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  1 / 40 Connected Services & Cloud Computing Introduction & Overview Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA

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2 / 40 Connected Services & Cloud Computing CS (&) CC Layanan Tersambung & Komputasi Awan LT (&) KA

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Emerging & State-of-the-Art ... 3 / 40 Connected Services & Cloud Computing CS (&) CC Modern Communication Services Technology & Infrastructure

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Outline CS - What & Why CS - Landscape & Roles CC - What, Why & Roles Remarks & Notes 4 / 40

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  Connected Services What & Why 5 / 40

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6 / 40 Any Digital Service that brings people together in any Meaningful way - to engage, transact, share, etc. - is a Connected Service. (cf. Golding,2011) Services + Connections This plus: that need, that can not properly be used without, ... What does it technically mean?? Connected Services De nition Examples Facts (Micro) Triggers & Enablers

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7 / 40 Legacy Telco Services Voice Services, Text Services, Data Services Services with Internet-Origin Twitter, Facebook, Google Search, ... New Services Uber, Airbnb, ... Connected Services De nition Examples Facts (Micro) Triggers & Enablers

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Facts - CS Around Us - User Perspective Image Credit: 8 / 40

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9 / 40 Everyday Life To Ease Things, to Entertain, to ... For some, those become primary needs ...  Connected Services De nition Examples Facts (Micro) Triggers & Enablers

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10 / 40 Lifestyle Technology Advances Economical Feasibility Connected Services De nition Examples Facts (Micro) Triggers & Enablers

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11 / 40 A lot has happened ... Timespan +/- 10 yr Evolved from IC and (legacy) Telco Regional vs. Global Telco: Fixed- & Mobile-Broadband, Growth via Cust. Base Others: Media, ... Enter Change ... 

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  Connected Services Landscape & Roles 12 / 40

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13 / 40 New Demands, Opportunities, but also Threats! Ada gula ada semut... Demands = $$ $$ comes either from new or from existing, acquired Markets Serious threats for existing players (incumbents) Right strategy and business agility badly needed to survive and win! Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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14 / 40 Case ID +/- Y2000 Relative to Market Size 1:8 to 1:10 Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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15 / 40 Y2010+ Size Comparison 1:2 to 1:3 Now? Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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16 / 40  Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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17 / 40  Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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18 / 40  Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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19 / 40 Model Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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20 / 40 Model Induction: Phone, SMS, Twitter, Facebook, Search, ... CS (System): UI, Data (Local+Remote), Process (Local+Remote) CS Data Source: Device Sensors, Communication Channels CS Frontend: UI, Local Data/Storage, Local Process Box/Backend: Interface, Storage, Process

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21 / 40 Simpli ed Relationship CS, CC, Some Involving Parties Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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22 / 40 Number of Devices Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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23 / 40 Number of Devices Mobile Devices ($$$$$) CS/Apps Usage & Purchases ($$$$) Needs for Infrastructure: Computing/Backend (increased) ($$?) Data Volume (steadily increased) ($) Needs for Infrastructure: Connectivity e.g. Coverage, BW (steadily increased) ($)

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24 / 40 Cisco VNI Global Mobile Data Tra c Forecast, 2012-2017 Connected Services Impacts Market #nowhappening & the Future Remarks Numbers & Stats Model, Relationship & Facts to Consider

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  Cloud Computing - Infrastructure What, Why & Roles 25 / 40

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26 / 40 Errr... What is actually this Cloud?

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27 / 40 The interesting thing about Cloud Computing is that we've rede ned Cloud Computing to include everything that we already do.... I don't understand what we would do di erently in the light of Cloud Computing other than change the wording of some of our ads. (Larry Ellison/Oracle, 2008) A lot of people are jumping on the cloud bandwagon, but I have not heard two people say the same thing about it. There are multiple de nitions out there of "the cloud". (Andy Isherwood/HP, ZDnet News, 2008) Cloud Computing

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28 / 40 Ockay... How about Bananas? Cloud = Bananas?

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29 / 40 Whhaat??

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30 / 40 Cloud Computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of con gurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management e ort or service provider interaction. (NIST) Cloud Computing De nition Model & Relationship Facts (Macro)

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31 / 40 Flexible Infrastructure Abstracted & often Virtualized Now with many Variants and Technology Cloud (without "Computing") is sometimes used interchangebly with Networks or the Internet Cloud Computing De nition Model & Relationship Facts (Macro)

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32 / 40 Connected Services & Cloud Cloud Computing De nition Model & Relationship Facts (Macro)

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33 / 40 System-Boxes inside Cloud Nested Clouds Cloud Computing De nition Model & Relationship Facts (Macro)

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34 / 40  Cloud Computing De nition Model & Relationship Facts (Macro)

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  Remarks & Notes 35 / 40

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36 / 40 CS are in everyday life of more-and- more people. CS becomes an attracting business trend. CS involve many new emerging technologies including Cloud. CS are rapidly growing in terms of services and applications. Notes

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37 / 40  Notes Now you live in an agile world, may cause fatigue.. Tapi don't worry ya, pasti bisa! GT  ITB

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  Refs 38 / 40

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References/Books 1. Paul Golding, Connected Services: A Guide to the Internet Technologies Shaping the Future of Mobile Services and Operators, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-97455-1 2. Dan C. Marinescu, Cloud Computing Theory and Practice, Morgan Kaufmann, Elsevier Inc., 2013, ISBN: 978-0-12404-627-6 39 / 40

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  40 / 40 END Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA