Catching Up and Moving
Forward with New iOS
Functions for a New User
Sungmin Park / LINE
Tatsuya Tanaka / Yahoo! JAPAN
Kohki Miki (giginet) / LINE
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Sungmin Park / LINE
iOS/Android Experience Dev Team
Engineering Manager
Tatsuya Tanaka / @tattn / Yahoo! JAPAN
CTO Office
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Kohki Miki / @giginet / LINE
Developer Experience Dev Team
Senior Engineer
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New iOS features in LINE
Widgets on Lock Screen
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New iOS features in LINE
Send Images on LINE watchOS
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iOS 16
Lock Screen Widgets
11apps supported
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Hairstyle Simulation
Pick a hairstyle
Take a selfie
How to simulate
A selfie A picked hairstyle
Eye, Nose,
Mouth, Contour Hairstyle
Original Extract Generate
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Look back WWDC22
Unveiling iOS 16 and new features
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Topics - First Impression of WWDC22
- Technique to exploit Developer Labs
- Looking back implementation of new features
this year
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Ideal and Reality
Adopting to New User Experience in your
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Topics - How to improve User Experience
- Promoting New User Experience in your team
- Trade-off between User Experience and
business goals