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Akira Matsuda Ruby on Rails Hacking Guide

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pp self name: Akira Matsuda GitHub: amatsuda Twitter: @a_matsuda committer of: Ruby, Rails, Haml from: Tokyo, Japan founder of: Asakusa.rb an organizer of: RubyKaigi

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amatsuda creator of: kaminari, active_decorator, action_args, html5_validators, hocus_pocus, erd, everywhere, i18n_generators, database_rewinder, rfd...

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A Rails committer

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Contributing to Rails 374 commits so far Since 6.years.ago

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Akira Matsuda Ruby on Rails Hacking Guide

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Akira Matsuda Ruby on Rails Reading Guide

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Why should we read Rails? We're "Software Writers" (DHH) We'd better know what's happening underneath our apps You'll occasionally hit Rails bugs

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We're "Software Writers" (DHH) You need to read good software if you want to be a good "software writer"

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We'd better know what's happening underneath our apps Short code does a lot of works Magical DSLs

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Short code does a lot of works class UsersController < ApplicationController def index @users = User.all end end

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Magical DSLs Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/hello" => "foo#bar" end

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You'll occasionally hit Rails bugs

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Rails.has_many :bugs We often hit them in production apps We need to x them We need to be familiar with the codebase

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This talk Novice?

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Chapters Let's start reading! How Rails server boots (1) What is Railties? How Rails server boots (2) Rails and Rack middleware Routes Controllers and actions

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Let's start reading! Chapter 1

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Ruby on Rails is_a Open-source On GitHub 100% Ruby No C extensions!

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Source code % git clone rails/rails (Of course you're using hub right?)

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Pro tip: Use gem-src How can you nd the GH repo for the gem you use? Don't want to manually git-clone every gem that you read or patch? Use gem-src

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amatsuda/gem-src Installation (as an rbenv plugin) % git clone amatsuda/gem-src.git ~/.rbenv/ plugins/gem-src Con guration % echo "gemsrc_clone_root: ~/ src" >> ~/.gemrc

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gem-src (a social coder's best friend) Usage % gem i rails #=> automatically git-clone You no more need to memorize the gem author name, or search in GitHub!

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Source code % cd rails

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Ingredients of Rails Let's see what's included in the gem

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What's included in the rails gem? Take a look at the gemspec

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rails.gemspec s.files = [''] + Dir['guides/**/*']

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rails.gemspec This gem doesn't really include any program

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rails.gemspec s.add_dependency 'activesupport', version s.add_dependency 'actionpack', version s.add_dependency 'actionview', version s.add_dependency 'activemodel', version s.add_dependency 'activerecord', version s.add_dependency 'actionmailer', version s.add_dependency 'railties', version

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rails.gemspec It has no code, but instead it de nes several dependencies It means that the rails gem is a meta package to install these 7 gems

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Directories in the rails project % lsd # aliased to ls -ld *(-/DN) actionmailer actionpack actionview activemodel activerecord activesupport railties

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7 dependencies You can nd them at the top directory in the rails repo

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What are these 7 gems? The whole MVC + something more

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Rails is a full-stack MVC framework All the Rails MVC components are in this one repository

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MVC View Controller Model

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MVC components View ActionView Controller ActionPack Model ActiveModel ActiveRecord

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M - activemodel, activerecord class Recipe < ActiveRecord::Base ... end

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V - actionview app/views/**/*.html.haml

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C - actionpack class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base end

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Summary: Let's start reding! rails gem is a meta package that depends on other 7 gems including the whole MVC components

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How Rails server boots (1) Chapter 2

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The "rails" command % rails server Rails.root/bin/rails

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Rails.root/bin/rails require_relative '../config/boot' require 'rails/commands'

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Rails.root/bin/rails Requires 'con g/boot' inside the app Requires 'rails/commands'

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Rails.root/con g/boot.rb require 'bundler/setup' if File.exist?(ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'])

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Rails.root/con g/boot.rb Sets up gems listed in the Gem le Tweaks the $LOAD_PATH (Bundler)

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require 'rails/commands' Where's "rails" directory? You can nd it in railties gem

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Wait, what is raities gem?

