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Distributed ID Generation @nathankleyn

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or, how to make your ID generation less like this:

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and more like this:

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3 main requirements

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1 an ID for every event

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2 IDs must be unique

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3 it must scale well

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Time is hard. Really hard. (Diamond. Hard. See what I did there?)

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Time oracles could solve this problem.

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(No, not that oracle)

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Time oracles could solve this problem.

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NTP tries to solve this problem for the “rest of us”.

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(No, not that NTP?)

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NTP tries to solve this problem for the “rest of us”.

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However, expect ±10ms. (at least)

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That’s ±10ms per machine.

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Hey Bob, what’s the time? It’s 1970! Back in my day... Fucking Bob always thinks it’s 1970. It’s clearly 1980. Look at my hair! No, Karen. It’s 1990. I’m not wearing this antiquated Disney shirt for kicks.

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Time can move backwards or forwards.

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1s ≠ 1000ms

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Representing Numbers In Binary

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Java has many numeric data types.

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However it has no unsigned variants.* This is no longer strictly true in Java 8, however it’s a trick: they’re still signed types, but now there’s a bunch of functions to do unsigned operations on them (eg. unsignedDivide).

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So in Java the MSB is for the sign: 1000000000000 1 when negative and 0 when positive. So the above is a short and is -4096.

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Some languages make it hard to use the signed bit.

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A Java long is 64-bits. So we have 63 usable bits.

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The Epoch

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An epoch is a marker of time relative to true time.

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Unix time is an epoch measured relative to 00:00:00.000 1/1/1970.

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We can define our own epoch.

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So in 1 year it will be 31,536,000. Unix time will be ~1,456,348,092,000.

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Why is this useful? Because it allows us to compress the storage of time.

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Redis is awesome, fast and stable.

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It supports scripting via Lua.

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We can create a Lua script to make an ID inside Redis.

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Redis is not distributed.* Redis clustering will arrive in v3.

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We can round-robin between a bunch of Redis servers to achieve distribution.

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k-sorting = “roughly sorting”

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IDs should provide only k- sorting guarantees.

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How It’s Done

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Our 64-bit IDs look like this:

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ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBCCCCCCCCCC DDDDDDDDDDDD B is the timestamp in milliseconds since custom epoch bits (41 bits).

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The Timestamp

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Represented in 41 bits using a custom epoch.

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This allows ~69 years of continuous ID generation.

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Note this is the first part of the ID, so it has the most bearing on sorting.

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Sorting IDs sorts by time strictly, remainder of ID roughly (ie. k-sorted).

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Logical Shard ID

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We want to be able to have many Redis servers.

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We allow 10 bits for this ID, so we can have up to 1024 ID generation machines.

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We give a fixed ID to each Redis server and it stamps its IDs with this ever after.

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The Sequence

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What happens if you ask the same Redis server to generate multiple IDs in a millisecond?

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The sequence ensures IDs are never duplicated when this happens.

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We rotate a 12-bit number.

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We roll back to 0 when it reaches 4905.

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That means a maximum of 4096 IDs per node per millisecond.

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If the sequence rolls over twice in the same millisecond, we block until the time changes.

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Distributing The Load

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Simple round-robin between the Redis servers.

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Retry 5 times before failing.

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Fin Questions?