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P4 Introduction Define your network packet forwarding on switch using P4 2018/04/18, Hsinchu, PyHUG Presenter: Shan-Jung Fu (Samina)

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● Shan-Jung Fu (Samina) ○ National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan ○ Wireless Internet Laboratory ● Department of Computer Science ● ITRI Intern ● Was a Information Technology Service Center Network & System Engineer @ NCTU before ● GitHub: @sufuf3 ● Twitter: @sufuf3149 About Me 2

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 3

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 4

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What is P4 ● Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors ○ processors: eg. switches, smart NIC, etc ● Web site: ● GitHub: ● White Paper(July 2014) 5

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● A high-level language ● Can program the network data plane What is P4 (Cont’d) Ref: 6

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 7

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● Network changes Motivation ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits 2014 P4: Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors 2008 Software Defined Networking (SDN) with OpenFlow Before 2008 Traditional Network 8

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● Using SDN to solve the problems of traditional network ● The problems of traditional network are ○ Closed equipment ■ Software bundled with hardware ■ Vendor-specific CLI interfaces ○ Networks are hard to evolve ■ Networks are stuck in the past ● Routing algorithms change very slowly ● Network management extremely primitive ○ Networks design not based on formal principles ■ Networks used to be simple ● Basic Ethernet/IP straightforward ■ New control requirements have led to complexity ● ACLs, VLANs, TE, Middleboxes, DPI,… ○ … etc. Traditional network problem ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits 9

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● What is Software-Defined Networking(SDN) ○ Physical separation of the network control plane from the forwarding plane (data plane) ○ Control plane controls several devices ○ The network control to become directly programmable SDN ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Ref: 10

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SDN with OpenFlow ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Ref: nflow/openflow-spec-v1.4.0.pdf#page=9 11

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● OpenFlow explicitly specifies protocol headers on which it operates. This set has grown from 12 to 41 fields in a few years, increasing the complexity of the specification while still not providing the flexibility to add new headers. Using P4 to solve Openflow problems ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Versio n Date Header Fields OF 1.0 Dec 2009 12 fields (Ethernet, TCP/IPv4) OF 1.1 Feb 2011 15 fields (MPLS, inter-table metadata) OF 1.2 Dec 2011 36 fields (ARP, ICMP, IPv6, etc.) OF 1.3 Jun 2012 40 fields OF 1.4 Oct 2013 41 fields Ref: 12

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● Reconfigurability in the field ○ Controller can redefine the packet parsing & processing in the field ● Protocol independence ○ Switches should not be tied to any specific network protocols. ○ Controller should be able to specify ■ A packet parser for extracting header fields with particular names and types ■ A collection of typed match + action tables that process these headers ● Target independence ○ Programmers should be able to describe packet-processing functionality independently of the specifics of the underlying hardware. The goals of P4 ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Ref: 13

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Compared to state-of-the-art packet-processing systems ● Flexibility ● Expressiveness ● Resource mapping and management ● Software engineering ● Component libraries ● Decoupling hardware and software evolution ● Debugging Benefits of P4 ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Ref: 14

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Benefits of Data Plane Programmability ● New Features - Add new protocols ● Reduce complexity - Remove unused protocols ● Efficient use of resources - flexible use of tables ● Greater visibility - New diagnostic techniques, telemetry, etc. ● Software style development - rapid design cycle, fast innovation, fix data plane bugs in the field ● You keep your own ideas Think programming rather than protocols... Benefits of P4 (Cont’d) ● Why P4 ○ Motivation ○ Benefits Ref: 15

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 16

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 18

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● Headers ○ Describes the sequence & structure of a series of fields ● Parsers ○ Specifies how to identify headers & valid header sequences within packets ● Tables (match + action tables) ○ The mechanism for performing packet processing ● Actions ○ P4 supports construction of complex actions from simpler protocol-independent primitives. These complex actions are available within match + action tables. ● Control Program ○ Determines the order of tables that are applied to a packet. A simple imperative program describe the flow of control between match + action tables Key Components of P4 19