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What is railties? Chapter 3

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railties.gemspec s.summary = 'Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications.' s.description = 'Rails internals: application bootup, plugins, generators, and rake tasks.'

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railties.gemspec s.files = Dir['', 'README.rdoc', 'RDOC_MAIN.rdoc', 'bin/**/*', 'lib/**/{*,.[a-z]*}'] s.executables = ['rails']

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railties/lib % cd railties/lib % ls rails rails.rb

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rails/commands.rb (in railties gem) require 'rails/commands/commands_tasks'!(command)

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rails/commands.rb Requires 'rails/commands/ commands_tasks' Invokes a command task with the given name

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rails/commands/ commands_tasks.rb module Rails class CommandsTasks def server ... require "rails/commands/server" do |server| require APP_PATH ... server.start ennnd

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CommandsTasks#server Requires "rails/commands/ server"

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rails/commands/server.rb ... require 'rails' module Rails class Server < ::Rack::Server def initialize(*) super ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= options[:environment] end def start super ennnd

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rails/commands/server.rb Requires 'rails'

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require 'rails' Requires rails.rb le at the top of lib directory

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rails.rb require 'rails/application' module Rails ... end

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rails.rb Requires 'rails/application' De nes a top-level module named Rails

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rails/application.rb require 'rails/engine' module Rails class Application < Engine ... ennd

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rails/application.rb Requires 'rails/engine' De nes Rails::Application class inheriting Rails::Engine

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rails/engine.rb require 'rails/railtie' module Rails class Engine < Railtie ... ennd

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rails/engine.rb Requires 'rails/railtie' De nes Rails::Engine class inheriting Rails::Railtie

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rails/railtie.rb require 'rails/initializable' require 'rails/configuration' module Rails class Railtie include Initializable ... ennd

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rails/railtie.rb Requires 'rails/initializable' Requires 'rails/con guration' De nes Rails::Railtie class that includes Rails::Initializable

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rails/initializable.rb module Rails module Initializable class Initializer ... ennnd

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rails/initializable.rb De nes Rails::Initializable De nes Rails::Initializable::Initializer

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What we learned Railties de nes these core classes MyApp::Application < Application < Engine < Railtie < Initializable

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Railties is the core of Rails View ActionView Controller ActionPack Model ActiveModel ActiveRecord Railties

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Plugin? Engine < Plugin (until 3.2) Gone since Rails 4

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Pro tip: Tools to read it through Vim + unite.vim (unite-outline) rdefs RubyMine

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What is railties? It's a library providing something underneath the Rails Application Another answer is...

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Railroad tie According to WIKIPEDIA... Railroad_tie

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Railroad tie "a rectangular support for the rails in railroad tracks" "Generally laid perpendicular to the rails" "Railroad ties were traditionally made of wood"

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Railroad tie "railroad tie/railway tie/crosstie (North America), or railway sleeper (Europe, Australia & Asia)"

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How is Railties actually used?

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Railties in Rails % git grep Rails::Railtie actionmailer/lib/action_mailer/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: actionpack/lib/action_controller/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie #:nodoc: actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: actionview/lib/action_view/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: activemodel/lib/active_model/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: activerecord/lib/active_record/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: activesupport/lib/active_support/i18n_railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie activesupport/lib/active_support/railtie.rb: class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc:

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Railties in Rails % vim **/*railtie.rb

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Each component has its own Railtie inheriting Rails::Railtie module ActionMailer class Railtie < Rails::Railtie module ActionController class Railtie < Rails::Railtie module ActionDispatch class Railtie < Rails::Railtie module ActionView class Railtie < Rails::Railtie module ActiveModel class Railtie < Rails::Railtie module ActiveRecord class Railtie < Rails::Railtie

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We see Railtie everywhere! View ActionView Controller ActionPack Model ActiveModel ActiveRecord Railties Railtie Railtie Railtie

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What's written in a Railtie? (active_model/railtie.rb) require "active_model" require "rails" module ActiveModel class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # :nodoc: config.eager_load_namespaces << ActiveModel initializer "active_model.secure_password" do ActiveModel::SecurePassword.min_cost = Rails.env.test? end ennd

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What's written in a Railtie? Mainly we see two kinds of class method calls, con g and initializer

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What is con g?

