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Reactive DOs and DONTs Sergei Egorov, Pivotal @bsideup

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• Staff Engineer at Pivotal, Project Reactor team • Oracle Groundbreakers Ambassador • Berlin Spring User Group co-organizer • Testcontainers co-maintainer About me @bsideup

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My first experience with reactive programming was like…

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1 week later…

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I agree with Heinrich Apfelmus that the essence of functional reactive programming is to specify the dynamic behavior of a value completely at the time of declaration. “Reactive Sir” @bsideup

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1 week of production later…

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So I went to the Gods…

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Stephane @smaldini Maldini, Project Reactor’s team lead @bsideup Ex-

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He was my manager, lol Stephane @smaldini Maldini, Project Reactor’s team lead @bsideup Ex-

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Stephane @smaldini Maldini, Project Reactor’s team lead @bsideup Ex-

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The Reactive Lord has given unto you these fifteen…

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Ten! Ten commandments, for all to obey.

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Learn functional programming DO @bsideup

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@bsideup Haskell?

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@bsideup Haskell?

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Lazy evaluation

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Mono.fromRunnable() @bsideup

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Mono.fromRunnable() My code @bsideup

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Mono.fromRunnable() My code My code @bsideup

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Mono.fromRunnable() My code My code My code Work! @bsideup

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Mono.fromRunnable().subscribe() @bsideup

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An ideal app subscribes only once @bsideup

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Quiz static void addLogging(Flux flux) { flux.doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... Flux items = getFlux(); addLogging(items); items.subscribe(); @bsideup

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Quiz static void addLogging(Flux flux) { flux.doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... Flux items = getFlux(); addLogging(items); items.subscribe(); 1. Will print both items and errors @bsideup

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Quiz static void addLogging(Flux flux) { flux.doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... Flux items = getFlux(); addLogging(items); items.subscribe(); 1. Will print both items and errors 2. Will only print items, not errors @bsideup

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Quiz static void addLogging(Flux flux) { flux.doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... Flux items = getFlux(); addLogging(items); items.subscribe(); 1. Will print both items and errors 2. Will only print items, not errors 3. Will not print anything @bsideup

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Quiz static void addLogging(Flux flux) { flux.doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... Flux items = getFlux(); addLogging(items); items.subscribe(); 1. Will print both items and errors 2. Will only print items, not errors 3. Will not print anything @bsideup

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public Mono map(Function super T, ? extends R> mapper) { return new MonoMap<>(this, mapper); } Immutability of reactive operators @bsideup Mono.just("Hello") .map(it -> it + " World!") .map(String::length)

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public Mono map(Function super T, ? extends R> mapper) { return new MonoMap<>(this, mapper); } Immutability of reactive operators @bsideup Mono.just("Hello") .map(it -> it + " World!") .map(String::length)

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static Flux addLogging(Flux flux) { return flux .doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... getFlux() .transform(flux -> addLogging(flux)) .subscribe(); @bsideup Always return…

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static Flux addLogging(Flux flux) { return flux .doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... getFlux() .transform(flux -> addLogging(flux)) .subscribe(); … and use the returned value! @bsideup

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static Flux addLogging(Flux flux) { return flux .doOnNext(it -> println("Received " + it)) .doOnError(e -> e.printStackTrace()); } // ... getFlux() .transform(flux -> addLogging(flux)) .subscribe(); … and use the returned value! @bsideup

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Higher-order functions

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> System.out.println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> System.out.println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> System.out.println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> System.out.println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions Less scopes @bsideup

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Mono userIdMono = getUserId(); userIdMono.subscribe(userId -> { Mono userMono = getUser(userId); userMono.subscribe(user -> { if (isUserValid(user)) { println("User: " + user); } }); }); // vs getUserId() .flatMap(userId -> getUser(userId)) .filter(user -> isUserValid(user)) .subscribe(user -> println("User: " + user)); Higher-order functions Composition @bsideup

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Side effects are not welcomed