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ○ Program Template ○ Approach ■ Target ■ Architecture ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 20

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P4 16 Program Template ● P4 16 Language ○ Program Template ○ Approach ■ Target ■ Architecture Ref: 21

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P4 16 Approach ● ● P4 16 Language ○ Program Template ○ Approach ■ Target ■ Architecture Ref: Term Explanation P4 Target An embodiment of a specific hardware implementation P4 Architecture Provides an interface to program a target via some set of P4-programmable components, externs, fixed components 22

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Programming a P4 Target ● ● P4 16 Language ○ Program Template ○ Approach ■ Target ■ Architecture Ref: 23

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P4 16 Architecature ● P4 16 Language ○ Program Template ○ Approach ■ Target ■ Architecture ● Ingress Pipeline ● Egress Pipeline ● Traffic Manager ○ N:1 Relationships: Package Queueing, Congestion Control ○ 1:N Relationships: Replication ○ Scheduling Ref: orial.pdf 24

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ○ Topology ○ Source code ○ Explain ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 25

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Basic Forwarding: Topology ● For every packet, the L3 switch must perform: ○ Update the source and destination MAC addresses ○ Decrement the time-to-live (TTL) in the IP header ○ Forward the packet out the appropriate port ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 26 ● Have a single table: the control plane will populate with static rules ● Each rule will map an IP address to the MAC address and output port for the next hop ● Already defined the control plane rules

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Basic Forwarding: Source code ● Code: _East/exercises/basic/solution/basic.p4 ● Ref: ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 27

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Explain ● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation ○ Deparser ● Switch ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 28

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● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation ○ Deparser ● Switch Explain ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 29

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● Include P4 core library ○ Defines some standard data-types and error codes ○ ● basic/solution/basic.p4#L2-L5 Ref: Some Elements #include #include const bit<16> TYPE_IPV4 = 0x800; 30

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● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation ○ Deparser ● Switch Explain ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 31

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Headers typedef bit<9> egressSpec_t; typedef bit<48> macAddr_t; typedef bit<32> ip4Addr_t; header ethernet_t { macAddr_t dstAddr; macAddr_t srcAddr; bit<16> etherType; } ● Typedef ○ Alternative name for a type ● Basic Types ○ bit ○ bit == bit<1> ○ int ○ varbit ● Header Types ○ Ordered collection of members olution/basic.p4#L11-L19 32

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Headers (Cont’d) header ipv4_t { bit<4> version; bit<4> ihl; bit<8> diffserv; bit<16> totalLen; bit<16> identification; bit<3> flags; bit<13> fragOffset; bit<8> ttl; bit<8> protocol; bit<16> hdrChecksum; ip4Addr_t srcAddr; ip4Addr_t dstAddr; } olution/basic.p4#L21-L34 33

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● Other useful types ● Struct ○ Unordered collection of members (with no alignment restrictions) ● Header Stack ○ array of headers ● Header Union ○ one of several headers Headers (Cont’d) struct metadata { /* empty */ } struct headers { ethernet_t ethernet; ipv4_t ipv4; } olution/basic.p4#L36-L43 34

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● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation ○ Deparser ● Switch Explain ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 35

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Parser parser MyParser(packet_in packet, out headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { state start { transition parse_ethernet; } state parse_ethernet { packet.extract(hdr.ethernet); transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType) { TYPE_IPV4: parse_ipv4; default: accept; } } state parse_ipv4 { packet.extract(hdr.ipv4); transition accept; } } olution/basic.p4#L49-L71 36

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parser MyParser(packet_in packet, out headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { state start { transition parse_ethernet; } state parse_ethernet { packet.extract(hdr.ethernet); transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType) { TYPE_IPV4: parse_ipv4; default: accept; } } state parse_ipv4 { packet.extract(hdr.ipv4); transition accept; } } Parser (Cont’d) Parsers are functions that map packets into headers and metadata, written in a state machine style ● packet_in: reads its input from a packet_in ● in: read-only ● out: are treated as a storage ● inout: both in & out 37