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What is con g? (railtie/railtie.rb) module Rails class Railtie def config @config ||= ennnd

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What is con g? It's an instance of Railtie::Con guration

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Railtie::Con guration? (railtie/con guration.rb) module Rails class Railtie class Configuration def method_missing(name, *args, &blk) if name.to_s =~ /=$/ @@options[$`.to_sym] = args.first elsif @@options.key?(name) @@options[name] else super end ennnnd

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Railtie::Con guration? It accepts any method call and stores the given method name & value in a class level Hash as {method_name: value}

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What is initializer?

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What is initializer? (rails/initializable.rb) module Rails module Initializable class Initializer attr_reader :name, :block def initialize(name, context, options, &block) ... @name, @context, @options, @block = name, context, options, block ennd module ClassMethods def initializer(name, opts = {}, &blk) ... initializers <<, nil, opts, &blk) ennnnd

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What is initializer? It just keeps the given block as a Proc instance (with a name and options)

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What Railtie is doing Setting some values via con g.foobar = 'baz' Storing Procs given to initializer method calls

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One more thing about Rails::Railtie (rails/railtie.rb) module Rails class Railtie ... class << self private :new

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One more thing about Rails::Railtie Prohibited to be instantiated from outside self.instance returns the singleton instance Why is it a class despite you can't instantiate?

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Why is it a class despite you can't instantiate? In order to be able to be inherited

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What's gonna happen when Rails::Railtie is inherited? (rails/railtle.rb) module Rails class Railtie class << self def inherited(base) unless base.abstract_railtie? subclasses << base ennnnnd

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What's gonna happen when Rails::Railtie is inherited? Rails::Railtie memorizes the children classes

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We see Railtie everywhere! View ActionView Controller ActionPack Model ActiveModel ActiveRecord Railties Railtie Railtie Railtie

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Summary: What is railties? Railties is the core of Rails that provides Railtie, Engine, Application, etc. We can nd "Railtie"s in other Rails components A "Railtie" can keep "con g" and "initializer" values Railties ties up these "Railtie"s

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How Rails server boots (2) Chapter 4

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rails/commands/ commands_tasks.rb module Rails class CommandsTasks def server ... require "rails/commands/server" do |server| require APP_PATH ... server.start ennnd

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CommandsTasks#server Requires "rails/commands/ server"

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rails/commands/server.rb ... require 'rails' module Rails class Server < ::Rack::Server def initialize(*) super ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= options[:environment] end def start super ennnd

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rails/commands/server.rb Calls ::Rack::Server#start via super()

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rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/server.rb module Rack class Server def start &blk ... ennnd

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I'm not gonna do rack code reading here But method calls go on like start => wrapped_app => app => build_app_and_options_from_co n g => Rack::Builder.parse_ le => Rack::Builder.new_from_string

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Anyway, Rack nally executes something like this

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rack/builder.rb eval " {\n" +'') + "\n}.to_app", TOPLEVEL_BINDING, '(rackup)', 0

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Slide 112 text module Rack class Builder def initialize(default_app = nil,&block) ... instance_eval(&block) if block_given? sennnd

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Rails.root/con require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__) run Rails.application

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Rails.root/con Requires Rails.root/con g/ environment.rb Runs Rails.application

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Pro tip: `puts caller` Find it difficult to follow the method calls? Add `puts caller` to con le and start the server.

