Many configuration settings have a security impact n Example: open Kubelet port = root access n Defaults depend on the installer What config settings should I use?

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7 CIS Kubernetes Benchmark

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8 kube-bench n Open source automated tests for CIS Kubernetes Benchmark n Tests for Kubernetes Masters and Nodes n Available as a container

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10 kube-bench n Job configuration YAML n Run regularly to ensure no configuration drift n Tests defined in YAML n Released code follows the CIS Benchmark n Modify for your own purposes

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11 Kubernetes & Docker CIS Benchmarks n Built into the Aqua CSP n Provides a scored report of the results n Can be scheduled to run daily

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Kubernetes penetration testing

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13 kube-hunter n Open source penetration tests for Kubernetes n See what an attacker would see n n Online report viewer n How do I know the config is working to secure my cluster?

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kube-hunter with kube-bench

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21 Authored by Liz Rice from Aqua Security and Michael Hausenblas from Red Hat

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22 Security for containers & cloud native apps Open-source tools for Kubernetes security Find them on GitHub Q&A