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parser MyParser(packet_in packet, out headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { state start { transition parse_ethernet; } state parse_ethernet { packet.extract(hdr.ethernet); transition select(hdr.ethernet.etherType) { TYPE_IPV4: parse_ipv4; default: accept; } } state parse_ipv4 { packet.extract(hdr.ipv4); transition accept; } } Every parser has three predefined states ● start ● accept ● reject Parser (Cont’d) select statement that can be used to branch in a parser 38

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● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification (CV) ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation (CC) ○ Deparser ● Switch Explain ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain 39

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● Similar to C functions (without loops) ● Can declare variables, create tables, instantiate externs, etc. ● Functionality specified by code in apply statement ● Represent all kinds of processing that are expressible as DAG(Directed Acyclic Graph): ○ Additional forms of packet processing (updating checksums) ○ Match-Action Pipelines ○ Deparsers Controls control MyVerifyChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) { apply { } } Evaluating a program that has several instantiations of the same component. parameters of control ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 40

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Controls (Cont’d) ● The control instances enclose controllable entities: ○ actions ○ tables ○ keys ○ extern instances ● Control flow control MyIngress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { action drop() { ... } action ipv4_forward(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) { standard_metadata.egress_spec = port; hdr.ethernet.srcAddr = hdr.ethernet.dstAddr; hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = dstAddr; hdr.ipv4.ttl = hdr.ipv4.ttl - 1; } table ipv4_lpm { ... } apply { //bosy of the pipeline if (hdr.ipv4.isValid()) { ipv4_lpm.apply(); } } } ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 41

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● After the switch parse headers’ value, the switch needs to do something to update some of the headers’ value. ● How does the switch update the headers’ value? 1. Write some logical program to deal with them ■ Action function 2. Does the actions according to the rules which are sent from the SDN controller ■ Table function Controls (Cont’d) ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 42

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Controls (Cont’d) ● Actions ○ Very similar to C functions ○ Reside in tables; invoked automatically on table match. ○ Can be declared inside a control or globally ○ Parameters have type and direction ○ Variables can be instantiated inside ○ Many standard arithmetic and logical operations are supported ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 43

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● Tables ○ The fundamental unit of a Match-Action Pipeline ○ Specifies what data to match on and match kind ○ Specifies a list of possible actions ○ Optionally specifies a number of table properties ■ Size ■ Default action ■ Static entries ■ etc. ○ Each table contains one or more entries (rules) ○ An entry contains: ■ A specific key to match on ■ A single action that is executed when a packet matches the entry ■ Action data (possibly empty) Controls (Cont’d) ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 44

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table ipv4_lpm { key = { hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: lpm; } action = { ipv4_forward; drop; NoAction; } size = 1024; default_action = NoAction(); } Controls (Cont’d) Data Plane (P4) Program ● Defines the format of table ○ Key Fields ○ Actions ○ Action Data ● Performs the lookup ● Executes the chosen action Control Plane (IP stack, Routing protocols) ● Populates table entries with specific information ○ Based on the configuration, automatic discovery, protocol calculations Tables(Cont’d) ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 45 table_add ipv4_lpm ipv4_forward => 00:00:00:00:01:01 1 Longest prefix match

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Controls (Cont’d) Ref: Tables(Cont’d) ● Match-Action Processing ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 46

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Checksum Verification ● No built-in constructs in P4 16 for manipulating packet checksums ● You can write your checksum verification ● Ref: control MyVerifyChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) { apply { } } olution/basic.p4#L77-L79 ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 47