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Rails.root/con # This file is used by Rack-based servers to start the application. puts caller require ::File.expand_path('../config/environment', __FILE__) run Rails.application

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`puts caller` Then you'll get an output like this...

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`puts caller` from con #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/builder.rb:55:in `instance_eval' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/builder.rb:55:in `initialize' #{Rails.root}/ `new' #{Rails.root}/ `' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/builder.rb:49:in `eval' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/builder.rb:49:in `new_from_string' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/builder.rb:40:in `parse_file' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/server.rb:126:in `build_app_and_options_from_config' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/server.rb:82:in `app' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/server.rb:50:in `app' #{GEM_HOME}/rack-1.5.2/lib/rack/server.rb:163:in `wrapped_app' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/server.rb:130:in `log_to_stdout' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/server.rb:67:in `start' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:82:in `block in server' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:77:in `tap' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:77:in `server' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands/commands_tasks.rb:41:in `run_command!' #{GEM_HOME}/railties-4.1.0.rc1/lib/rails/commands.rb:17:in `' ./bin/rails:8:in `require' ./bin/rails:8:in `'

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Pro tip: `puts caller` Remember to use caller when you get lost in the method call hell.

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Rails.root/con g/ environment.rb require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__) Rails.application.initialize!

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Rails.root/con g/ environment.rb Requires Rails.root/con g/ application.rb Calls Rails.application.initialize!

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Rails.root/con g/ application.rb require 'rails/all' Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module YourApp class Application < Rails::Application end end

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Rails.root/con g/ application.rb Requires 'rails/all' Requires bundled gems De nes Rails.application

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rails/all.rb require "rails" %w( active_record action_controller action_view action_mailer rails/test_unit sprockets ).each do |framework| begin require "#{framework}/railtie" rescue LoadError end end

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rails/all.rb (edited) require 'active_record/railtie' require 'action_controller/railtie' require 'action_view/railtie' require 'action_mailer/railtie' require 'rails/test_unit/railtie' require 'sprockets/railtie'

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*/railtie.rb De nes con gs and initializers, as we have seen already

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And then, what happens next is... Rails.application.initialize!

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Rails.application.initialize! (rails/application.rb) module Rails class Application < Engine def initialize!(group=:default) ... run_initializers(group, self) ... ennnd

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Rails.application.initialize! Calls run_initializers

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run_initializers (rails/initializable.rb) module Rails module Initializable def run_initializers(group=:default, *args) ... initializers.tsort_each do |initializer|*args) if initializer.belongs_to?(group) end ... ennd

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How the initializers are run? Calls #run method for each Initializer object in the initializers collection

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Initializer#run (rails/initializable.rb) module Rails module Initializable class Initializer def run(*args) @context.instance_exec(*args, &block) ennnnd

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Initializer#run It simply instance_execs the stored Proc in some context stored in @context @context is actually the application instance

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All the Initializers (rails/application.rb) module Rails class Application < Engine ... def initializers Bootstrap.initializers_for(self) + railties_initializers(super) + Finisher.initializers_for(self) ennnd

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What's in the initializers collection? (rails/initializable.rb) module Rails module Initializable module ClassMethods def initializer(name, opts = {}, &blk) ... initializers <<, nil, opts, &blk) ennnnd

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What's in the initializers collection? Instances of Rails::Initializable::Initializer Each Initializer just holds a Proc instance (and a name and options) given to Rails::Railtie::Initializable.initializ e method call

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Who calls Rails::Railtie.initialize? Railtie subclasses such as ActiveRecord::Railtie, ActionPack::Railtle, etc.