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https:/ / @bsideup

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Avoid side effects Flux users = getUsers(); return users.doOnNext(user -> { storeUser(user); }); @bsideup

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Avoid side effects Flux users = getUsers(); return users.doOnNext(user -> { storeUser(user); }); Side effect! void storeUser(User user) { // } @bsideup

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Avoid side effects Flux users = getUsers(); return users.concatMap(user -> storeUser(user)); Mono storeUser(User user) { // } @bsideup

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“things you do in your (async) callbacks should never take (significant) time” Stephane Maldini, 2019 @bsideup

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Errors are side effects too return fetchUsers().map(json -> { try { return decodeJSON(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); @bsideup

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Errors are side effects too return fetchUsers().map(json -> { try { return decodeJSON(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); @bsideup

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Errors are side effects too return fetchUsers().map(json -> { try { return decodeJSON(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); return fetchUsers().handle((json, sink) -> { try {; } catch (IOException e) { sink.error(e); } }); @bsideup

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Errors are side effects too return fetchUsers().map(json -> { try { return decodeJSON(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); return fetchUsers().handle((json, sink) -> { try {; } catch (IOException e) { sink.error(e); } }); @bsideup

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Errors are side effects too return fetchUsers().map(json -> { try { return decodeJSON(json); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); return fetchUsers().handle((json, sink) -> { try {; } catch (IOException e) { sink.error(e); } }); No need to wrap with RuntimeException @bsideup

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use it for heavy computations DON’T @bsideup

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~5x Overhead

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.flatMap .concatMap(this::calculateHash) .delayUntil(this::squareRoot)

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.flatMap .concatMap .delayUntil(this::squareRoot)

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.flatMap .concatMap .publishOn

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.flatMap .concatMap .publishOn Queue Queue Queue

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No content

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No content

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check various operators DO @bsideup

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“Reactive starter pack” • map • filter • flatMap • take • subscribeOn/publishOn @bsideup

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“flatMaps” • flatMap - transform every item concurrently into a sub-stream, and join the current and the sub-stream. @bsideup

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“flatMaps” • flatMap - transform every item concurrently into a sub-stream, and join the current and the sub-stream. • concatMap - same as flatMap, but one-by-one @bsideup

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“flatMaps” • flatMap - transform every item concurrently into a sub-stream, and join the current and the sub-stream. • concatMap - same as flatMap, but one-by-one • switchMap - same as concatMap, but will cancel the previous sub- stream when a new item arrives @bsideup

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“flatMaps” • flatMap - transform every item concurrently into a sub-stream, and join the current and the sub-stream. • concatMap - same as flatMap, but one-by-one • switchMap - same as concatMap, but will cancel the previous sub- stream when a new item arrives • flatMapSequential - same as flatMap, but preserves the order of sub- stream items according to the original stream’s order @bsideup

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Which operator to use?

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No content

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block non-blocking threads DON’T @bsideup

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block non-blocking threads DON’T @bsideup

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How reactive frameworks schedule tasks @bsideup

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Default thread pools Schedulers.parallel() - N threads, where N matches the CPUs count. Schedulers.single() - 1 thread handling all submitted tasks Schedulers.boundedElastic() - dynamic, thread caching capped pool @bsideup

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Mono.delay(ofSeconds(1)) @bsideup

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Mono.delay(ofSeconds(1)) Mono.delay(ofSeconds(1), Schedulers.parallel()) @bsideup

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Mono.delay(ofSeconds(1)) Mono.delay(ofSeconds(1), Schedulers.parallel()) Every non-instant operation 
 runs on the parallel scheduler
 by default! @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Non-blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Non-blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Non-blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Non-blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Non-blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Blocking execution ⚠ no more tasks scheduled 
 until this task returns @bsideup

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How to fix?