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Ingress Processing control MyIngress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { action drop() { mark_to_drop(); } action ipv4_forward(macAddr_t dstAddr, egressSpec_t port) { standard_metadata.egress_spec = port; hdr.ethernet.srcAddr = hdr.ethernet.dstAddr; hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = dstAddr; hdr.ipv4.ttl = hdr.ipv4.ttl - 1; } table ipv4_lpm { key = { hdr.ipv4.dstAddr: lpm; } action = { ipv4_forward; drop; NoAction; } size = 1024; default_action = NoAction(); } apply { if (hdr.ipv4.isValid()) { ipv4_lpm.apply(); } } } 018_East/exercises/basic/solution/basic.p4#L86-L118 ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 48

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control MyEgress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { apply { } } Egress Processing ● Egress processing L124-L128 ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 49

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Checksum Computation control MyComputeChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) { apply { update_checksum( hdr.ipv4.isValid(), { hdr.ipv4.version, hdr.ipv4.ihl, hdr.ipv4.diffserv, hdr.ipv4.totalLen, hdr.ipv4.identification, hdr.ipv4.flags, hdr.ipv4.fragOffset, hdr.ipv4.ttl, hdr.ipv4.protocol, hdr.ipv4.srcAddr, hdr.ipv4.dstAddr }, hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum, HashAlgorithm.csum16); } } Computes the checksum of the supplied data n/basic.p4#L134-L152 ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 50

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Deparser ● Assembles the headers back into a well-formed packet ● P4 16 does not provide a separate language for packet deparsing ● Deparsing is done in a control block that has at least one parameter of type packet_out ● packet_out extern is defined in core.p4: emit(hdr): serializes header if it is valid ● Advantages: ○ Makes deparsing explicit...but decouples from parsing control MyDeparser(packet_out packet, in headers hdr){ apply { packet.emit(hdr.ethernet); packet.emit(hdr.ipv4); } } 58-L163 ● Controls ○ CV ○ Ingress ○ Egress ○ CC ○ Deparser 51

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Explain ● Topology ● Source code ● Explain ● Some Elements ● Headers ● Parser ● Controls ○ Checksum Verification ○ Ingress Processing ○ Egress Processing ○ Checksum Computation ○ Deparser ● Switch 52

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● Instantiate the top-level V1Switch package ● All the arguments of the V1Switch package constructor have been evaluated (instances of MyParser, MyVerifyChecksum ...). ● Their signatures are matched w/ the V1Switch declaration ● The result of the program evaluation is the value of the main variable Switch V1Switch( MyParser(), MyVerifyChecksum(), MyIngress(), MyEgress(), MyComputeChecksum(), MyDeparser() ) main; 69-L176 53

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 54

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P4 Tools & Environments ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ Packet Test Framework (PTF) ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ Behavioral Model (BMv2) ○ Programmable Network Devices Ref: 55

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P4 Compiler ● p4c ● A new, alpha-quality reference compiler ● Supports both P4 14 and P4 16 ● Provides a standard frontend and midend which can be combined with a target-specific backend to create a complete P4 compiler ● The compiler supports several backends: ○ p4c-bmv2 – targets the behavioral model ○ p4c-ebpf, p4c-graphs, p4test … etc. ● Repository: Eg. $ p4c -b bmv2-ss-p4org program.p4 -o program.bmv2.json ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 56

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● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices P4 Runtime ● Runtime control of P4 data planes Ref: 57

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P4 Runtime (Cont’d) Ref: ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices ● Framework for control plane software to control forwarding plane ○ ○ Initial contribution by Google and Barefoot ● Work-in-progress by the API WG ● Protobuf-based API definition ○ p4runtime.proto ○ gRPC as a possible RPC transport ● P4 program-independent ○ API doesn’t change with the P4 program ● Enables field-reconfigurability ○ Ability to push new P4 program without recompiling deployed switches ● A runtime API & protocol for controlling data-plane programs ● Can be used for local or remote control plane 58

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Ref: P4 Runtime (Cont’d) ● P4Runtime workflow ● Captures P4 program attributes needed at runtime ○ IDs for tables, actions, params, etc. ○ Table structure, action parameters, etc. ● Protobuf-based format ● Target-independent compiler output ○ Same P4Info for BMv2, ASIC, etc. ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 59