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rails/commands.rb Requires 'rails/commands/ commands_tasks'

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rails/commands/server.rb ... require 'rails' module Rails class Server < ::Rack::Server def initialize(*) super ENV["RAILS_ENV"] ||= options[:environment] end def start super ennnd

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rails/commands/server.rb Requires 'rails'

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Summary: How Rails server boots Require all gems in the Gem le (bundler) Load all Railties and Engines (con g/application.rb) De ne YourApp::Application inheriting Rails::Application (con g/application.rb) Run Railtie#initializer de ned in each Railtie, Engine, and Application Load each Engine's load_path and routes, then load con g/initializers/* Run Rails.application (con => The next chapter

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Building middleware stack Chapter 5

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con run Rails.application

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run Rails.application With this de nition, the Rack server calls ``

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Rails.application responds_to :call Rails.application is_a Rack app

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Rails.application as a Rack application (railties/lib/rails/applicaiton.rb) module Rails class Application ... def call(env) ... super(env) ennnd

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Rails::Application#call Calls super The super class is Rails::Engine

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Rails::Engine is also a Rack app (railties/lib/rails/engine.rb) module Rails class Engine ... def call(env) ... ennnd

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Rails::Engine is also a Rack app The call goes to

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What's app? (railties/lib/rails/engine.rb) module Rails class Engine ... def app @app ||= begin config.middleware = config.middleware.merge_into(default_middleware_stack) end ennnd

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What's app? app is con g.middleware that contains default_middleware_stack and endpoint

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What is con g.middleware? (rails/engine/con guration.rb) module Rails class Engine class Configuration < ::Rails::Railtie::Configuration def middleware @middleware ||= ennnnd

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What is Rails::Con guration::MiddlewareStackProxy? (rails/con guration.rb) module Rails module Configuration class MiddlewareStackProxy def initialize @operations = [] ennnnd

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What is Rails::Con guration::MiddlewareStackProxy? Basically it's a stack that proxies the Rails middleware stack

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app = default_middlewarestack + endpoint (railties/lib/rails/engine.rb) module Rails class Engine ... def app @app ||= begin config.middleware = config.middleware.merge_into(default_middleware_stack) end ennnd

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What's the endpoint? (rails/engine.rb) module Rails class Engine < Railtie def endpoint self.class.endpoint || routes end def routes @routes ||= ... ennnd

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What's the endpoint? endpoint = routes (is_a ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteS et) by default

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Summary: Building middleware stack The Rack server calls `` It calls the Rails default middleware stack and the endpoint The endpoint is "routes"

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Routes Chapter 6

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Rails.application.routes Usually written in Rails.root/ con g/routes.rb

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An example routes.rb (Rails.root/con g/routes.rb) Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/hello" => "foo#bar" end

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What is routes? Rails.application.routes.class => ActionDispatch::Routing::RouteSet

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Rails.application.routes is also a Rack app (action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet ... def call(env) ennnnd

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What is @router? (action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet ... def initialize(request_class = ActionDispatch::Request) ... @set = @router =, { :parameters_key => PARAMETERS_KEY, :request_class => request_class}) @formatter = @set ennnnd

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What is @router? It's a Journey thing!

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Rails.application.routes is also a Rack app This is how Rails.application's endpoint accepts the Rack request But for now, let's go back to routes.draw DSL

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De ning routes

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routes.draw (action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet def draw(&block) ... eval_block(block) ... end def eval_block(block) ... mapper = mapper.instance_exec(&block) ennnnd

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routes.draw instance_execs the whole given block with an instance of ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper

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This DSL calls AD::Routing::Mapper#get (Rails.root/con g/routes.rb) Rails.application.routes.draw do get "/hello" => "foo#bar" end

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AD::Routing::Mapper#get (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper def get(*args, &block) map_method(:get, args, &block) end def map_method(method, args, &block) ... match(*args, options, &block) ... end def match(path, *rest) ... decomposed_match(_path, route_options) end def decomposed_match(path, options) add_route(path, options) ennnnnd

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AD::Routing::Mapper#get Mapper#get nally goes to Mapper#add_route