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Project Loom

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Use non-blocking APIs, or…

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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parallel-1 parallel-2 parallel-3 parallel-4 Custom thread pool! custom-1 custom-2 @bsideup

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Demo outcomes • Blocking calls are bad, m’kay? • They may sneak into your production system • Use to detect them • Supports multiple frameworks (Reactor, RxJava, etc) • … and maybe even Kotlin: • Use a dedicated pool for the necessary blocking calls, or schedule them on the Schedulers.boundedElastic() built-in pool if they happen rarely @bsideup

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“I use async APIs and I am safe!”

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Yeah… sure.

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Are you sure?

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KafkaProducer#send(ProducerRecord,Callback) @bsideup

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KafkaProducer#send(ProducerRecord,Callback) “Asynchronously send a record to a topic and invoke the provided callback when the send has been acknowledged.” - Javadoc @bsideup

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KafkaProducer#send(ProducerRecord,Callback) “Asynchronously send a record to a topic and invoke the provided callback when the send has been acknowledged.” - Javadoc java.lang.Error: Blocking call! java.lang.Object#wait at reactor.BlockHound$Builder.lambda$new$0( at reactor.BlockHound$Builder.lambda$install$8( at reactor.BlockHoundRuntime.checkBlocking( at java.lang.Object.wait( at org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata.awaitUpdate( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.waitOnMetadata( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.doSend( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.send( @bsideup

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KafkaProducer#send(ProducerRecord,Callback) “Asynchronously send a record to a topic and invoke the provided callback when the send has been acknowledged.” - Javadoc java.lang.Error: Blocking call! java.lang.Object#wait at reactor.BlockHound$Builder.lambda$new$0( at reactor.BlockHound$Builder.lambda$install$8( at reactor.BlockHoundRuntime.checkBlocking( at java.lang.Object.wait( at org.apache.kafka.clients.Metadata.awaitUpdate( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.waitOnMetadata( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.doSend( at org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer.send( @bsideup

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long remainingWaitMs = maxWaitMs; long elapsed; // Issue metadata requests until we have metadata for the topic or maxWaitTimeMs is exceeded. // In case we already have cached metadata for the topic, but the requested partition is greater // than expected, issue an update request only once. This is necessary in case the metadata // is stale and the number of partitions for this topic has increased in the meantime. do { log.trace("Requesting metadata update for topic {}.", topic); metadata.add(topic); int version = metadata.requestUpdate(); sender.wakeup(); try { metadata.awaitUpdate(version, remainingWaitMs); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { // Rethrow with original maxWaitMs to prevent logging exception with remainingWaitMs throw new TimeoutException("Failed to update metadata after " + maxWaitMs + " ms."); } cluster = metadata.fetch(); elapsed = time.milliseconds() - begin; if (elapsed >= maxWaitMs) throw new TimeoutException("Failed to update metadata after " + maxWaitMs + " ms."); if (cluster.unauthorizedTopics().contains(topic)) throw new TopicAuthorizationException(topic); remainingWaitMs = maxWaitMs - elapsed; partitionsCount = cluster.partitionCountForTopic(topic); } while (partitionsCount == null); waitOnMetadata(record.topic(), record.partition(), maxBlockTimeMs); Default is “60 seconds” @bsideup

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Start gradually DO @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll(); } } interface UsersRepository { List findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll(); } } interface UsersRepository { List findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll(); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll(); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .collectList() .block(); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .collectList() .timeout(Mono.delay(ofSeconds(10))) .retry(5) .block(); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; Flux getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .timeout(Mono.delay(ofSeconds(10))) .retry(5); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers().stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; Flux getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .timeout(Mono.delay(ofSeconds(10))) .retry(5); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") Flux getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers() .map(UserDTO::new); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; Flux getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .timeout(Mono.delay(ofSeconds(10))) .retry(5); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } @bsideup

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Before: class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") List getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers() .stream() .map(UserDTO::new) .collect(toList()); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; List getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll(); } } interface UsersRepository { List findAll(); } class UsersController { UsersService usersService; @GetMapping("/users") Flux getUsers() { return usersService.getUsers() .map(UserDTO::new); } } class UsersService { UsersRepository usersRepository; Flux getUsers() { return usersRepository.findAll() .timeout(Mono.delay(ofSeconds(10))) .retry(5); } } interface UsersRepository { Flux findAll(); } After:

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use ThreadLocals DON’T @bsideup

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Synchronous programming • 1 request == 1 thread • Everything is blocking, the execution continues on the same thread • ThreadLocals work just fine @bsideup

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Asynchronous programming • 1 request will most probably be handled by multiple threads • Everything is non-blocking, an accepted request may be returned to the client from another thread • ThreadLocals must be propagated from one thread to another @bsideup

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Mono .deferWithContext(ctx -> { return this.getUser(ctx.get("userId")); }) // Later in the framework (e.g. Spring Security) .subscriberContext(Context.of("userId", "bsideup")) .subscribe(); @bsideup

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Mono .deferWithContext(ctx -> { return this.getUser(ctx.get("userId")); }) // Later in the framework (e.g. Spring Security) .subscriberContext(Context.of("userId", "bsideup")) .subscribe(); @bsideup

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Mono .deferWithContext(ctx -> { return this.getUser(ctx.get("userId")); }) // Later in the framework (e.g. Spring Security) .subscriberContext(Context.of("userId", "bsideup")) .subscribe(); @bsideup

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Schedulers.onScheduleHook(fn) @bsideup

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Schedulers.onScheduleHook(fn) @bsideup Schedulers.onScheduleHook("myHook", runnable -> { println("Before every scheduled runnable"); return () -> { println("Before execution");; println("After execution"); }; });

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Schedulers.onScheduleHook(fn) @bsideup Schedulers.onScheduleHook("mdc", runnable -> { String userId = MDC.get("userId"); return () -> { MDC.put("userId", userId); try {; } finally { MDC.remove("userId"); } }; });

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think about the resiliency DO @bsideup

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“Error… is a signal.” Stephane Maldini, year unknown @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor • .timeout(Duration) - cancel the subscription and fail if no items emitted @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor • .timeout(Duration) - cancel the subscription and fail if no items emitted • .retry()/retryWithBackoff() - retry the subscription on failure @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor • .timeout(Duration) - cancel the subscription and fail if no items emitted • .retry()/retryWithBackoff() - retry the subscription on failure • .repeatWhenEmpty() - repeat the subscription when it completes without values @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor • .timeout(Duration) - cancel the subscription and fail if no items emitted • .retry()/retryWithBackoff() - retry the subscription on failure • .repeatWhenEmpty() - repeat the subscription when it completes without values • .defaultIfEmpty() - fallback when empty @bsideup

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Resiliency with Reactor • .timeout(Duration) - cancel the subscription and fail if no items emitted • .retry()/retryWithBackoff() - retry the subscription on failure • .repeatWhenEmpty() - repeat the subscription when it completes without values • .defaultIfEmpty() - fallback when empty • .onErrorResume() - fallback on error @bsideup

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care about the threads DON’T @bsideup

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You may ask… • “How do I get the current Scheduler?” • “Why does flatMap changes the thread?” • …”Why it does not?” @bsideup

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The answer is…

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You. Should.

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You. Should. Not.

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You. Should. Not. Care.

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Prepare for day 2 DO @bsideup

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Demo outcomes • Use .checkpoint(“something”) to “mark” reactive “milestones” • Read about Hooks.onOperatorDebug()… • … but use reactor-tools’ ReactorDebugAgent (works in prod too) • subscription - great article from Simon Basle about the internals @bsideup

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Be afraid of reactive programming ;) DON’T @bsideup

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Spring Webflux @bsideup

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Developer experience is one of the main focuses in Reactor 3.3…

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… and we just started

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Summary • Learn functional programming • Check various operators • Think about the resiliency • Start gradually • Prepare for day 2 • Use it for heavy computations • Care about the threads • Block non-blocking threads • Use ThreadLocals • Be afraid of it ;) DO… DON’T… @bsideup

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@bsideup bsideup