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Ref: P4 Runtime (Cont’d) ● Can be used for ○ Local control plane ○ Remote control plane ○ Local control plane ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 60

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Ref: P4 Runtime (Cont’d) ● Can be used for ○ Local control plane ○ Remote control plane ○ ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 61

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Packet Test Framework ● PTF ● A Python based dataplane test framework ● Based on unittest ● Enables configuring a switch and creating tests that send, receive, and verify packets of different formats. ● PTF interfaces with P4 Runtime. ● Repository: ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 62

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P4 Container ● A Docker container ● pre-packaged with a development environment ● Can compile & deploy P4 programs using simple configuration rules ● Repository: ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 63

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Behavioral Model ● aka behavioral model ● nicknamed BMv2 ● The second version of the P4 software switch ● A simulation environment to run the P4 software switch, standalone or in Mininet ● Allows you to easily simulate new architectures by implementing new externs ● Enabling you to organize the forwarding elements as needed ● Repository: ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices 64

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Programmable Network Devices ● Tools ○ P4 Compiler ○ P4 Runtime ○ PTF ○ P4 Container ● Environments ○ BMv2 ○ Network Devices ● Protocol-Independent Switch Architecture (PISA): Flexible Match+Action ASICs ○ Intel Flexpipe, Cisco Doppler, Cavium (Xpliant), Barefoot Tofino, ... ● Network Processor Unit (NPU) ○ EZchip, Netronome, ... ● CPU ○ Open Vswitch, eBPF, DPDK, VPP... ● Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) ○ Xilinx, Altera, ... Ref: 65

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ○ Implementing ECN ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 66

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Hands-On ● Let’s implement Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) ● You could refer to all P4 tutorials: ● This hands-on is ref to East/exercises/ecn 67

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Implementing ECN ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining required software ○ Get exercises code ● Steps ○ Run the (incomplete) starter code ○ Implement ECN ○ Run the solution 68

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What is ECN ● Explicit Congestion Notification ● Extend basic L3 forwarding ● Allows end-to-end notification of network congestion without dropping packets ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution Ref: 69

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What is ECN (Cont’d) ● Puts 1 or 2 value in the ipv4.ecn field ● Each switch may change the value to 3 if the queue size is larger than a threshold ● The receiver copies the value to sender, and the sender can lower the rate ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution ● Type of Service field ● DSCP(DiffServ Code Points RFC 2474) + ECN (RFC 3168) Ref: 70

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What is ECN (Cont’d) ● Explicit Congestion Notification ○ 00: Non ECN-Capable Transport, Non-ECT ○ 10: ECN Capable Transport, ECT(0) ○ 01: ECN Capable Transport, ECT(1) ○ 11: Congestion Encountered, CE ● For packets originating from ECT, ECN-capable switches set the CE bit upon congestion ○ E.g., observed queue depth > threshold ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution Ref: 71

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● These are two ways to setup P4 Env ○ OS & HW requirement ■ OS: Ubuntu 16.04 64-bits ■ CPU: at least 2 cores ■ RAM: at least 2G ■ Disk: at least 25G ○ Build your env by yourself (not root), after finish OS installation ○ Download VM (ovf file) $ wget -O && sudo bash && wget -O - | bash Before Hands-on ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution Ref: 72

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Run the (incomplete) starter code ● Please just follow this README: exercises/ecn ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution 73

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Implement ECN ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution header ipv4_t { bit<4>version; bit<4>ihl; bit<8>tos; bit<16> totalLen; bit<16> identification; bit<3>flags; bit<13> fragOffset; bit<8>ttl; bit<8>protocol; bit<16> hdrChecksum; ip4Addr_t srcAddr; ip4Addr_t dstAddr; } ● Before bit<6> diffserv; bit<2> ecn; ● After 74