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Mapper#add_route (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper ... def add_route(action, options) ... mapping =, @scope, URI.parser.escape(path), options) app, conditions, requirements, defaults, as, anchor = mapping.to_route @set.add_route(app, conditions, requirements, defaults, as, anchor) ennnnnd

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add_routes returns a Journey::Route (action_dispatch/journey/routes.rb) module ActionDispatch module Journey class Routes def add_route(app, path, conditions, defaults, name = nil) route =, app, path, conditions, defaults) route.precedence = routes.length routes << route ennnnd

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Mapper#add_route Finally adds a new Journey::Route to routes Makes a Mapper#to_route call

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Mapper#to_route => app (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper ... def to_route [ app, conditions, requirements, defaults, options[:as], options[:anchor] ] end def app, blocks, @set.request_class) ennnnnnd

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Slide 177 text (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper class Constraints def, constraints, request = Rack::Request) if constraints.any? super(app, constraints, request) else app end ennnnnd

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What is endpoint? (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper class Mapping ... def endpoint to.respond_to?(:call) ? to : dispatcher ennnnnnd

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to.respond_to?(:call) ?? Possibly An endpoint can be a Rack app or a mounted Engine

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to.respond_to?(:call) ?? get "/ok" => ->(env) { [200, {}, ["OK"]] }

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"foo#bar" does not respond_to :call (action_dispatch/routing/mapper.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class Mapper class Mapping ... def dispatcher :defaults => defaults) ennnnnnd

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Dispatcher is a Rack app (action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet class Dispatcher def call(env) ... dispatch(controller, params[:action], env) end def dispatch(controller, action, env) controller.action(action).call(env) ennnnnd

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controller.action(action) is a Rack app > FooController.action('bar') => #

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get "/hello" => "foo#bar" Maps "/hello" to a Proc returned by FooController.action('bar')

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Resolving routes

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Calls to the router

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Rails.application.router module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet def initialize(request_class = ActionDispatch::Request) ... @set = @router =, { :parameters_key => PARAMETERS_KEY, :request_class => request_class}) @formatter = @set ennnnd

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RouteSet#call => Journey::Router#call module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet ... def call(env) ennnnd

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Journey::Router#call It's another long journey... Anyway it resolves the route

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Summary: Routes Rails.application.routes is a Rack app Each routes' endpoint is a Rack app Each controller's each action is a Rack app e.g. 'foo#bar' becomes a Rack app generated by FooController.action('bar') Everything is a Rack app

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Controllers and actions Chapter 7

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What's gonna happen when the server got a Request? controller.action(action).call(env)

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controller.action(action).call(env) (action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb) module ActionDispatch module Routing class RouteSet class Dispatcher def call(env) ... dispatch(controller, params[:action], env) end def dispatch(controller, action, env) controller.action(action).call(env) ennnnnd

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Creating a Request object, and adding a Proc to the stack (action_controller/metal.rb) module ActionController class Metal < AbstractController::Base def self.action(name, klass = ActionDispatch::Request) do |env| new.dispatch(name, end ennnd

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Creating a Response object (action_controller/metal/rack_delegation.rb) module ActionController module RackDelegation def dispatch(action, request) set_response!(request) super(action, request) end def set_response!(request) @_response = @_response.request = request ennnd

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AC::Metal#dispatch (action_controller/metal.rb) module ActionController class Metal < AbstractController::Base def dispatch(name, request) @_request = request @_env = request.env @_env['action_controller.instance'] = self process(name) to_a ennnd

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AC::Metal#dispatch Calls AC::Metal#process

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Controller#process (abstract_controller/base.rb) module AbstractController class Base def process(action, *args) ... process_action(action_name, *args) end private def process_action(method_name, *args) send_action(method_name, *args) end alias send_action send ennnd

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Controller#process_action process_action(action_name, *args) is equivalent to send action_name

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Summary: Controllers and actions The request goes to FooController.action('bar') FooController.action('bar') sets the Rails Request and Response objects to the controller instance Then call goes to FooController#bar via `send` call

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... and more

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