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Implement ECN (Cont’d) ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution control MyEgress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { apply { /* * TODO: * - if ecn is 1 or 2 * - compare standard_metadata.enq_qdepth * with threshold and set hdr.ipv4.ecn to 3 if larger */ } } ● Before 51 75

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Implement ECN (Cont’d) ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution control MyEgress(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta, inout standard_metadata_t standard_metadata) { action mark_ecn() { hdr.ipv4.ecn = 3; } apply { if (hdr.ipv4.ecn == 1 || hdr.ipv4.ecn == 2){ if (standard_metadata.enq_qdepth >= ECN_THRESHOLD){ mark_ecn(); } } } } ● After 76

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Implement ECN (Cont’d) ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution control MyComputeChecksum(inout headers hdr, inout metadata meta) { apply { /* TODO: replace tos with diffserve and ecn */ update_checksum( hdr.ipv4.isValid(), { hdr.ipv4.version, hdr.ipv4.ihl, hdr.ipv4.tos, hdr.ipv4.totalLen, hdr.ipv4.identification, hdr.ipv4.flags, hdr.ipv4.fragOffset, hdr.ipv4.ttl, hdr.ipv4.protocol, hdr.ipv4.srcAddr, hdr.ipv4.dstAddr }, hdr.ipv4.hdrChecksum, HashAlgorithm.csum16); } } ● Before hdr.ipv4.diffserv, hdr.ipv4.ecn, ● After 77

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Run the solution ● Follow the instructions from Step 1. ● On h2 run $ ./ > h2.log ● $ grep tos h2.log ● What is ECN ● Before Hands-on ○ Obtaining software ○ Get code ● Steps ○ Run starter code ○ Implement ○ Run solution tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x3 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 tos = 0x1 78

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 79

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● Applications of P4 ○ Layer 4 Load Balancer – SilkRoad[1] ○ Low Latency Congestion Control – NDP[2] ○ Fast In-Network cache for key-value stores – NetCache[3] ○ In-band Network Telemetry – INT[4] ○ Consensus at network speed – NetPaxos[5] ○ ... and much more [1] Miao, Rui, et al. "SilkRoad: Making Stateful Layer-4 Load Balancing Fast and Cheap Using Switching ASICs." SIGCOMM, 2017. [2] Handley, Mark, et al. "Re-architecting datacenter networks and stacks for low latency and high performance.” SIGCOMM, 2017. [3] Xin Jin et al. “NetCache: Balancing Key-Value Stores with Fast In-Network Caching.” To appear at SOSP 2017 [4] Kim, Changhoon, et al. "In-band network telemetry via programmable dataplanes.” SIGCOMM. 2015. [5] Dang, Huynh Tu, et al. "NetPaxos: Consensus at network speed.” SIGCOMM, 2015 What can you do with P4? 80

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What can you do with P4? (Cont’d) ● In-band Network Telemetry (INT) ○ A framework ○ Designed to allow the collection and reporting of network state, by the data plane ○ Without requiring intervention or work by the control plane ○ Spec: 81

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 82

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Conclusion ● Introduce P4, its concepts, languages & some applications ● With P4, SDN programmers can design these goals ○ Can keep the new ideas secret ■ Don’t have to let switch chip vendor know ○ Unique features in every network 83

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● What is P4 ● Why P4 ● Membership ● Key Components of P4 ● P4 16 Language ● Explain Basic Forwarding P4 code ● P4 Tools & Environments ● Hands-On ● What can you do with P4? ● Conclusion ● Additional Outline 84

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Additional ● Clarifying the differences between P4 and OpenFlow: ml ● P416 Portable Switch Architecture (PSA) Draft: ● Protocol Independent Switch Architecture (PISA): && f && ammable-networks/ ● Programming the Forwarding Plane: iew%202016.pdf 85

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Thanks for your attention! Q & A If it any unreasonable point, please let me know and accept my sincere apology. Thank you. ● GitHub: @sufuf3 ● Twitter: @sufuf3149 Facebook: SDNDS.TW